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Rest Time


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I have noticed that if I take 3-4 days off between gripper days that I am stronger than if I only take 2 days off. I have started to do sledge hammer work and pinch lifting, then take 2 days off and do gripper work, then two more days off and back to hammer and pinch lift. This type of training has given me the best results, when I do grippers and then do grippers again after a two day rest I can't close the heavy grippers like I could with a little more rest.

I think maybe this is because I work very hard on my gripper day, and I am not fully recovered with just a two day rest.

I am wondering if anyone else experiences the same type of thing.


Frank Chaudoin

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I have that some times I usally do 3 times a week but if I dont feel my hands have recovered fully or 3/4 of the way then I will take a extra day off. But to me its all up to how my body feels.

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true. when i 1st started with grippers i could go heavy 2-3 times a week for a long time.

now i have a heavier crush day, a very light crush day (just beef builder) and then a moderate day (reps with gripper). no problems so far.

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I've had good luck using the tap test to check and see if I'm recovered. I can also generally tell from my warm up on my ISG. If the reps don't feel explosive, it's usually a crappy gripper workout. If I'm recovered enough for grippers, then I'm recovered enough for the rest of my training.

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Yes all training varys for recover for different people you must know what your body is telling you. I can go 3 days a week and sometimes only 2 days a week all depends on my nutrition and rest during that week.

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I try for one day on Two days off. On my off days I only do about 2 or 3 attempts on a goal gripper in a choker. I do play it by ear though, if I feel like my hands need more thats what they get.

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Thanks guys, I didn't even think about how my rest time might change as I get into heavier grippers, before the 2 and 2.5 were part of my workout I recovered a little faster, and thanks for reminding me to get some more sleep Tae-kwon-do, I have had a crazy week, my car blew up on Tue, and I got evicted on Wed. So things have been a little busy for me.

What is the "tap test"? <<< this might be very useful to me.

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Thanks guys, I didn't even think about how my rest time might change as I get into heavier grippers, before the 2 and 2.5 were part of my workout I recovered a little faster, and thanks for reminding me to get some more sleep Tae-kwon-do, I have had a crazy week, my car blew up on Tue, and I got evicted on Wed. So things have been a little busy for me.

your welcome buddy

sleeping would surely effect any serious activity

try it and sleep 8 hours and everyday sleep in the same time

after several days you will find that you have got alot more energy in any activity.

EDIT: i remember reading a qoute that had been said by a famous weight lifter or someting, it sounds like this

''you must work hard to recover like when you train hard''

Edited by taekwondo911
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