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Bending Pr On Reverse


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I ended up hurting my should recently during my regular training so I took off from bending for about three weeks. This Saturday morning I did some bending with my little boy and my dad, and it felt great. It was a short session but felt great anyway. I DO bent a I'm yellow as a warm up bend, then bent a 7"x1/4" fbbc square. Then I attempted to bend my nemesis, the Bastard. I put a little bit more of a wobble in it buts still it kicked my but.

At this point I wanted to try some reverse. I have never tried to bend an I'm yellow but thought I would give it a shot. I don't bend Reverse very often. I got it fairly easy, and I was super excited. So I wrapped up an I'm blue. I hammered through that one as well. I was so excited I wrapped a 7"x1/4" square and realized I jumped up way to high, lol, it didn't budge. I was still happy though.

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Nice job John! :rock Reverse will really help the DU as well. Awesome bends buddy, keep it up! :cool

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Nice job John! :rock Reverse will really help the DU as well. Awesome bends buddy, keep it up! :cool


nice reverse bending!

i'm enjoying reverse at the moment, it's good to mix it up!

do you mainly use DO when bending then?

I would estimate that I do DO about 95% of the time.

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Good bending John! I've been shifting to some rev. style lately too.

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Nice reverse bending! I am trying to become more of an all-around bender, too, and it's tough.

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Good bending there John! Try to hit a piece or two in reverse & DU each bending session even if you use DO most of the time. I've made slow steady progress that way.

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