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New To Pinching

tight five

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Decided to work some pinching into my grip workouts today, having never done any but read a bit about it.

Started off putting 2 x 10kg plates together flat side out and did 2 x 10 pinch lifts with them

Really felt it in the forearms and, no doubt, will now become a valuable part of my training. Just have to work out how to keep going with the grippers and not overtrain the whole thing

Edited by tight five
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I would add some hub lifting also find some plate's with a good hub and get with it !!! :D

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Will look into it. The plates I have at home have a hub shaped a bit like this / \

Makes them night on impossible to grip. I assume I want plated where the hub is [ ] ?

Or am I just being a pussy?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would add to an older thread instead of starting a new one to ask a pretty simple question.

I am pretty new to pinch grip training and have been doing it mainly to suppliment gripper work.

Thing is I have no idea about where I should be seeing as I recently closed the #2 with the right hand and am near to doing the same with the left.

I posted a link.... what do you guys think, Is that where I should be with thumb strength or do I need to step it up when training towards the #2.5?


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Thought I would add to an older thread instead of starting a new one to ask a pretty simple question.

I am pretty new to pinch grip training and have been doing it mainly to suppliment gripper work.

Thing is I have no idea about where I should be seeing as I recently closed the #2 with the right hand and am near to doing the same with the left.

I posted a link.... what do you guys think, Is that where I should be with thumb strength or do I need to step it up when training towards the #2.5?


That's really good for where you're at with grippers. When I was at that point I couldn't pinch 2-25s, but mine are very very slick. Are you not able to get a full DL with your right hand? You look capable of it by how long you held it there. Nonetheless, great job, keep progressing towards a full lift.

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Thought I would add to an older thread instead of starting a new one to ask a pretty simple question.

I am pretty new to pinch grip training and have been doing it mainly to suppliment gripper work.

Thing is I have no idea about where I should be seeing as I recently closed the #2 with the right hand and am near to doing the same with the left.

I posted a link.... what do you guys think, Is that where I should be with thumb strength or do I need to step it up when training towards the #2.5?


That's really good for where you're at with grippers. When I was at that point I couldn't pinch 2-25s, but mine are very very slick. Are you not able to get a full DL with your right hand? You look capable of it by how long you held it there. Nonetheless, great job, keep progressing towards a full lift.

I think that I could... I am assuming that you mean dead lifting that with both hands at the same time?

If you did then it should be possible as at the start of my grip session I could hold those plates for 8 seconds with my RH and 6 seconds with the left. Maybe it takes more strength to do it with both sides at the same time?

Perhaps I should try a farmer's walk next time :)

Thanks for your input. As for the grippers, my progress seems to have ground to a halt overall, though my left hand has caught up a bit. I am thinking I should go on the KTA but I can't yet reliably hold the #2 shut EVERYTIME for the over-crushes I need in this program.

Got a couple small skin tears from the wrist roller work so I could be a good time to take a full week off from the crush and let the hands recover.

If I do that farmers walk pinch in three days would it hinder my crush grip recovery much?

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No, I mean lifting it all the way up to where your hand is at your waist while pinching. If you can do it with both hands or do a FW, by all means go for it!

I always tell people at your stage in grip to NOT do KTA as in this early of a stage you don't need it at all. You just need to either change up your routine a bit, or just plain work harder. With how early you are in grip training it would probably just destroy your hands in every way possible because it's a brutal routine.

It will to an extent, but I wouldn't worry about it to much. However it varies from person to person so I can't tell you absolutely.

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Yes I suppose I may be being a little impatient but I like to see positive progress with every workout and it can be disheartening to see the occasional gap WIDER than it was the last time!

I suppose like anything you can't expect to see PBs with every workout and this is something I just need to accept, especially with the diminishing returns you get when on the same old routine.

Going from the #1 to the #2 was measured in weeks but to go from the #2 to the 2.5 is going to take months.

If on Wednesday at the gym I can close the #2 again on my first attempt I will start the KTA program as I'll feel I have earned the right but If I miss it by a hair on that first try I will proceed with plan B...

LOL just need to figure out the new workout schedule which will be... Plan B! :P

Either way I will go for that farmers walk and post the result.

Edited by Frank9
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I posted a link.... what do you guys think, Is that where I should be with thumb strength or do I need to step it up when training towards the #2.5?


Thats about right. I was pinching 35's the same time I was closing the 2.5. I was closing the #3 for reps long before I could pinch 2x45's. So I think your right where you need to be for thumb strength.

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Well today at the gym I decided to do for the double pinch lift with both hands as apposed to the FW thinking its better to check that I can walk before I try to run so to speak.

I can now easily DL those plates with the right hand and even softly place them back down and JUST ABOUT DL them with the left (putting them down being a lot less graceful!)

Curiously when I tried to do both sides at the same time I could hardly get them off the floor! Maybe both sides requires more muscular coordination?

Anyway, on another note, I decided to not do the KTA for now as today I was pleased to see more gains with the grippers on my old routine. With my right hand I got the #2 closed without too much fuss on the first attempt and with the dogleg the "wrong" way which I am very happy with :)

With my left weaker hand and the dogleg the "right" way I am now down to around 2.5-3mm from a close. Hoping I could nail it in 2 weeks.

I feel my right hand is now ready for a filed #2 but my left is not. I don't want to buy another gripper so do I just do overcrushes with the RH til the LH catches up or should I file this #2 to better serve my RH at the expense of seeing a close with my LH?

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Yes, doing something with both hands at once is FAR harder then doing it seperately. Coordination, dual muscular contraction instead of singular, etc.

Told you so about KTA, ;) Train pinch=grippers through the roof.

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i'm a newb, but i think the reason why i progressed so fast to closing the #3 was simply because i trained on it. i think you should just get you one and do negatives. sooner or later you're gonna kill it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FINALLY I managed to do both sides at the same time. To me this is a significant improvement over being able to deadlift just the one side in turn.

Next workout I need to check my max pinch lifts on each hand. This feat was after a week's layoff from pinch training as I found progress was going nowhere and my webbing had split and hands felt weak and over-trained.


Its amazing what taking a break from training can do! :)

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