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Rules Of Bending With Wraps


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A forum member very kindly sent me a pair wraps. I am blasting through stuff I couldn't do . I can even do DO. I think I maybe cheating however by pressing on the side of the wraps. What excatly do the rules allow? Also I think that the weight of the wraps would allow to bend much more than say a cloth. Thanks though no hand pain at all with using these.

I am finding it tough to get the wraps tight on the steel though.

cheers guys


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Haha, careful. Discussions about wraps often go crazy here on the board :laugh Anyway, there are no rules governing wraps outside of Ironmind's RED cert. You can use whatever it is you feel necessary to wrap the bar. You could use nothing to wrap it or you could use tissue paper, tissues, IM wraps, leather wraps, double wraps, triple wraps, quadruple wraps, wrap it in a bath towel, wrap it in a beach towel if you want. All that matter is you bend the steel without bracing it. You'll find that many of the bigger steel bends have been done with double leather wraps. The entire reason for that is that you can yank on the wraps more than the bar and kink bigger steel because you have more leverage. With less wraps however, it takes more wrist torque and a certain degree of pain tolerance to kink the steel. It is not cheating to yank on the wraps to kink bigger steel :)

As far as getting the wraps on the steel, you can do 1 of two things(or both if you are so inclined).

#1, Chalk up your wraps really well, then buy a clamp and clamp one side of the wrap down to a table or platform. Then stretch the wrap out and wrap it around the bar nice and tight and roll it up. Follow the same procedure for double wraps.

#2, Do what some guys do and just hold down one side of the wrap with your toes, hands, elbows, etc, and stretch them around the bar and roll them up.

Mostly practice is what gets the wraps on nice and tight :)

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Also, if the wraps are new, I suggest what Zach said, then rubberband em' real tight, and leave em' wrapped on the bar for a few days. They will kind of take a "set", and then they'll be easier to wrap and get nice and tight. :cool

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Oh Lord, here we go again fellas. not going to be involved in this after this post, not going to get suspended/banned for this stuff again.

Any amount of wrapping is allowed. You're allowed to push on the ends. But at a point too much wrap becomes detrimental and too much pushing on the ends becomes detrimental. You need to find a good balance point for you. And Zach thoroughly described hopw to get the wraps tight. Good luck in your training, I'm off to hide in a cave to not be tempted :D

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I find that if the wraps get too thick I lose power. I really notice this in reverse style.


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