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Ttk question

the swiss

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A little question about titan's telegraph key. I have just made myself a similar device, and I was wondering how the gains transfer to isometric pinch gripping (as with plates pinching) or to other grip muscles.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion on this device.

Does anyone use it on a regular basis?


injuries? (it seems to be that one can strain one's thumb much quicker than with isometric pinchs)

thanks for any info


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Guest rockblaster

I train on it a couple of times a week or so--either at the end of or during workouts.  It is very hard to progress on this machine--you need to use very small increments of weight (I sometimes use links of chain).    Just work with a weight to where you can do about 5 or so reps.  Doing many reps is useless.   The benefits are very worthwhile. :)

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I have also noticed that it is very easy to strain the thumb when using the ttk. I have tried to shorten the distance of the handles by placing a thick book under the other end and it helps a little.

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Guest rockblaster


Actually, you don't want to do that because the TTK allows you to work the pinch grip simultaneously, using different widths.  I used to do the same thing with my plate loaded grip machine and realized "What was I thinking?"  The hands will adapt to the uncomfortable position and load, thus resulting in better gains.

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thanks for the answers, I'll try to be careful!

another thing: it seems to be that there are two ways to use it: either you move your thumb towards the fingers, or you move the fingers towards a static thumb, which in my opinion allows to lift more.

But I think moving only the thumb should have a better impact on the it, and less straining injury risk.

anyway, train hard


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I have had a TTK for a long time now and what I notice the most is that the strength I gain from using the TTK does not transfer over to my plate pinching strength. When my plate pinching strength increases, it does not affect how much weight I can use on the TTK either. This is just me though. I perform both exercises because I see them as quite different and I think that both are beneficial. Let me know how you progress on your machine and if you find a direct relationship in strength increases with your plate pinches and your TTK.

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