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Gym Work To Help Coc


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Hey guys! Great to see the board is running stronger than ever! I haven't posted in quite a while or even browsed, as I went through a big move and am now finally settled!

I'm dead set on working up to closing my COC #3 as my main goal right now, and was wondering what can I do in the gym

along with my lifting that will help my progress towards that.

At the moment, I do a small amount of grip work in the gym, generally 1 day a week I do something like this....

- 2-3 sets of holding the 120lb thick handed dumbells for as long as possible

- 2-3 sets of one arm hangs from a pullup bar for as long as possible

- forearm work

This is alongside working with the COC grippers 2-3 times a week.

I'm open to any suggestions, and am looking for some good stuff to do on my grip day in the gym that would help speed my progress, or possibly adding a second day in the week with newer stuff...

Thank you all for the help.

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I would recommend checking the Grip FAQ section here: http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showforum=2

Other than that, I would find some training logs in the Workout Reports section of the forum of people that are trying to do the same thing as you and find out how they're training. I know this gave me a lot of ideas for my own training.

Maybe you should add some pinch work as well? The easiest would be to add some 1 hand or 2 hand plate pinch holds for time. You could also get some pony clamps to do some dynamic thumb work as well.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

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To me it seems like doing heavy finger curls on an oly bar with the bar in front of you for sets of 8 or so helps quite a bit.

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Sounds like you're already doing some good grip work in the gym. Like someone else said, try adding in plate pinches. Also, you said you do thick handled DB holds. Have you tried thick rotating handles such as the rolling thunder? Adding in some rolling thunder work would definitely help your overall grip. Other than that, check the workout reports forum and look at the training of some of the great grip guys, I know Teemu has a really good gripper log. Hope that helped some.

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Sounds like you're already doing some good grip work in the gym. Like someone else said, try adding in plate pinches. Also, you said you do thick handled DB holds. Have you tried thick rotating handles such as the rolling thunder? Adding in some rolling thunder work would definitely help your overall grip. Other than that, check the workout reports forum and look at the training of some of the great grip guys, I know Teemu has a really good gripper log. Hope that helped some.

Thank you guys for the replies, how often should I train grip though? I lift 3x a week, can I recover enough if I train grip 2x in the gym (so, not including COC workouts and such)? Or should I limit it to just 1 in gym training?

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