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1st Edgin And Mag Bastard Go Down!


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1 - 6.5" Triangle Edgin (PR Bend)

1 - 5" Magnificent Bastard (PR Bend)

Well I finally went after my first Edgin tonight. I decided to skip bending a 7" Edgin and went ahead and cut it down to 6.5". It was one of the triangle Edgins that I got from FBBC. I guess it took me just under 5 minutes to complete. It would have been faster but I was having flexibility issues and had trouble getting the bar into position. The kink on this thing was quite easy, but it got kinda nasty towards the crush. But all in all a pretty easy bend.

I moved onto a 5" Mag Bastard which really gave me a tough time. The kink was easy enough, and the crush I had handled... But the area in between was killer. It was considerably more difficult that the 5" Red I had bent, and I think even harder than the 4.5" Red I bent. I think I may need to work some volume with 5" and 4.5" Grade 8s. My hands just seem to keep getting in the way with this short crap.

I think for my next session I will go for a 6" Edgin and hopefully some of my FBBC Stainless if it has arrived.. We shall see.....

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You're going to be in the middle of the Top 20 lists with bends like those (once you get them on video)...another bending freak has emerged. :blink Congrats! :rock

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Incredible man.

I know what you mean about the middle part (sweep) of the bend being the toughest. It's the reason I can't bend hardly anything shorter than 6"

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Your really flying up the bending ladders!!!

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You're going to be in the middle of the Top 20 lists with bends like those (once you get them on video)...another bending freak has emerged. :blink Congrats! :rock

Thanks gumpster. I didn't get video because I honestly thought it would take much longer than 5 minutes to complete. I was kinda surprised by how easy the Edgin was to bend. Next session I will get an Edgin video to post up, probably a 6" inch version.

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GREAT bending man :rock:bow. Cut one of the shinys down to 6" and kill one. The 7", and 6.5" will be a joke :rock

I am definitely looking forward to working on the Shinys. I hope they will be here this week from FBBC. I went to Fastenal, but all they had in stock was 304 stainless. But they do have some 303 stainless coming in tomorrow supposedly that I am going to pick up.

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Awesome bending there man! Glad to hear it. I always get a kick out of the freakshows (meant in a good way) coming on the scene and stretching the boundaries of what most of us think is possible.

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Awesome bending there man! Glad to hear it. I always get a kick out of the freakshows (meant in a good way) coming on the scene and stretching the boundaries of what most of us think is possible.

Thanks. I must admit I quite look forward to seeing my name on the lists soon. :cool

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