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Inch Dumbell Difficulty


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Right am I right thinking that lifting the Inch dumbell ie 172 pounds is a really good grip feat ?

how about lifting it then pressing it up. As I dont have an inch but I made myself a thick bar thing that is 2 and half inchs thick and I threaded some rope through it and attached it to 170 pounds, and I could lift it with my right and im extremely close with my right (my thick handle also rotates like a rolling thunder but not smooth becasue its rope going through it)

Plus I got a 120 pound dumbell 1inch handle and I can press that up reletivly easy.

So my question is this. where or when can I get certified on the inch. (ie give a real inch ago) ?

2 if i manage to lift and press the inch dumbell before im 18 will i be the youngest ?


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Right am I right thinking that lifting the Inch dumbell ie 172 pounds is a really good grip feat ?

how about lifting it then pressing it up. As I dont have an inch but I made myself a thick bar thing that is 2 and half inchs thick and I threaded some rope through it and attached it to 170 pounds, and I could lift it with my right and im extremely close with my right (my thick handle also rotates like a rolling thunder but not smooth becasue its rope going through it)

Plus I got a 120 pound dumbell 1inch handle and I can press that up reletivly easy.

So my question is this. where or when can I get certified on the inch. (ie give a real inch ago) ?

2 if i manage to lift and press the inch dumbell before im 18 will i be the youngest ?


If you press it before your 18th, I'm reasonably sure you'd be the youngest. The Inch lift isn't just a really good grip feat, it's world class. There are plenty of guys who can get 170+ on the Rolling Thunder who also cannot lift the Inch. I hear that it takes a 220+ RT pull AND working with heavy thick-handled DB's to lift the Inch or better. To press it though, you can just train pressing :)

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A full deadlift with the Inch is a fantastic level of grip strength, no matter how old you are. Look into the History of the Inch and you'll see what I mean.

However, a clean with the Inch is a totally different thing, the acceleration reqiured for the clean would put a massive amount of strain on your grip - then you have to do a "dynamic" curl with 172lbs (with 1 hand), and then you have to turn the Dumbbell over - probably the hardest part of the clean.

I got my first Inch replica in August 2006, and I could high pull it to eye level within 1 week - it took me well over a year from that date to be able to turn it over and fix it at the shoulder - fixing it at the shoulder is tough.

I think that you have to be strong to press the Inch - I doubt that there are many in the world who could do a strict press with the Inch - a push press would be easier, and a jerk easier again - but then you would need to be push pressing or power jerking well over 330lbs in my opinion to stand a chance.

I wish you the best of luck with you idea - you will have my greatest respect if you can do it - you have my respect for even contemplating it.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the famous "spin" - that is probably the hardest thing to overcome - because if you can't control the spin - it ain't going to leave the ground.

That, I think, will give you some answers to your questions,

Train hard,


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A full deadlift with the Inch is a fantastic level of grip strength, no matter how old you are. Look into the History of the Inch and you'll see what I mean.

However, a clean with the Inch is a totally different thing, the acceleration reqiured for the clean would put a massive amount of strain on your grip - then you have to do a "dynamic" curl with 172lbs (with 1 hand), and then you have to turn the Dumbbell over - probably the hardest part of the clean.

I got my first Inch replica in August 2006, and I could high pull it to eye level within 1 week - it took me well over a year from that date to be able to turn it over and fix it at the shoulder - fixing it at the shoulder is tough.

I think that you have to be strong to press the Inch - I doubt that there are many in the world who could do a strict press with the Inch - a push press would be easier, and a jerk easier again - but then you would need to be push pressing or power jerking well over 330lbs in my opinion to stand a chance.

I wish you the best of luck with you idea - you will have my greatest respect if you can do it - you have my respect for even contemplating it.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the famous "spin" - that is probably the hardest thing to overcome - because if you can't control the spin - it ain't going to leave the ground.

That, I think, will give you some answers to your questions,

Train hard,


Thankyou very much for such a great post I have 8 months to train for the inch i have a handle i made the same thickness of the inch and i will also be purchusing a rolling thunder.

I will make this goal


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Right am I right thinking that lifting the Inch dumbell ie 172 pounds is a really good grip feat ?

how about lifting it then pressing it up. As I dont have an inch but I made myself a thick bar thing that is 2 and half inchs thick and I threaded some rope through it and attached it to 170 pounds, and I could lift it with my right and im extremely close with my right (my thick handle also rotates like a rolling thunder but not smooth becasue its rope going through it)

Plus I got a 120 pound dumbell 1inch handle and I can press that up reletivly easy.

