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Wisdom Teeth All Pulled, Taking Off From Bending


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Well today I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled and let me tell you, not the funnest thing ever. :blink

Looks like I will probably take off for about about 2 weeks. Here is a nice pick of my bloody teeth. Along with my swollen eyes and swollen face!


Edited by John III
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2 weeks off of bending because of wisdom teeth? :blink

Heck I remember getting mine pulled on a thursday morning and I was squatting on friday night.

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Ewww, my mom was and a friend were both out of comission for a week or two after theirs were taken out. I've never had mine out and don't even have Wteeth in my bottom jaw(lucky me, I know). That must stink though :(

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2 weeks off of bending because of wisdom teeth? :blink

Heck I remember getting mine pulled on a thursday morning and I was squatting on friday night.

there are a lot of factors, such as how old you are when you get them out, how big they were, how deep ext ext. It could take a few days but your right should not be more then a few days, definitely not two weeks for most.

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Haha nice pic John!! I get mine out the week after BBB (planned for it that way, my ortho is mad I'm waiting so long :D) SO then I'll be out for about a week after my opp. I'll be sure to post a pic so we can compare :laugh

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Have fun healing John. I had my wisdom teeth yanked when I was 18, and while that week or two off from training wasn't fun, the proper healing was worth the wait. In fact, I set a hang clean PR when I got home from having my stitches cut out.

Derek, this is probably a no-brainer for you, but I'm assuming you'll be given the option of + or - anesthesia, as I was. The doctor did this for legal reasons. Talk this over with your folks, for sure, but I advise getting KO'd. I was very, very sore even with all the anesthetic and pain killers administered during surgery, so I can't imagine having the surgery done without KO drugs.

What helped me heal was lotsa cold, soft food, like pudding. My secret weapon for healing, as I recall, was a bunch of chocolate shakes from White Castle.

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Have fun healing John. I had my wisdom teeth yanked when I was 18, and while that week or two off from training wasn't fun, the proper healing was worth the wait. In fact, I set a hang clean PR when I got home from having my stitches cut out.

Derek, this is probably a no-brainer for you, but I'm assuming you'll be given the option of + or - anesthesia, as I was. The doctor did this for legal reasons. Talk this over with your folks, for sure, but I advise getting KO'd. I was very, very sore even with all the anesthetic and pain killers administered during surgery, so I can't imagine having the surgery done without KO drugs.

What helped me heal was lotsa cold, soft food, like pudding. My secret weapon for healing, as I recall, was a bunch of chocolate shakes from White Castle.

I've been under the knife many times before Brad :D I know what I'm doing ;) But yes I'll be using anesthesia.

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