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Random Grip Thoughts


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I finished reading teemus article and it was a fine work indeed, and it can be applied to me. Cemery tried to teach me to set a gripper and we went with one that was easy for me and I simply couldnt set it, thusly, I train grippers without moving them in a bit and choke only the ones I cant close. I have seen posts though that have me thinking of taking of the choke and if I dont close them,Ill force em.

Now I wonder about contests, most all of them want one of the recognized sets and where does this leave those who can set grippers as easy as they can flap their arms and fly?

now if some meets used choke grippers.....well that takes that problem out of the equasion.

?.if I use a IM hublifter because of the scarcity of plates available, whats the equivalent of pinching a 45.

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There is a huge variety of 45 lb plates and hub sizes, but I will say I easily hubbed a Hampton 45 (a nice plate for hubbing) the first time I tried, and later got an IM hub and struggled to lift a 35 on it. The newer IM hubs are really slick.

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This may just be because hublifting a 45# is my cryptonite, but I pulled 47.5 on an IM hub and could barely break that same hampton plate off the ground. It would be interesting to find out what factors affect the differences in gripping the IM hub vs. a regular plate.

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That is odd, Josh. I think I also got 47.5 at TPS, but that was a sorry 2" lift, and to be honest I thought Dave was a little generous with the call. Charlie's plate I lifted past lockout with ease, and also lifted with 6 lbs added. Maybe my slender fingers have a hubbing advantage?

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?.if I use a IM hublifter because of the scarcity of plates available, whats the equivalent of pinching a 45.

I believe Hubgeezer could clear that up for you. Maybe he'll pop in.

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?.if I use a IM hublifter because of the scarcity of plates available, whats the equivalent of pinching a 45.

I believe Hubgeezer could clear that up for you. Maybe he'll pop in.

We've discussed it before...when I first got my hub, I was really disappointed with my numbers, because I remember Mike talking about guys pulling 70+ lbs on an IM hub at the CA comps, and I could barely do 35. That's when we (or at least I) figured out that the new IM hubs use a much slicker paint than they used to. Dan Praydis even ordered a hub to test the difference...though of course he made us all look like clowns by lifting big numbers on the slick hub. He claimed extra chalk helps...interestingly, since my best lifts came when I polished the hub perfectly clean.

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I think contest promoters would be open to different ways of setting, as long as you end up with an MM width set. I've always set grippers in my right hand by putting my left hand over the spring and pressing with my left palm into the top of the gripper handle. Something about the way my right pinky works doesn't like setting at the bottom of the gripper handles. Its never a problem because I clearly release my left hand and squeeze from MM width, I tell the judge how I do the set and tell him where I am going to bring the gripper to show MM width and start squeezing.

And your set will get better with time and better as your overall gripper strength improves.

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I have found that my setting has gotten easier from doing block weights and plate pinching; because these exercises built up the muscle at the base of the hand and the thumb pad, which stops the gripper from sliding back towards my wrist. I also think that growing callouses on my palm from grippers allows the knurling to get a better bite on the palm.

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thanx yall, hows about getting the new im hub and sanding the paint off?

I also hold the springs with my left and then explode into it. right pinky trouble too, gets sore after max attempts in workout.

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This may just be because hublifting a 45# is my cryptonite, but I pulled 47.5 on an IM hub and could barely break that same hampton plate off the ground. It would be interesting to find out what factors affect the differences in gripping the IM hub vs. a regular plate.

It's Kryptonite! :tongue

Setting a gripper requires a certain amount of thumb strength and until you build this it's bound to feel awkward, so pinching will help a lot. :)

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I think contest promoters would be open to different ways of setting, as long as you end up with an MM width set. I've always set grippers in my right hand by putting my left hand over the spring and pressing with my left palm into the top of the gripper handle. Something about the way my right pinky works doesn't like setting at the bottom of the gripper handles. Its never a problem because I clearly release my left hand and squeeze from MM width, I tell the judge how I do the set and tell him where I am going to bring the gripper to show MM width and start squeezing.

And your set will get better with time and better as your overall gripper strength improves.

this is how I used to set grippers until early this year (certed on the 3 that way) - once I started practicing the set that most are using now, I had huge gains - keep playing with the set and it will become comfortable to you - it felt REAL akward to me at first

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thanx yall, hows about getting the new im hub and sanding the paint off?

I thought of that, but I don't know if it would actually train your grip better than a slick hub...plus if you show up at a contest where they are using a slick hub (such as I was at in March :happy ) you'll be prepared. I tied for second in the hublift, but was only 8th overall (tied for last place).

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From what I have read most ppl can lift a little less on the IM hub compared to an average 45plate, it also depends on the way you grip the hub..some grab it in a wrap around way like you would hold a vbar, you can obviously lift alot more using that grip compared to the claw grip. Your hub will slowly season but not alot, just chip away and slowly add the weight and experiment with finger positioning and even do some lifts with just the thumb, ring and pinkie fingers in the same position you would have them if using all fingers..I find these fingers get lazy so lifting like this helps them to activate properly when going all out with all fingers.


Not that you can see but my fingers are placed in exact places that for me is most advantagous for lifting.


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There is a huge variety of 45 lb plates and hub sizes, but I will say I easily hubbed a Hampton 45 (a nice plate for hubbing) the first time I tried, and later got an IM hub and struggled to lift a 35 on it. The newer IM hubs are really slick.

Some plates are just horrible hubbing plates. I have some Fitness Gear plates that are extremely hard to hub; but Paul Knight has the best plates in the universe to hub. I can only hub a 35 on my plates, but with Paul's, I double hubbed his 45's with 2 fingers! :rock:blink

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Yeap excellent point foxman, with pros like that mr paul may have to lock up his hubs :D:rock

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There is a huge variety of 45 lb plates and hub sizes, but I will say I easily hubbed a Hampton 45 (a nice plate for hubbing) the first time I tried, and later got an IM hub and struggled to lift a 35 on it. The newer IM hubs are really slick.

Some plates are just horrible hubbing plates. I have some Fitness Gear plates that are extremely hard to hub; but Paul Knight has the best plates in the universe to hub. I can only hub a 35 on my plates, but with Paul's, I double hubbed his 45's with 2 fingers! :rock:blink

Fitness Gear does make some nice plates, though if you get the right size hub. If I am not mistaken, the first 45 I hubbed was Brendan's Fitness Gear plate:

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