So my question is this. where or when can I get certified on the inch. (ie give a real inch ago) ?

2 if i manage to lift and press the inch dumbell before im 18 will i be the youngest ?


No offense Rick, but I'd like to see more proof on your statements.

In your signature you say you've been working grip 1 month now, and already closed the #3???

And that at 17 years old?

Highly unlikely, but ok with proof I'll bite.

Now you're telling people you think you are close to lifting an inch dumbbell, and also easily pressing a 120lbs dumbbell?

Those are pretty big feats you are tossing around.

Yet in another thread you are happy you can one hand deadlift 80kg??

This just doesn't make any sense at all. one hand deadlifting 80kg is much much easier then lifting the 78kg inch dumbbell!

I'm hoping you are making honest mistakes here, if your not, but simply telling things which are not true, then please consider that it's your butt on the line here.

If you are able to do all of this, then please make some videos to prove it. I'd like to see I'm wrong here, and if I am, then I will apologize, but for now, I'm sorry, but I just don't believe your statements ;)

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Im uploading a 120 pound or 55 kg clean and press I think its called.

It will be ready in a 10 minutes or less I will go into my gym and take a video of me lifting as much as I can on my thick handle.

2. I cant close the #3 nor have I said i can. It isnt on my goal list because to many people can do it. So i want to be able to atleast do the 3.5 for an achievement.

3. Im really looking foward to coming to your grip meet. could i have your post code or address so i can give it to my parents ? ( ie so i can get down lol) also what time will it start and when does it finish?

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TBH when I first looked at Rick's list I thought it had a CoC 3 crossed out. 'course it could have been an optical illusion, or the lad could have altered it :D Either way he's made it clear he's not claiming the #3 as a close, so it's all good.

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Here is the 55kg / 121lbs should press thingy


I went downstairs and filmed a 130 Lbs lift on a 6cm thick handle and also a 140 on my weaker left hand. My right is tired from my one arm pull up training (no I cant do one yet) (i do do negetives)

Here is 2 videos i just made for you not 170 i dont think i could today ( already done some training)

But I got 130lbs and also 140lbs on a 6cm thick handle (it also rotates rope goes through so it does twist out of my fingers)

130lbs http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgKg7uhstY

140lbs http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZPUhOjtzz4

Edited by tricker383
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That looks like basically a homemade rolling thunder setup. That implement with 170lbs isn't going to translate to an Inch Dumbbell lift. You'd need to be lifting a significant amount more weight on that setup to have a chance on an Inch DB. Maybe 50+ pounds even.

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That looks like basically a homemade rolling thunder setup. That implement with 170lbs isn't going to translate to an Inch Dumbbell lift. You'd need to be lifting a significant amount more weight on that setup to have a chance on an Inch DB. Maybe 50+ pounds even.

Oh okay how would I make a inch training device would I have to have a real thick handled barbell and load it with weights so it was one thing so the plates didnt turn.?

If so I will buy a thick handled dumbell from ironmind :)

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Im uploading a 120 pound or 55 kg clean and press I think its called.

It will be ready in a 10 minutes or less I will go into my gym and take a video of me lifting as much as I can on my thick handle.

2. I cant close the #3 nor have I said i can. It isnt on my goal list because to many people can do it. So i want to be able to atleast do the 3.5 for an achievement.

3. Im really looking foward to coming to your grip meet. could i have your post code or address so i can give it to my parents ? ( ie so i can get down lol) also what time will it start and when does it finish?

Here is the 55kg / 121lbs should press thingy


I went downstairs and filmed a 130 Lbs lift on a 6cm thick handle and also a 140 on my weaker left hand. My right is tired from my one arm pull up training (no I cant do one yet) (i do do negetives)

Here is 2 videos i just made for you not 170 i dont think i could today ( already done some training)

But I got 130lbs and also 140lbs on a 6cm thick handle (it also rotates rope goes through so it does twist out of my fingers)

130lbs http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgKg7uhstY

140lbs http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZPUhOjtzz4

I'm glad to see you made videos of your feats, that at least gives you the benefit of my doubt.

But still some comments:

1. You had COC 3 in your signature, I even copied and pasted it into notepad to be sure I wasn't reading it wrong.

This could be an honest mistake, but you also did the same with the "100kg one hand deadlift" which eventually turned out to be 80kg.

