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First Mgc Announcement

Bob Lipinski

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I apologize about not getting the date finalized, I should be able to do it by January. Not only do I have to deal with the work vacation calender this year, but my wife is having a baby sometime in April.

Entry fee is also tentative- I have some special plans, but if they don't work out I will go back to $20.

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Bob - congratulations on your upcoming little bundle of joy (and noise) :D Oh - the contest sounds cool too hehe!

Please try and miss the Arnold and Chads contest if possible.

Edited by climber511
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I'm interested in the rim hold for time. So someone holding 155 for 10 minutes wont beat someone holding 355 for 1 second? If that's the case it makes sense. So if you can get 355 off the ground to lockout for at least 1 second, you beat everyone who couldn't and had to go to a lighter weight?

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I don't understand how the hammer medley is going to work. Can you explain it with maybe a sample attempt and the score it would get.


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I don't understand how the hammer medley is going to work. Can you explain it with maybe a sample attempt and the score it would get.


The way I understand it, the hammers can be either front levered like the hammers at MGC6 with a quarter on the head, levered the back with a quarter on the head to the platform, or slim levered off the floor for .5 points. I don't know how Bob is going to score the first two levers, but it seems to be that a realistic 1st place in this event will front lever the 6-10(12?) and back lever up to the 16, then slim the 20.

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so, we would get 3 scores. best front, best rear, and best slim. will there be a time limit? or will it run all of us do front, then all rear, then all slim?


Edited by barbe705
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so, If I front lever a 10# and you rear lever a 10# we tie? assuming they both go to the same platform. Is score determined by heaviest hammer? most hammers lifted? I just picked up a 12 and 16 pound hammers this weekend. Now I just need to get string with them.

I'm not sure, but I don't think so. Rear levering a 10 is easier than front levering so Bob will probably score that one lower than the front lever. It's a medley so it wont be heaviest hammer wins unless no one completes the medley, in which case the heaviest hammer and the most hammers become the same thing.

Just pick a technique for the hammer that you want. You can do more weight in a Rear lever than a front lever, so less points for the rear lever, and you can do more weight in a Slim lever than a rear lever, so less points than rear lever. Whichever of the 3 techniques you can use for the particular hammer, use it because one is better than zero.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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holy crap do I not understand this. I'll just work on my hammers between now and then and do what I'm told on the day.


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My understanding was:

You try to rear and front lever every hammer you can for 1 point apiece.

For example, you front lever the 8; one point, then you rear lever the 8, one point, and you're off to the next hammer..

The hammers you can't front lever or rear lever, you can slim lever for 1/2 point.

Most points win.

Could be wrong??

Edited by jad
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I don't understand how the hammer medley is going to work. Can you explain it with maybe a sample attempt and the score it would get.


The way I understand it, the hammers can be either front levered like the hammers at MGC6 with a quarter on the head, levered the back with a quarter on the head to the platform, or slim levered off the floor for .5 points. I don't know how Bob is going to score the first two levers, but it seems to be that a realistic 1st place in this event will front lever the 6-10(12?) and back lever up to the 16, then slim the 20.

Form can get pretty crazy on the rear levers, it will be interesting to see how strict he makes it. With enough runway I think you'll see several rear lever a 16.

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I don't understand how the hammer medley is going to work. Can you explain it with maybe a sample attempt and the score it would get.


The way I understand it, the hammers can be either front levered like the hammers at MGC6 with a quarter on the head, levered the back with a quarter on the head to the platform, or slim levered off the floor for .5 points. I don't know how Bob is going to score the first two levers, but it seems to be that a realistic 1st place in this event will front lever the 6-10(12?) and back lever up to the 16, then slim the 20.

Form can get pretty crazy on the rear levers, it will be interesting to see how strict he makes it. With enough runway I think you'll see several rear lever a 16.

A 16 from the floor with a quarter on the head - I don't see that one happening very ofter myself.

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Mobsters Weaverstick lift to the rear record is 8.1K or 17.85# just as a point of reference - 16# from the floor without dropping the quarter is going to be one heck of a lift.

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You are right about the rim lift Zach! I did something like this at my very first contest with the axle. I got up 305 (or thereabouts) for 1 second!

Damn, I will rewrite the explanation. Josh is the closest.

Front deadlift what you can, 1-2 points depending on platform. If you can't front deadlift it, just slim lever it for .5 points. (both test the same part of wrist strength roughly) Then rear deadlift. 1-2 points depending on platform.

I would be suprised if anyone made 12 front deadlift. That is why I added in the slim lever- There wouldn't be much of a point spread otherwise. The 16 to the rear is very doable- I am close now. Some stud might get 20.

The 20 will go to somebody in the slim lever, probably more than one person.

A few months out I will put up a video on rear hammer lift allowable form. I will likely go with "spirit of the lift" on contest day, since it isn't an entire event I think I will feel comfortable with a few subjective guidelines- Probably a # of inches off parallel.

I experimented with a coin on the head for rear levers. It was more of a test of coordination than strength. As always, I'd love to see any crazy form variations you can come up with Josh!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll announce the date soon. I requested May 10th off from work- I just have to go to my wifes ultrasound appointment and make sure the baby isn't due that week, then see what the Larkin's are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Ok so let me see if I understand how the hammers will work. Levering to the front and back will be contested with 6-20lb hammers. Front levering will include a coin on the hammer correct? Will be we levering both front and back to the platforms? Once you start either front or back you have to do your attempts on all the hammers of the group? Can you swap hands between hammers and/or between front and back? The slim lever option is only if you can't complete the front lever with that weight?

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I know it is confusing, I might make a video to help explain it.


Ok so let me see if I understand how the hammers will work. Levering to the front and back will be contested with 6-20lb hammers. Front levering will include a coin on the hammer correct? Yes

Will be we levering both front and back to the platforms? Yes, I think both will work out.

Once you start either front or back you have to do your attempts on all the hammers of the group? Yes.

Can you swap hands between hammers and/or between front and back? The slim lever option is only if you can't complete the front lever with that weight? Yes to both.

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