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Definitely Disappointed


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For those of you who have been following my progress as of late, you may know that today(12/15/2008) was supposed to be my official Ironmind red nail certification. I was very psyched the past few days and was looking forward to completing the bend under official settings. To make a long story short(I still don't know exactly what happened), I showed up and the judge didn't :( I waited about 1 1/2 hours then figured since I am already there, I might as well video the World's first "Official Unofficial" Ironmind Red Nail certification. You can see my general enthusiasm on the video ;) I honestly don't think I can be bothered to reschedule the certification. It's really not a challenge at all anymore and the novelty has worn thin. I'll think about it but anyway here is the video:


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Man I'm sorry to hear that your cert did not work out. But hey, your too strong to be playing with red nails anyway. Good job bro...

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Congrats to your "first unofficial official iromind red nail certification bend"

But really Carl, that sucks. :(

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Tough break Carl,

But atleast you have it in you if you ever want to try again bro. Nice vid too, looked easy for ya.

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Not very cool man, on the bright side the bend looked pretty easy though. :D

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Man, that's too bad. I guess I'd be pretty unhappy in your place.

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On the bright side ..... your video was funnier than hell as a result :laugh

your certified in my book - good job Carl

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On the bright side ..... your video was funnier than hell as a result :laugh

your certified in my book - good job Carl

Thanks Paul :D I didn't mean to come off as sarcastic as I did in the video, but I guess I was looking forward to the certification at the time :) Anyway. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Edited by naturalstrength
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That sucks about the judge not showing. Wasn't "OldGuy" from here supposed to be your judge? Maybe something happened preventing him from making it (hopefully nothing bad). Anyway, you showed you have what it takes to be certified and it was entertaining. ;)

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Great Vid! Loved the over the shoulder tossing.

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Nice vid!! :D :D Easy bend for you Carl, but I hate that you got stood up :dry . All I can say is since you waited for 1 1/2 hours, there better be a REAL good reason for that judge to have not shown up. That's just rude and unacceptable in my eyes. If you ever do decide to cert again(and I don't blame you if you don't), the judge should come to your house and meet you!! :cool:D

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Nice easy Bend Man!!! IMO, you should not jump to conclusions about your Judge. He or a family member could be in real hurts. Find out what is up. Good luck and Congrats on being the 1st official unofficial Red Nail Bender :calm:)

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Cool (not)cert, cooler vid
Loved the over the shoulder tossing.
:blink That phrase has a WHOLE different meaning over here! :cool:laugh

haha, as in "salad tossing" haha - your into that kinda stuff John? :laugh

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i understand your state of mind Carl, stay calm.

i think ironmind should say something to u not the judge.

any news??

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Mate just bend 4 yourself thats all that really matters anyway as long as you know your preogressing and are happy with it thats it nice bending.

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