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Why Is A Bent Arm Stronger Grip-wise Than A Straight One?


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Hey all,

I'm pretty sure most here know that with the elbow bent somewhat one's grip is stronger than with a straight elbow. Is there someone here who can tell me the cause for this?

EDIT: I know I posted this in the wrong forum, I've asked the mods to move it.

Edited by rolf
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Some muscles are stronger at a certain joint angle. I know that much.

I agree - I like to two-hands pinch with my elbows slightly bent, but I think some people like to keep them straight.

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Best guess - greater engagement of the brachioradialis (the muscle that acts in the forearm as well as upper arm) allows you to achieve a much tigher "feeling" or perhaps even allows greater recruitment of musculature.

Something like that.

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Best guess - greater engagement of the brachioradialis (the muscle that acts in the forearm as well as upper arm) allows you to achieve a much tigher "feeling" or perhaps even allows greater recruitment of musculature.

Something like that.

I would concur. This sounds like the most plausible explanation

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Yes, something like that, but try lifting a blob with a bent arm or a straight and tightened arm, you'll probably get better results with the straight arm (I know I do).

Of course recruiting more muscle is important, so you shouldn't compare a tight bent arm with a relaxed straight arm. Perhaps people find it more difficult to tight a straight arm, so that could be a reason to prefer bent arms.

Take a look at deadlifting for example, you don't want to lift 400+ lbs with bent arms, you might damage your tendons with that action.

The only exception I can think of is with grippers, I'm better with slightly bent arms then with straight arms while using grippers (This probably is due to the fact that I can see the close and have a better set with bent arms) For the rest, straight arms are better, IMO at least ;)

Edited by White Scorpion
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I don't think that a bent arm is any stronger than a straight arm, nor vice versa. :)

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Perhaps people find it more difficult to tight a straight arm, so that could be a reason to prefer bent arms.

Actually, that seems to make sense. I get an unpleasant feeling in the biceps tendon if I try to flex my arm with a straight elbow. I always get extra kiloage in my grip lifts if I bend my arm a bit as I approach max attempts.

As a side note, I've noticed some people bend their arms when they deadlift (none of them were very good at it).

Edited by rolf
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For the same reason that your bicep is stronger at the top of the curl than the bottom. Your muscles are composed of actin and myosin fillaments that over lap like weaving on a basket or rug. when your joint angle is smaller, there are more actin and myosin fillaments in contact which equals more strength. Think of velcro: f you gently touch the two pieces, it doesn't stick very well, but if you decrease the space between the two pieces and really mash them together, you'll get a good strong 'stick'.

Of course all of the above does depend on the muscle you are talking about. A smaller angle at your elbow will put your biceps in a strong position, but your tris will be in a weaker position. Tris are stronger with a larger angle at your elbow (arms closer to straight).

Hope this helps. Look myosin up on Wikipedia.

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Yes, it makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me, though, is why a bent elbow affects hand strength, as no muscle crosses both the elbow and wrist joints. Other than being easier to flex and thus allowing for a more stable arm in general, or something. :)

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Try doing extensor work with your elbow bent and with it straight (rubber/IM bands or OH resistance). My left elbow still has a bit of irritation from an injury last year; I feel like the extensor work hits the injured area better with the elbow straight but that I feel stronger (hand) extensor-wise with a bent elbow.

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Another thing to think about is the ability to apply friction. Pinching is a friction lift. The more friction you can get the better.

For some, bending the elbows may permit them to get better friction due to the modified angle of the hand. And everyone is different in hand structure, so this my be a reason why for some people straight arms is best and for others, bent arms are.

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Another thing to think about is the ability to apply friction. Pinching is a friction lift. The more friction you can get the better.

For some, bending the elbows may permit them to get better friction due to the modified angle of the hand. And everyone is different in hand structure, so this my be a reason why for some people straight arms is best and for others, bent arms are.

Jedd - everyone can't pick up 240# in a half curl :D hehe!

Edited by climber511
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I would have said it's just because muscles are strongest in the middle of their range of motion?

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I know that if you bend your wrist like a goose-neck exercise your grip will go to pot. Presumably because the tendons don't like to make that bend. I held an easy gripper closed and though I was going to goose-neck my wrist and that sucker flew open and was a really weird feeling.

I would say try it but it might have a certain risk for injury with it.


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I do much better straight armed with my right and better left bent.

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