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Flexability Issue With Bending


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Ok, I have been having quite a bit of trouble getting setup for a DO bend. I simply have very poor flexibility in my shoulders, upper chest, and traps. So I find it impossible to properly setup for DO. My hands end up several inches away from my body just barely under my chin. I know at this point my flexibility and form are what's holding back my progress with my bending. My last bending session I DO bent five 5" x1/4" grade 5 bolts very easily back to back. I probably averaged 10 seconds per bend. Then I followed that up with an easy bend on a 6" x1/4" Grade 8. But with anything harder than that I just cannot get the proper leverage I need. For instance I attempted a 6" x 5/16" grade 2 bolt of some form that I hit as hard as I could for about 5 minutes and barely kinked it. I just could never get enough leverage on it to bend it.

So, does anyone have any recommendations on how to improve my flexibility for DO bending? Any specific stretches that would help? This is just really frustrating and any help is really appreciated.

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I started doing shoulder dislocates with a rubber band a few weeks ago and I'm noticing a clear difference already. Shortening the band a bit once a week... A stick would do as well, but I find band more comfortable.

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I use rubber exercise tubing like a chest expander and work my shoulders in every possible way, including up and down behind my back :D

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I have he same issue's my friend keep bending 7'' piece's or even larger this will help also work on your flexability. I also lost 35lb 's helped greatly !!!! :D

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I have the same issues. I was told to do hindu pushups, and dislocates, and it has helped a great deal. You may also want try having a 7'' bar wrapped and lying around your house. Whenever you pass by it, pick it up and try to get it as high as you can for 30 seconds. Also, moving your pads out to the ends of the bar helps too, as it lets your hands pivot farther under the bar. Try it, you'll see what I mean. In the meantime, you may want to try the DU form at the end of this vid to kink your bars so that you can work on the rest of the range while your flexibility is coming up. It will also teach you good mechanics for your DO as well. :D

DO explained vid

BTW-- Don't be afraid to use double leather wraps, and wrap em' TIGHT! :cool

Edited by Foxman
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Listent to Foxman, he knows his stuff ;) As Fox said, just keep trying to move a 7" bar up under your chin and that will help A LOT. But the shoulder dislocations(YouTube it) and hindu pushups(YouTube it) are good for shoulder flexibility and help to open them up.

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Thanks for the tips everyone. I knew I couldn't be the only person who had to deal with this issue. I'm going to try to work on stretching and flexibility for about 30 minutes every day until I get this issue resolved. Then maybe I can bend some bigger steel. My order of IronMind Reds came in yesterday and I can't wait to get started on them now.

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something i was once told, was to get some flexible plastic at around 7/8 inches long, and practise kinking it.

Obviously this plastic has to be thick enough that it won't snap, but will allow you to feel it kink, great thing is you can use it over and over again

hope this makes sense?

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Use 7.5-8inch stock this will eventually make the 7inch stop feel like when you are doing a 6.5-6inch bar now.

Dips useing just body weight lower slowly into the bottom position and hold for time no bouncing.

Isos on a plastic rod,wooden dowel or steel also.

It wont come overnight it takes time and patience in the meantime bend usaeing the Terminator[reverse style] DU style and Tommy Heslep style these will all bring up the wrists and hands and will help you become a better all around bender.

Most importantly dont practise the DO STYLE 7inch and over stuff when your tired this will only enforce bad habits practise the do style when your fresh then move onto the other styles enfacising more wrist strength then you getting the best of both.

Once you become proficiant at the do style you can attack the bars[all out isos] because your form should be dialled in by this time.

Once again take your time dial in your form ROME wasnt built in a day.

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