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Tried Some Bending Like Ostlund


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After watching Dave's videos I knew I had to try his underhand style with the pads just folded over. Wow! I didn't have ironmind pads so I took some of my smallest leather pads and just kinda folded them in half. These are my very thin 60d "show pads" if you will.

Started with a tougher ring shank 60d (thicker size) that's about like a G2 and man it made it tougher. Went on to a medium tough 60d that probably hits around 275 and Whoa! Got a kink in it but the pain stopped me. My wrists don't like DU style at all but man that's a tough way to bend for me.

Bending a tough 60d the way he did would be a great accomplishment for me and I might have to try to get there.


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Zach, that's the style of bending I'm talking about.

I was aware :)

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His Red Cert is my favorite video on this site :rock

I've finally managed to do that with a 60d, but man it kills the wrists.

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His wrists looks like they're going to snap in the videos :blink

My thoughts exactly. Mine felt like they were going to.

For me to have any chance whatsoever of even bending a grade 8 or grade 5, I'd have to do a ton of work with those movements on my wrists. For whatever reason, levering to my nose or levering to the rear doesn't hurt my wrists but this type bending sure does.


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Anybody know where .323 drill rod ranks? Eric cal'd 5/16 for me at 475 lbs so this has to be getting near shiny strength, especially if it was O-1.

You can tell he worked his crush with that elusive constellation gripper since he crushed that drill rod down to about an inch like it was nothing.

Wasn't he one of the ones who bent 100 red nails as well?

There are good benders and there are strong benders and there are those that are both, he's definately what I'd call a strong bender. He obviously has the strength to overcome any technical issues because if you notice, he doesn't fiddle around getting his hands in just the right places or his wraps just right (like I probably do).

Been nice if he'd stuck with it and adapted to the newer styles as I bet he'd have been a big steel bender for sure.

And to think that was back in 2004.


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Anybody know where .323 drill rod ranks? Eric cal'd 5/16 for me at 475 lbs so this has to be getting near shiny strength, especially if it was O-1.

You can tell he worked his crush with that elusive constellation gripper since he crushed that drill rod down to about an inch like it was nothing.

Wasn't he one of the ones who bent 100 red nails as well?

There are good benders and there are strong benders and there are those that are both, he's definately what I'd call a strong bender. He obviously has the strength to overcome any technical issues because if you notice, he doesn't fiddle around getting his hands in just the right places or his wraps just right (like I probably do).

Been nice if he'd stuck with it and adapted to the newer styles as I bet he'd have been a big steel bender for sure.

And to think that was back in 2004.


.328 0-1 is about Shiny difficulty, without the spring. It would be safe to assume .323 would be a good tweener to the Shiny and Red/Bastard. I've only ever bent .323 W-1 and it just felt like a 480 batch bastard with a harder crush.

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I don't know what .323" DR (O-1) calibrates at but Zach's exactly right, it's inbetween a 480 Bastard and the Shiny.

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Wasn't he one of the ones who bent 100 red nails as well?

No, that was Dave Morton & Greg Amidon. Ostlund's style using DU is very impressive though. I haven't seen anyone do similar bars using that style. Hurts my wrists just watching. Those 3 other bends (red not included) all look to be done in the same session which makes it even more incredible. Those would fall into the "very strict" category to me since he's relying on wrist strength, hands close together and minimal padding.

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Has Ostlund stopped bending altogether???

He is doing Strongman competition now correct? The last picture i seen of him showed a man much larger then those old videos. I know he is a really big dude...

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Has Ostlund stopped bending altogether???

He is doing Strongman competition now correct? The last picture i seen of him showed a man much larger then those old videos. I know he is a really big dude...

He's always done strongman. Just, now he really kicks ass at it. Check the recent WSM archives.

Also, a whole lot bigger now. Ha. I doubt he's done any bending recently.

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