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Please Help! Weird Injury To My Hand In Trouble


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Hello my name is Terence and really need some advice ASAP on a weird injury that just occured about 3 hours ago. (though i know its about 5:40 am now so by the time anyone gets this it'll be hours as everyone is sleep)

First off i am a long time lurker on here but don't really know if this is even the spot top post this. sorry if it is not.

also i looked around everywhere and have not read anything like what has happened to me.

i also have really trained grip yet as i read a noobie aticle sugesting i get 6 months of basic forearm work under my belt first and i was heading that. (i was just telling climber511 that yesterday) i made a set of wrist rollers and did i few sets on it to make sure my timber hitch worked i read about here to avoid the "bump" thanks again climber! :) but nothing serious nice pump though.

so here it goes i was driving home from work and reached in my pocket to try to get my cell phone and i felt a slight but sharp pain. i yanked my hand back and immediately noticed i couldn't use my thumb! my hand felt a little numb but i could use all my fingers no problem but not move my thumb. i figured i had just kinked it some weird sorta way and tried to shake it out and pull and rotate my wrist every way i could to no avail. after about 10 minutes i began to panic (sorry if i sound like a punk about this as in the search for answers to my problem i ran into stories of people with all types of SERIOUS injuries but please understand i NEVER had anything happen like this EVER!)so now i realize i cannot move my thumb from the down position up.

to make sure you understand what i mean, if you put both hands straight out palms down i couldn't move my right hand from the relaxed position to the flat fingers spread positon. i could make a fist fine no pain, but opening it up all the way didn't happen! after some advice from a few friends i was instructed to put it on ice which i did i then after about 10 min i could open my hand but NO THUMB! now 3hours later i can make a clintched fist hard as ever no pain, rotate my wrist fist open fingers etc no problembut my THUMB can hardly move.

heres where i'm at now

1)hands flat out palms down i can touch my thumb to the base of my pinkie but coming back i cant get it even with my pointer finger! PAIN.

2) i can move my thumb (with my other hand) all over the place, bend it pull it push it in NO pain whatsoever.

3) i figered out the real problem is the last bone at the end of my thumb (where the nail is) i can't move BACKWARDS only forwards oh boy!!!!!!

i am scared that to me it seems like the tendon that is responsible for moving the tip of your thumb is messed up???

4) i feel a slight pain right where your wrist bends on your forearm only if i rub it hard. if i move it with its own power no pain. only if i rub deep down.

5) if i hold my right thumb (injured one) with my left hand at the bone below the the nail bone i can move it forward when i try to move it backwards excruciating pain and the middle of my wrist hurts. :(

well i know thats long winded but i wanted to be sure you had all the facts.

please can you all shed some light on my situation as i am desparate to know how serious this is. i don't have insurance but trust this board may know a littlle something about hand health :blush

anything you got will be heeded! ice? heat? bandage? sit on it i dont care i want my thumb back!

oh add: by the way my wrist have been feeling a little quirky the last week even before this happened and after i did the light test wrist wroller thingy they actually felt thicker and more solid. till i reached for the phone that is. LOST! :blink

thank you all for reading this. Any help will be greatly appreciated


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Its impossible to tell but if you can't move your thumb and you have felt sharp pain that does not sound good man. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to see a doctor. You don't want to take any risks and have it be something serious like nerve damage. I have not had anything like this happen to me, you might wait to see what some other people say but really there not doctors.

So basically you should see a doctor its not worth the risk of it being something serious especailly if you think it is something serious.

It might not be that bad, just very inflamed and your freaking out because of it-in which case ice is best but again I have no idea whats wrong with you-. Like when tweak my back lifting incorrectly my lower back can hurt really bad just trying to touch my toes but in a few days will feel 100%. Again though I don't think its worth the risk.

The way this happened though all of a sudden with what seemed like no damage-like blunt damage when you stub your thumb-to your thumb is very strange and could be very serious.

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Its impossible to tell but if you can't move your thumb and you have felt sharp pain that does not sound good man. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to see a doctor. You don't want to take any risks and have it be something serious like nerve damage. I have not had anything like this happen to me, you might wait to see what some other people say but really there not doctors.

So basically you should see a doctor its not worth the risk of it being something serious especailly if you think it is something serious.

It might not be that bad, just very inflamed and your freaking out because of it-in which case ice is best but again I have no idea whats wrong with you-. Like when tweak my back lifting incorrectly my lower back can hurt really bad just trying to touch my toes but in a few days will feel 100%. Again though I don't think its worth the risk.

The way this happened though all of a sudden with what seemed like no damage-like blunt damage when you stub your thumb-to your thumb is very strange and could be very serious.

Thanks! so how long do you think i can let it go before i have to see someone? i don't want to have to see a specialist and it's something simple and rack up a major bill over a false alarm.

also just to be clear i didn't stub it. it was more of a weird quirky "turn" while stretching my hand inside a tight pocket while sitting (in case that difference matters)

one more thing i just realized what it was like. it was kinda like when i pulled a hammy years ago trying to race someone.

Question: can you "pull hammys" so to speak in your forearm or wrist?


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It is worth going to a doctor ASAP. If you have a torn or detached tendon you can lose the associated muscle if you don't get surgery. The problem is that the body dissolves the detached muscle in a relatively short period of time. I have never had this problem, but an acquaintance tore a biceps tendon did not see a doctor in time; now he has a "monoceps" and his upper arm looks strange.

