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I just read an article by Pavel and he recomends finger rolls in a power rack, where you unroll your fingers and roll them back up with just the fingers and not flexing the wrists. The russians favored this movement and would work up to 150% bwt. Would these be any good as an assistance move for the Ironmind Coc's? And are they good in general for hand strength? Im looking or an edge and some ideas for closing the number 3. Thanks in advance for your help. God Bless-Austin

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I'm not sure what those finger rolls are. As far as an edge for closing #3, why don't you tell everyone some important information they might need to help.

  1.  Do you own any Iron Mind Grippers. If so, which ones.

  2.  Which gripper are you able to close now?

  3.  What does your training routine look like.  :)

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Thanks for the response. I just got the trainer,1,2. and just ordered the 3 and 4. I am new to grip training. I am also a powerlifter but while still training everything would like to focus on my grip and forearms. I also use thick bars 2" and 2 1/2 bars for bicep and pressing work. My current level of strength is that I got the number 2 to barely touch on my first day with the grippers but I couldnt hold it.

I would love to focus on crushing power while also building up my forearms. Any Ideas? Im really new to grip work so any adivice would be appreciated! Thanks

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Well, Austinslater, you will probably receive different ideas on how many days to train. Do you know how to go back and read all the old posts? If so, I strongly suggest you read all the boards old post.

Some will say light training everyday, some will say full workouts 2-3 times per week. You will have to adopt a training program and see how you adapt to it. Stick with one program for a few weeks or so and see if you are making any gains. If not change it up.

    As far as gripper work, you can do a few different things. Since you can almost close #2, some will say to do some work with the #3. (example would be doing negatives with the #3). Do a search to learn what these are. You can also do overcrushes with the #1.(example would be to close as hard as possible til the handles grind and hold for a few seconds). You can do strapholds with the trainers or #1. Tie some weight to a string, and put the other end in between the handles and close. There is an article written in the FAQ board. Look at all posts from the beginning to read all the old ones. You will have to experiment with sets and reps to suit yourself.

  For forearms you can do the classic wrist-roller. A bar with cord or string tied to it, and weight tied to other end. Hold out at about shoulder level in front of you and wind up and down. You can also work with the leverage bar for wrists and forearms. Do you have John Brookfield's Mastery of Hand Strength from Iron Mind? If not, ORDER IT NOW.

  Hope all this helps. Re-read all the old posts. I think the Grip Board alone has around 80 pages.

  Good Luck. :D

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everything grippinater said!!!

i think if those finger things where anygood,..you would here about them on here. there is NO  grip training that gets past here! if it works, it will be on here. as far as my knowledge goes, there is NOTHING better for closing the #3 that a #3!!  :D  you think the #2 is tuff? haaahaaa you will love it when that #3 comes in the mail!   train hard friend

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