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Youngest For These Feats?

Bill Piche

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Here's some questions?

Who is the youngest to get air on the Inch Dumbbell?

To Pinch 2 45's?

To Pinch 5 10's or 6 10's?

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Richard had this kid lifting the inch and even on film


17y/o.. If thats not the youngest its close. What an animal.

I dont know who is the youngest for inch but I can lift 5 dimes and im ridiculasly close to 6 dimes Ie i can get it off the ground but not to full deadlift and im 17

Would I be one of the youngest? not a problem if i'm not. but it would be quite cool :)

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I did 5-10s a few months ago...but I'm guessing that Jamal is the youngest on the inch, and Wes has everything else covered ;)

Edited by Magnus
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I dont know who is the youngest for inch but I can lift 5 dimes and im ridiculasly close to 6 dimes Ie i can get it off the ground but not to full deadlift and im 17

Would I be one of the youngest? not a problem if i'm not. but it would be quite cool :)

At my comp you can do 6 dimes AND the Inch, and we'll get it all on film.

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I'm the youngest to get air on the Inch, 16, but I'm not even close to a full pull yet. I think I'm the youngest on 5-10s as well.

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I'm the youngest to get air on the Inch, 16, but I'm not even close to a full pull yet. I think I'm the youngest on 5-10s as well.

Pffff, show-off :D;) JK

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I could do 5-10's as a freshman in Hs.. Pre gripboard days. Did 45's a couple of times at 18.

Yea I figured you pulled the 45's. What have you done with the inch? Your RT's high enough that you could toy with it, but did you ever give one a try?

Gave Tommy's a try years ago.. Couldn't do jack with it. I was doing less than 200 on the RT at the time IIRC. Never had a chance recently

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A big factor on the age with an inch--they are so hard to find. I would like to take an inch around to some high schools and give people a shot. You never know who you would run in to. The low number of inch lifters has a lot to do with the low number of inchs' to lift. If it was amore common piece of equipment there would be MANY more people lifting it. For everyone here who tried and failed on an inch--How many times did you get to train with one? Its like anything else-if someone has never closed a big gripper, bend steel, squated the right way, thrown a shotput-yeah they will suck at it. Everyone knows someone who can bench press 450-500 range, there was a time that was a huge deal (in my opinion it still is) now adays with advanced training, suits, all the other stuff every gym in America has some guy or guys who are hitting over 450-500lbs.

Derek is a fine example-given the right motivation to start and mentorship people will accomplish great things, age is not the driving factor.

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My guess would be Richard Sorin on the 45's considering he could do 35's at age 12 :blink

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My guess would be Richard Sorin on the 45's considering he could do 35's at age 12 :blink

Now THAT'S gotta be a record.

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