It would be very unfortunate for you to make such a mistake twice, but ok, in theory it's still possible...

2. your dumbbell is probably 2kg, so total weight of 52kg. Nevertheless a nice weight to clean and press, but you pressed it exactly as I would have expected, by using leg drive.

3. There is no way on earth your "thick bar dumbbell" is comparable to the inch dumbbell.

Because of the rope and the weight hanging below the handle does not spin at all.

I made a "similar dumbbell" when I just started grip training and easily lifted 100kg+ on it, but I'm still unable to lift the inch, while I got a lot stronger since then.

So my suggestion to you is to be very cautious with your mistakes about feats like the COC 3 in your sig, or the 100kg deadlift. It will only cause disbelieve on this board, even when you are showing a video for proof. ;)

Take care and train hard!

- Mark


Edited by White Scorpion
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I cant close the #3 nor have I said i can. It isnt on my goal list because to many people can do it. So i want to be able to atleast do the 3.5 for an achievement.

what do you mean by that? do you mean you won't get cert'd or do you mean you're not even going to try to close the #3? cuz if it's the 2nd, i wouldn't recommend it. that's a really strong gripper, and +200 people in the world can close it, i don't think it's too much.

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Thanks mark I will be more carefull you know Its easy to make a mistake.

Also thankyou for the info on the inch and what My videos equat to as you can tell im extremly new to grip and lifting and I wasnt aware of little diffrences that make big effects.

I will train hard on my crap rolling thunder till my one arrives and i will also buy a thick handled dumbell to specificly train for the inch.

Thankyou for being patient and tollernt of my mistakes. I will not make any more. :)

If im able to lift 180lbs on a thick handled dumbell and clean and press it (even with "leg drive") Would that be equal or would that be nearly a garrenty on doing the same to the inch ?

I will train hard and lift heavy :)



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I Have a CoC 3 on the way (just waiting till the 5th to arrive i think or they send it on the 5th im not sure) im just not going to put it in my achievements on my list thing when i am able to close it. Not sure why i wont be certified on it either i would prefure to be ( when im strong enough) to get certified on the 3.5 as it seems rediculas and awesomely hard :) (I already have a 3.5 and I can get it too about 3/4 inch or parrelell.

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If im able to lift 180lbs on a thick handled dumbell and clean and press it (even with "leg drive") Would that be equal or would that be nearly a garrenty on doing the same to the inch ?

I will train hard and lift heavy :)



i'm pretty sure nothing is the same as lifting the inch except the inch. if you can get a solid one piece dumbell with a thick handle as the inch then you will see a difference.

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okay thanks well i will train with what ive got and hopefully before im 18 i will be able to lift the inch and get it above my head :)

Hard but the impossible is always possible :)


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I Have a CoC 3 on the way (just waiting till the 5th to arrive i think or they send it on the 5th im not sure) im just not going to put it in my achievements on my list thing when i am able to close it. Not sure why i wont be certified on it either i would prefure to be ( when im strong enough) to get certified on the 3.5 as it seems rediculas and awesomely hard :) (I already have a 3.5 and I can get it too about 3/4 inch or parrelell.

So your skipping the coc #3 gripper and not putting it on your goal list, because its "too easy" and your going to just skip the certification and just certify on the 3.5? im not trying to be mean, but i really see that comment as rude. Theres alot of people on here working towards the coc #3 as their goal, me being one of them. it seems what your trying to say by the above comment is that the certification list for the #3 is not worthy enough to have your name on it, and that your way above that strength level. I do always get a kick out of reading things like that though. When i brouse through real old posts on the board, i have seen many people say things like that, ill be certified on the #3 by 2 days or in a month because im super strong, some are dont get me wrong. (these are posts dated back in 2004 or before) But when i see there name in the signature line and copy it to the certification list on the ironmind website, 9 out of 10 times there name isnt on there.

Also there's only 1 person right now who is certified for the 3.5. not trying to burst your bubble, Im sure you can do them if you put your mind to it and do alot of work, but my point is theres nothing wrong with certifying on the #3 as it IS a good goal. Its good that your goals are high, you need to strive to be the best. Remeber all the number 4 closers and number 3.5 closer are certified on the 3.

