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A Few Questions For You Steel Whiz's....


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Hey guys,

Inspired by all these new PR's with new steel, I stopped by Fastenal today and picked up some stuff. Here's the list:

3/8" 0-1 drillrod( :blink :blink oooo, yeah, bring on the pain!!)

3/8" 304 stainless round

some more 5/16'' 0-1 drillrod. I wanna do a medley; 7'' down to the insane if my endurance holds out!

1045 3/8" crs round

My question is this: How does the 1045 compare to say, KOAB steel? I can't remember which grades are which. Also, how does the 304 stainless stack up compared to regular crs and/or KOASB stock?

Your expertise would be greatly appreciated! I just wanna know what I'm working with here. Thanks! :cool

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The 304 3/8 would be as far from a KOASB as 5/16 304 is from a Shiny, roughly. Ben tells me that 5/16 0-1 cal's around 475 where a normal bastard is around 440ish so expect the same proportionate difference between a KOAB and 3/8 0-1. The recent dark bastard batch that cal'd at 515 is tougher than 5/16 0-1. Even the crush. If you can finish off an Insane of the 515 batch then you'll have that 0-1 lineup killed. I've never touched 1045 so I can't say anything other than to expect it to be noticeably tougher than CRS.

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The 304 3/8 would be as far from a KOASB as 5/16 304 is from a Shiny, roughly. Ben tells me that 5/16 0-1 cal's around 475 where a normal bastard is around 440ish so expect the same proportionate difference between a KOAB and 3/8 0-1. The recent dark bastard batch that cal'd at 515 is tougher than 5/16 0-1. Even the crush. If you can finish off an Insane of the 515 batch then you'll have that 0-1 lineup killed. I've never touched 1045 so I can't say anything other than to expect it to be noticeably tougher than CRS.

Thanks a ton Zach! I had no problem finishing an 0-1 insane a couple weeks ago, so I should be good. Now that I look at my past bastards that I have bent, all of them are dark looking, and not really shiny at all. Almost a smoke color if that makes any sense. Maybe I had the tough ones all along, who knows. At any rate, I did think that the 0-1 drill rod(5/16'') wasn't a whole lot harder than the bastards I had. As far as the stainless, I have never bent 304 before, so I really don't have experience to compare a shiny to in that area. I have the crazy hard KOAB's though, so I am curious to see if I can move the 0-1 drillrod any easier than those. Thanks again Zach, very much appreciated!! :cool

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Grade 304 stainless is easier than the grade 303 for the same thickness and also beats drillrod on the crushdown foir the same thickness.

I find a slightly bigger jump on the 3/8 stuff compared to the 5/16 stuff but a man of your strength will go onto conquer it all just keep on doing what you have been doing and have faith and it will happen.

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Paging Mr. Edwards, Mr. Edwards.... :D

CRS-1045 is mega hard steel. Harder than even the 780 KOABs from the few I got a hold of and cheatkinked. It also felt harder to cheatkink than 3/8" Stainless-304.

If you want to buy the same feel of steel as a KOAB, I just found 3/8" CRS-1018 at Fastenal. That's pretty plain jane stuff but it felt like a harder KOAB.

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KOAB steel is most likely 1018 as I've had some 5/16 1018 that felt and cal'd identical to the 440 bastards. Up from that is O-1 drillrod then 304 stainless then 303 or whatever John uses. 304 calibrates slightly less than O-1 but make no mistake, it's harder. 1045's yield numbers really aren't that special but evidently the real world bending is much tougher as Ben and several others have verified. Probably like all other steels in that you may have some that's a little easier.

I've got some 12L14 that is suprisingly tough for steel that's usually a little easier than 1018.

Of course my experience is with 5/16 so Ben and Gazza's knowledge will be more helpfull with the 3/8 stuff.

Go get it!


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I would LOVE to see 3/8" 1045 CRS bent. From what I've done which is just 1/4", the 1045 is much harder than the 303 stainless. I can do 5.5" x 1/4" 303 no problem in about 30 seconds , 6" 1045 is about a minute or a little over. I would be willing to buy it and send it to you Gazza :whistel. :)

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Hi Jeremiah. In my experience, even the strength of O1 varies significantly. I have ordered from a few companies and some I can easily bend and some smaller size I can barely kink. For comparisons, only you can tell, or they need to be calibrated. BTW, I really liked your Medley. It took a majestic young man to bend those bars :rock:rock Congrats :rock

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