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Clydesdales Of Grip


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Last night before leaving the Sorinex complex to support Mr. Donnie Thompson in his last squat workout before his record onslaught( attempting 3000 total) at the upcoming Sr. National powerlifting meet in York, Tex and his friend in ministry Rich showed up for a workout. Tex, a few pounds lighter at 367 was flanked by a shorter but equally impressive 350 lb ex Pro Football player that appeared to be a gentle giant like Tex. House about flipped when Rich walked in saying "thats the guy I kept telling you about" If he impressed House that much, I put my gear down and paused to stay and watch a bit. Rich and Tex calmly set about doing some deadlift lockouts and during the time getting ready to begin the pair "walked through some of the toughest tasks in gripdom....The items that I thought were hardest in the Grip Gauntlet area for the most part were easily addressed on first attempts with no warmup or instruction. Most of the lifts were actually mid chest upright row affairs on big anvils, heavy 53.5lb. Blobs, Inch Bells, 3" thick handled Dumbbells and even two calf height trys with the famed 202lb(3" handle) Circus Bell. Rich has some of the highest potential for grip strength I have EVER seen. I don't want to dash any aspirations of others but, this guy is in a class of his own from the get- go.What he "does with it" is his business though. It is good to see "grip" is alive and well!RS

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The display of grip was awesome to see!! Not just naturally big guys, but big guys that really work at getting strong. Rich does his work with Team Impact and in doing so, has really built an impressive grip. Not trying any of the implements before and just walking in and basically upright rowing the Inch Dumbell with no chalk and sweaty hands was crazy. Then just casually walking over and pulling the Circus Dumbell to almost knee height was just insane! To top it off, he is very modest about it all and he uses his God given talents and strengths to help young kids through Team Impact. That to me is the most impressive, since he turned down an NFL contract to do so. Inspirational!!

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Glad you caught the vid of Eric....He is a true freak (no disrespect) when it comes to arm strength as demonstrated by his multi- Highland Games World records. He lifted it( The Circus Bell) in a swiping, curling motion not in a "conventional" grasp and lift hold as used by others attempting it.( I don't know who might even want to try it that way) Rich used a plain regular grip with no "extra english" applied. Any success with this bell even clearing the ground is a very, very short list. That in house attempt was the best of the two times I have seen it leave the floor here ever. I just might sponsor a grip open here or a road "Grip Trip" with House,Eric, Bert, Tex, Rich,Cyborg , Big Donnie , and ancient me to greet the fellow grip competitors. Hmmmmm RS

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