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Huge Pr For Me!


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Was feeling really good today guys. I have been traing on my grip stuff really hard as of late. As I am trying to get certified for the RED and the #3 by my birthday on June 6th!! I feel I am making some nice progress. As I hit a 5/16x5 Grade 2 bolt today and it went better than I expected! It got kinda stuck at around the halfway mark, but after a bit of perceverance(spellcheck) I got it in under 2 mins! Which I thought is great for me!! BTW the only pads I have are some cut up blue jeans which are 13" long by 8" wide, it hurt like hell, but I figure its toughing up my hands lol! My ironmind pads and 25 reds should be here in 2 days and I cant wait to give em a go!!! Here is a Pic.!!


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Nice bending. :rock Keep working hard and I'm sure you'll get the red and #3 by your birthday.

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Nice! I'd say the red isn't far off. In fact I'd bet you could get it if you tried leather wraps.

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like Matt said, the red should be real close. It should also be alot easier for you once you get some proper wraps. Great job man :rock.

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Well, if you're just getting IM pads, they are still going to be pretty painful to bend with.

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Well, if you're just getting IM pads, they are still going to be pretty painful to bend with.

I have had them in the past. Just not now. Which is why I started using the blue jeans instead of leather just to help get my hands used to what the IMPs will feel like. Its just the jeans start tearing apart and not offing much protection, I have a pretty good pain tollerance, but the Leather ones do make it nice!!

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Well, if you're just getting IM pads, they are still going to be pretty painful to bend with.

I have had them in the past. Just not now. Which is why I started using the blue jeans instead of leather just to help get my hands used to what the IMPs will feel like. Its just the jeans start tearing apart and not offing much protection, I have a pretty good pain tollerance, but the Leather ones do make it nice!!

Once you have nailed the 6x5/16 grade 2, on to square, 7" will prepare you for longer stuff while especially 6" square will make your sweep and crush a lot stronger :)

Keep at it!

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