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Red Nail In Im Pads!


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I want to thank Paul Knight for sending me a few red nails tp practice on. I bent my first one today in IM pads (video forthcoming). It went down very easily, though I think I'm going to have a bruise on my left index finger :D

I did use rubber bands for the first attempt just to see if I was able to kink the red at all in IM pads. It might take a little tweaking to get comfortable wrapping the pads without rubber bands, but then I think I have the IM cert in the bag.

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Nice Job Matt the IM cert no problem for you!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher

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Congratulations excellent work!

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I was just about to PM you with some motivation, but I guess I was too late! :laugh ....................... you didn't need it!!!!!!!!!! :yikes

excellent work Matt!

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Nice job Matt. I think you should contact IM now for the cert. Knowing that you're doing a cert should hype you up enough to do it without rubber bands.

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Awesome man!!!

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Thanks guys! Carl, I'm up for it...I'm surprised you haven't done it already. having bent the 6".

I've been having trouble uploading the video and I'm trying again. I timed the bend at about 20 seconds for anyone interested.

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OK, forget the first video...I just did one without rubber bands for my second attempt, and I think it went even better. I am going to contact IronMind shortly.

Edit - Ah, I kind of screwed up the second video...I had it on the "outdoor" setting and it's blurry. Still, I timed the bend at 13 seconds. 5 hits.

Edited by The Writer
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What I do w/the rubber bands is - I'll wrap one side, band it, then wrap the other side and simply take the rubber band off the one side before I do the bend - it's legal - no sense in fumbling with holding the one side while trying to wrap the other - just make sure to take the band off before performing the bend

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Yeah, I've seen how you do it, and that's what I did for the second attempt. It worked just fine.

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Fantastic news Matt! Great accomplishment man. You're where you want to be and the road gets even smoother.

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Well, here's the first video...just imagine it seven seconds faster with no rubber bands, and that's how the second attempt went :happy

Red nail in IM pads

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Woah! :blink :blink :blink Awesome bending there Matt! You got that cert in the bag buddy. :cool

Man, EVERYBODY is getting pr's in IMP's lately! I'm asking Santa for a pair for Christmas right now.......... :D

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Matt - the cert is yours if you wanna take it!

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Thanks guys...I have already gotten in touch with IM (they're fast with the e-mails anyway :D) and I am waiting to see if they can find a judge. And thanks again Paul for the nails. Bending them today was a big confidence boost for me and I probably would have waited and wavered a long time before attempting the cert otherwise.

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Nice work Matt! :rock

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Thanks guys...I have already gotten in touch with IM (they're fast with the e-mails anyway :D) and I am waiting to see if they can find a judge. And thanks again Paul for the nails. Bending them today was a big confidence boost for me and I probably would have waited and wavered a long time before attempting the cert otherwise.

Glad I could help a brutha out! - they evidently got put to good use :laugh no prob on that cert - coffee and ho-ho's!

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I just saw one of your 09 goals was to drop below 190 - so maybe just a pair of ho-ho's will do :laugh

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