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What should a grip newbie get ?

Guest Dime

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i'm 19, and i've always had a slightly below average grip strength (very small wrists too). In addition, i've broken about 3 of my fingers from playing different sports (bummer because i also play guitar). I also seem to keep re-injuring these fingers. Anyhow, christmas is coming up, and i'm hoping to get some grip devices to strengthen my grip. My aim is not to close the #3 CoC, just to have grip strength that is impressive to the average person. I was thinking of getting the following:

1. Ivanko super gripper (seems more versatile than the CoC grippers).

2. Master of hand strength book.

3. Something for the fingers (that's not too expensive). I've seen these Gripmasters in stores,  they seem to exercise each finger individually...any good ?  

Suggestions are welcomed.

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Hi Dime. I'm new to this myself. Even though I don't have much experience, I will tell you to save your money on the Gripmaster from the store. It takes very little strength to push down on. Definately get John Brookfield's MOHS. I don't have the Ivanko but if money is not a question, then get the #1, #2 grippers from Iron Mind. If possible also plate loaded grip machine. These I feel will put you on track to your goal for grip strength that will be impressive to the average person. For finger strength, how about rim holds with plate weights  or 1 finger muscle outs with light weight. Good luck. Also read all the old posts from the beginning. Do so on all the boards. They are a wealth of information from alot of the who's who of grip strength.

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Get Brookfields book first.  After reading it you can make a lot of the stuff yourself and save some money.  Definately make yourself some sort of thick handled dumbell or barbell - check the threads, its easily done.  Pinch some plates and do some wrist curls at the gym.  I got bit and purchased a lot of equipment I dont really use much.  If you add some heavy thick bar to your workout you wont need to do much else for your hands.

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When Solomon was faced with the choice's, riches or wisdom

he chose wisdom.  With wisdom everything else will come.Gather all the info u can & use all of it not just 2 or 3 excer. & remember 2 keep it freash.

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well, you are getting good advice! i agree with everyone. for SURE get  brookfields book and the trainer trough the #2!! i also agree with the wisdom thing. read every post and find the common things. the folks who have strong hands- what are they all doing alike? become a member here also! i hope you do well friend. just train with dicipline.

there is nothing like getting your first grippers in the mail, opening them up, and feeling them in your hands!

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MOHS is a must!

Ivanko gripper vs. the Coc's:  Now I haven't tried the Ivanko but it looks great for small incremtental increases in training instead of the big jumps that the Coc's force you into.  That said I would still reccomend the Coc's as they are great for toughening up the hands.  And pain threshhold is a big part of this game -just look at all the posts discussing this.  So if you can afford it maybe get the suppergripper and the Coc's.

Someone who has experience with both grippers can probably post a better response on this.


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Obtain Ironmind's grippers 1 2 and 3. Make a pinch block. Buy or make a thick handled dumbbell. Do not be tempted to overtrain the grippers or see how many reps you can do. In other words ease into things and you will be fine. Give any routine you use a fair chance, and do not keep chopping and changing based on conflicting advice you may get. If you can, also train the whole body including forearm work. Do not be intimidated by what others can do. Focus on your own self improvement. Just try to be better than your old self and not others.

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If your goal is NOT to close the #3, then don't get a #3.

Do get the Trainer, #1 and #2.  And Brookfield's MOHS.  

Have you consulted a doctor about your fingers?  This may be a more serious problem than you might think it is.  Broken fingers and stress inducing grippers do not mix.  Do you get enough calcium in your diet?  Anyhow, be careful when you get the grippers.  Good Luck!  :D

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