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It is worth going to a doctor ASAP. If you have a torn or detached tendon you can lose the associated muscle if you don't get surgery. The problem is that the body dissolves the detached muscle in a relatively short period of time. I have never had this problem, but an acquaintance tore a biceps tendon did not see a doctor in time; now he has a "monoceps" and his upper arm looks strange.

Sounds nasty :blink

What did he lose, his inner or outer head?

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Its impossible to tell but if you can't move your thumb and you have felt sharp pain that does not sound good man. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to see a doctor. You don't want to take any risks and have it be something serious like nerve damage. I have not had anything like this happen to me, you might wait to see what some other people say but really there not doctors.

So basically you should see a doctor its not worth the risk of it being something serious especailly if you think it is something serious.

It might not be that bad, just very inflamed and your freaking out because of it-in which case ice is best but again I have no idea whats wrong with you-. Like when tweak my back lifting incorrectly my lower back can hurt really bad just trying to touch my toes but in a few days will feel 100%. Again though I don't think its worth the risk.

The way this happened though all of a sudden with what seemed like no damage-like blunt damage when you stub your thumb-to your thumb is very strange and could be very serious.

Thanks! so how long do you think i can let it go before i have to see someone? i don't want to have to see a specialist and it's something simple and rack up a major bill over a false alarm.

also just to be clear i didn't stub it. it was more of a weird quirky "turn" while stretching my hand inside a tight pocket while sitting (in case that difference matters)

one more thing i just realized what it was like. it was kinda like when i pulled a hammy years ago trying to race someone.

Question: can you "pull hammys" so to speak in your forearm or wrist?


Hmm well this sounds a little better, at first sounded like you just lost control of your thumb for no reason. Now seems you twisted it and probably caused it to inflame-this is a guess though- I don't think you would need to see a specialists right a way but it would be in your best interest just to see your doctor.

Also yes you could pull muscles in your forearm-although rare- but not the way your described getting your injury at least. Pulling a muscle feels like hot pain did you experience anything like that?

Just go see a doctor though if your really worried I have no idea how bad it is for you or what could be wrong with you.

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It is worth going to a doctor ASAP. If you have a torn or detached tendon you can lose the associated muscle if you don't get surgery. The problem is that the body dissolves the detached muscle in a relatively short period of time. I have never had this problem, but an acquaintance tore a biceps tendon did not see a doctor in time; now he has a "monoceps" and his upper arm looks strange.

Sounds nasty :blink

What did he lose, his inner or outer head?

Don't recall, I think outer. Left arm though fortunately.

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It is worth going to a doctor ASAP. If you have a torn or detached tendon you can lose the associated muscle if you don't get surgery. The problem is that the body dissolves the detached muscle in a relatively short period of time. I have never had this problem, but an acquaintance tore a biceps tendon did not see a doctor in time; now he has a "monoceps" and his upper arm looks strange.

thank you for the info ;-)

did he have pain when he tore it?

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Its impossible to tell but if you can't move your thumb and you have felt sharp pain that does not sound good man. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to see a doctor. You don't want to take any risks and have it be something serious like nerve damage. I have not had anything like this happen to me, you might wait to see what some other people say but really there not doctors.

So basically you should see a doctor its not worth the risk of it being something serious especailly if you think it is something serious.

It might not be that bad, just very inflamed and your freaking out because of it-in which case ice is best but again I have no idea whats wrong with you-. Like when tweak my back lifting incorrectly my lower back can hurt really bad just trying to touch my toes but in a few days will feel 100%. Again though I don't think its worth the risk.

The way this happened though all of a sudden with what seemed like no damage-like blunt damage when you stub your thumb-to your thumb is very strange and could be very serious.

Thanks! so how long do you think i can let it go before i have to see someone? i don't want to have to see a specialist and it's something simple and rack up a major bill over a false alarm.

also just to be clear i didn't stub it. it was more of a weird quirky "turn" while stretching my hand inside a tight pocket while sitting (in case that difference matters)

one more thing i just realized what it was like. it was kinda like when i pulled a hammy years ago trying to race someone.

Question: can you "pull hammys" so to speak in your forearm or wrist?


Hmm well this sounds a little better, at first sounded like you just lost control of your thumb for no reason. Now seems you twisted it and probably caused it to inflame-this is a guess though- I don't think you would need to see a specialists right a way but it would be in your best interest just to see your doctor.

Also yes you could pull muscles in your forearm-although rare- but not the way your described getting your injury at least. Pulling a muscle feels like hot pain did you experience anything like that?

Just go see a doctor though if your really worried I have no idea how bad it is for you or what could be wrong with you.

thank you for the info as well

no hot pain... well immediately afterwards like the 60 seconds after. then just numb.

now as right after i can clinchmy fist with everyhing i got and i feel no pain whatsoever anywhere. i can open and close my fingers no problem whatsoever.

the problem is still this i cannot move the very tip of my thumb Backward. i can move it forward easily now pain if i concentrate HARD and hold the base of my thumb and try to move it backwardsi feel a sharp pain on the top of my wrist joint about 6 inches from the tip of my thumb and it doesn't move.

i'm really starting to think i snapped that small ligament responsible for moving your thumb tip from straight to back.

the hope is i never heard ove anyone tearing or dislodging a tendon without severe pain swelling ans bleeding (brusing)

has anyone heard of that???

thanks again guys

see a doctor asap.. nobody on the internet can help you.

thanks you may be right :(

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