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Lighter Blobs Discontinued @ Powersystems


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I just heard due to the overseas shipping problems with China Powersystems will discontinue Blobs. They from what I gather have them on sale for a drastic reduced price. Might be an opportunity for some of you out there. RS

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... from what I gather have them on sale for a drastic reduced price. Might be an opportunity for some of you out there.

Richard - quit being a tease and tell us how we can get our hands (?) on those bargin blobs!!! ;):laugh

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ok here is an idea what if you took two 25lb blobs and threded them together end to end to make a 50 are they two wide to grip any ideas on that

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ok here is an idea what if you took two 25lb blobs and threded them together end to end to make a 50 are they two wide to grip any ideas on that

Richard had a similar idea but not threading them together. He began doing lifts of two blobs pinched together, with his index finger in between if I remember correctly. He did up to 2-20s, but if he can't do 2-25s I doubt too many people could.

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wow 95 for shipping when flat rate should be no more than 10$ maybe thats how they make their money??

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Where can you find blob50's, 45's, etc?

Blob50 from GordonV (send him a pm to see if he still has any). The others you just need to get lucky and find one here or eBay. There os a 42.5 listed here http://cgi.ebay.com/York-Barbell-Blob_W0QQ...:0|293:1|294:50

Edited by vikingsrule92
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