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Chokered Sets Carry Over To Mms?


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I am still having an extremely hard time figuring out how you gentlemen are working your MM set with the positioning. I am making a lot of progress on my No-set closes and on my chokered sets.

A question for those who use both chokers and a lot of MM sets--How much carry over have you noted in your training on closes? Assuming the choker is slightly past your typical set, are you still seeing good carry over? I imagine the MM set is still tougher because your using energy to hold it shut before you begin your crush.

I still suck getting it set MMS, it just does not feel right, as if the gripper is sitting too high or twisted too much in the hand.

thanks for your ideas in advance

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recently i spent several months doing nothing but choker work. I just took the chokers off and my MMS has fallen to pieces. I'm not sure if it's the set or a weak sweep. While in the chokers I had gained a great deal of strength, without I'm not even where I was at the end of summer. It seems like when I set I don't put the gripper far enought forward, or I have trouble keeping it there. i think that your plan of using no sets and mms will bring up the sweep and the set.

I pm'd josh dale about this and he suggested watching some video to make sure I'm doing the set the best way possible. It's possible that you just need to practice the set to make yourself more efficient at it. He also suggested setting a gripper that's way too big for you to close, ie. a #4 or something like that. I know that Teemu has used that at times to improve his MMS closes.

whatever, you'll figure it out and blow through some huge grippers in no time. when you figure it out please let me know what worked for you. right now I'm trying the practice and train until it gets better routine. I think it might just be some hard work to figure out the set better.


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Just keep practicing holding the "dogleg" in the crease of your palm and not letting it slide down in your palm - if you can manage this, your gripper closes will look more like your choked closes. The more you practice it, the more comfortable it will feel. When I first started practicing my set (March/April) it felt real akward to me, but I stuck w/it and it started feeling alot better - I think Eaton made a video on how to set - check it out

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guess I relly didn't answer your question after I read my reply ............ Choker closes carry over to me being able to crush bigger grippers, but they need to be trained seperately. You need to train your set and train choked closes. If you already have a good set and can't squeeze out the last 1/8" then work chokers, then when you start picking up some tougher grippers and can set them, but can close them in a choker, you need to start working your set - make sense?

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Do you "walk" your set in for MMS? That tends to mess my set up. If so, try setting it like this,


...using pretty much only your index finger to set the gripper, keeping your closing fingers open until you've set it to where you want.

Edited by Magnus
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To all who replyed

Very consistant answer-- the chokers help, but also make your set fall apart.

Another question-this is more gee wizz--What difference in strength do you see in terms of what you can close in a choker vs. what you can set?

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I have been training grippers for the first time in a long time recently, and have been doing nearly all of it w/o chokers. I preferred doing it this way because my set stinks, and I wanted to practice it. The result? I missed a 168# 3.5 at gripmas by a hair, and easily shut a 163.8(I think?) gripper. Both of these were choked. My set has improved by leaps and bounds, and I can come about 1/8'' from closing a filed #3 w/ a mms. I found that all the setting really helped me manhandle the gripper to a place where it feels right in your hand. :cool

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I can close a slightly bigger gripper in a choker. The choker helps train the last part of the close after the set is mastered on a certain gripper. Very few people close the same gripper with or without a choker. I think Aaron can come pretty close.

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I don't do choker work, so I can't comment specifically on that, but after watching the vid a few things came to mind.

The handle in your palm is too far towards your thumb which must be fine for choker closes, but you lose leverage when doing MMS. I would think by having it higher like that when doing choker work that it's become the "groove" for you and you set the same way when doing MMS work.

You need to get the handle as close to the base of the fingers as possible when setting it as it'll slide back some anyway, but then you should be able to apply even torque to close it. Also bring your thumb forward as the pad will help to hold the handle in place.

Practice with a lighter gripper that you can get several reps with. Note exactly where it's at in your hand compared to the crease and how far from the side of your hand the bottom of the handle is. If need be draw on your hand with a pen or marker, so you know exactly where it needs to go.

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To all who replyed

Very consistant answer-- the chokers help, but also make your set fall apart.

Another question-this is more gee wizz--What difference in strength do you see in terms of what you can close in a choker vs. what you can set?

although limited, my choker experience echoes everything that has been said in this thread so far, I managed a 20mm choked #3 close (once) and when I took a shot at my #2.5 without the choker, I was horrid at setting it.

It took me about 3 weeks (about 9 gripper sessions) from when I closed the choked #3 to when I managed my first mms on the #2.5, so I'd say I lost over a half level on the CoC scale from choked to mms accounting for improvements in technique.

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at gripmas I closed a 175# choked gripper. I think it was an SE. recently, unless it's at the front of my workout I can't even get my easier 3 which I would guess is 145+. but, I haven't practiced my set in quite a while and it sucked beforehand anyway.

To all who replyed

Very consistant answer-- the chokers help, but also make your set fall apart.

Another question-this is more gee wizz--What difference in strength do you see in terms of what you can close in a choker vs. what you can set?

Edited by barbe705
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To all who replyed

Very consistant answer-- the chokers help, but also make your set fall apart.

Another question-this is more gee wizz--What difference in strength do you see in terms of what you can close in a choker vs. what you can set?

For me, a lot!

Prob. means my set tech. is somewhat lacking.

I got a choked close on the #3 a long time, nigh on a year, before I could set close it with any sort of conviction.

I'd guess around 110-120% of my MMS close. :)

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Doing choked closes helped me finally close the #2.5 and BBSM because I could work on the part of the close that I was weakest at (the last 1/8"). For my workouts I would do my regular closes on a gripper I could close and I finish the workout with the choked closes.

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