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I swear Im not trying to be rude or disrespect anyone I know personally a CoC #3 Is one of the most wanted grip strength feats, and I totally agree it would be awsome to be able to close it even once. But my goal isnt to do it because its to easy. I want to aim for something higher than the CoC#3 almost as an insentive because as when im finally able to close the 3 I will know its not impossible, Its god dam possible and I will do better. So If I aim for the 3.5 I Know i will deffinatly get the #3

Yes I am very aware of the difficulty of closing the CoC #3 let alone the 3.5, but I want to have the strongest grip known. I dont want to aim forsome thing when i can aim for higher than that.

I really dont want to come off a bad person, and I really dont want to offend anyone. Im just a kid with a dream and me not putting it on my achievements when im able to do it shouldnt hurt anyone.

So im sorry if It offends anyone



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I have to disagree pal.

I closed a super elite in a tournament and was about a dimes width from a 4 at the same tournament , as well as repping 3s very easily........I'm not certified for any of them.............but I have done it in person amongst some of the most respected people on this board..........it don't mean I can't do it just because I never certified.

Oh, I have closed a 4, and it was harder than some of the 4s I have felt people certify with.

Edited by monkeypaws
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I swear Im not trying to be rude or disrespect anyone I know personally a CoC #3 Is one of the most wanted grip strength feats, and I totally agree it would be awsome to be able to close it even once. But my goal isnt to do it because its to easy. I want to aim for something higher than the CoC#3 almost as an insentive because as when im finally able to close the 3 I will know its not impossible, Its god dam possible and I will do better. So If I aim for the 3.5 I Know i will deffinatly get the #3

Yes I am very aware of the difficulty of closing the CoC #3 let alone the 3.5, but I want to have the strongest grip known. I dont want to aim forsome thing when i can aim for higher than that.

I really dont want to come off a bad person, and I really dont want to offend anyone. Im just a kid with a dream and me not putting it on my achievements when im able to do it shouldnt hurt anyone.

So im sorry if It offends anyone



Ah i see what you mean, my apologies. Like i said its good to dream big. We all have big dreams and things we want to strive for. :) Im still thinking your going to end up certifying on the 3 though :D. Sort of as a pat on the back on your journey to close the 3.5. Your going to want all the mini rewards you can get along the way. Its a loong road. The certification for the number 3 will also help you alot when you certify on the 3.5 because you will know how the whole thing works, how much rest you need, the pressure. etc etc. (dont know this personally but im just assuming :laugh ) wish you success on your goals :cool

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Knowing me I will be so excited when I close the 3 that I will try to get certified fast as possible and you and others will be laughing at me. But im just a kid and its fun to dream BIIIIGGGGGGG



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I have to disagree pal.

I closed a super elite in a tournament and was about a dimes width from a 4 at the same tournament , as well as repping 3s very easily........I'm not certified for any of them.............but I have done it in person amongst some of the most respected people on this board..........it don't mean I can't do it just because I never certified.

Oh, I have closed a 4, and it was harder than some of the 4s I have felt people certify with.

If your refering to the comment i made about people who posted that they would certify but never did. I was not talking about people like yourself. I know your strength level and others on the board who are top grip athletes I was talking about the people who are no longer active in the board and have stopped training grip.I also know that there are people who are capable of certifying but chose not to. I was merely trying to point out that many people have said they would do it but could not, and it is a worthy goal to strive for.

Edited by adam baghbanbashi
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I swear Im not trying to be rude or disrespect anyone I know personally a CoC #3 Is one of the most wanted grip strength feats, and I totally agree it would be awsome to be able to close it even once. But my goal isnt to do it because its to easy. I want to aim for something higher than the CoC#3 almost as an insentive because as when im finally able to close the 3 I will know its not impossible, Its god dam possible and I will do better. So If I aim for the 3.5 I Know i will deffinatly get the #3

Yes I am very aware of the difficulty of closing the CoC #3 let alone the 3.5, but I want to have the strongest grip known. I dont want to aim forsome thing when i can aim for higher than that.

I really dont want to come off a bad person, and I really dont want to offend anyone. Im just a kid with a dream and me not putting it on my achievements when im able to do it shouldnt hurt anyone.

So im sorry if It offends anyone



i don't think that is necessarily true though. i didn't even think i would close a #1. then i closed it. didn't think i'd do a #2 then i did it. people laughed at me, some of them my own family when i said i will try the #3, and what happens? i close it too! lol!

it's great to have high goals like this, but sometimes if you fail it will bring you more down then it will bring you up. if that makes sense.

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