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Had A Break From Grippers.


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Just 1 week ago I was very close to a nice slow MMS close of my #3, and could manage a few mini reps on it. I had a holiday abroad and debated on if I should take a gripper with me or give myself a break and come back strong to film an MMO video to get on the ladder. I decided to have a break.

I got back on Saturday night from the airport and Sunday morning I tried the #3 in the hope that I'd be good for the MMO. I was so gutted that I didn't even close it, I came about 3mm short. I've tried again since and still I could just about close the thing once.

Does anyone know what could have happend? You don't lose that much strength in one week do you?

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I've got the answer............. A. when I take a break I always come back "stale" - the break did you good, you just have to work your way back and when you do you'll be stronger than before. B. if your gripper has been sitting in your garage for a week or so with no action, it could use an oiling - sounds frivolous, but it will make a bigger difference than you think ;) C. Next time you want to take a break, its good to maintain an "Active Rest" don't do any real heavy smashes, but squeeze your trainer occasionally or a plastic gripper or work your extensors with rubber bands each day and this should avoid coming back "stale" - myself and some friends just expierienced the same scenario and these steps are what we discovered - try this out and let me know how it goes. :)

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I lose my 'groove' on grippers if i have more than a few days off. 2-3 days off is most efficient for me. Any more any my setting technique is off which means i come up a few mm short.

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How long did you go away for? My big mistake with my grip training was when i took a break for about a month of no grippers, i was occupied with other things but it dropped me from shutting a 3.4 to a 3.2 and then i gradually dropped further back down. Im sure you cant lose huge grip strength in a relatively short period of time especially when you've put in serious training beforehand, you might well find that on your next session or two you get back to strength very fast then move forward. Just get back to training as normal, i'm sure you'll get that MM0 done very soon.

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Odd. I've not touched a gripper for months and still came back as strong and sometimes stronger. I think you were just having "one of those days". Just because you didn't feel that strong for a session or two doesn't mean you've gotten weaker- could just be a bad day

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Odd. I've not touched a gripper for months and still came back as strong and sometimes stronger. I think you were just having "one of those days". Just because you didn't feel that strong for a session or two doesn't mean you've gotten weaker- could just be a bad day

Well you're just a stupid freak Wes :laugh

Wes could be right, for me a week off usually doesn't make too much a difference righty, but I lose the coordination to set with my left hand after just a few days off grippers. Maybe you just lost your groove? Do a light workout or two and then you'll come back stronger.

Edited by vikingsrule92
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I lose my 'groove' on grippers if i have more than a few days off. 2-3 days off is most efficient for me.

Same thing for me. If im active on grip stuff im strong on them. I lose strength quickly if im not active with most grip stuff.. especially grippers. I closed the 3 many times a day right up until 2 days before my coc cert. I've heard this from a few of the big crushers.

Lloyd I think Paul hit the nail on the head. The rest did you some good and I think you will be stronger within a few workouts. just hit it harder.

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Wes may be a stuid freak ;) , but I've noticed the same thing. I've taken a few breaks, for a year or more, and come back to set PR's almost right away. No worries, lloyd, you'll get it back quick.

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I lose my 'groove' on grippers if i have more than a few days off. 2-3 days off is most efficient for me.

Same thing for me. If im active on grip stuff im strong on them. I lose strength quickly if im not active with most grip stuff.. especially grippers. I closed the 3 many times a day right up until 2 days before my coc cert. I've heard this from a few of the big crushers.

Lloyd I think Paul hit the nail on the head. The rest did you some good and I think you will be stronger within a few workouts. just hit it harder.

I find when I take 1-2 days off my fingers seem to fatten up. I don't like to take breaks longer than this because then I get stiff after. I like to have constant muscle rippage going on in my hands to ensure I don't undertrain :)

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Loyd, I went on my honeymoon last month and did not bring any grippers so that I HAD to take a 7day break. I came home expecting to be stronger than ever, well, I was actually weaker. But Within two workouts I came back stronger than ever. Pauls' post is spot on. Dont let this get you down, you will come back stronger.

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Break from any highly specific motor function will cause what seems like a loss of strength, but it is just a phenomenon that's linked to the activation of the nervous system. Look at it as a skill that needs practice. That's why it is good to do as Paul said, practice even with a Trainer will keep the skill on the maintenance level, yet you are recovering from the hard training. Sam talked about the groove and that's a good word to describe this. It's about loosing the groove (or skill), not strength as week is a very short time period.

For example, I'm not nowhere near my peak with grippers at the moment. Yet, I'm not worried about that. Why? The strength is there once it's developed, but the eccentric training I did for last two months was very fatiquing and I did not do much MMS grippers. Now I just need to train in a more specific way to develop the MMS back to it's peak.

Edited by Teemu I
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Give it a few days, you might just be tired from being on vacation so long. How was your diet that day? Grippers are very intense on the CNS and food is important for any strong close. Just get back into normal training, and your body should get back into shape and you should be ready to get a big close. Good luck :rock

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I am with Wes here, I have never taken a break for a couple of months, but I took a two week break and I came back stronger than when I stopped, this rest was due to an insane blister on the center of my palm.

Never experienced a loss from taking time off, but I have only been gripping for a little while.

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Guys thanks for all of you advice, the holiday I went on meant that I didn't touch a gripper for 8 days. I've not done any grip since Sunday now and I've been feeling a bit slugish, I'm going to eat right today and build up my energy levels and them hit my grippers tonight and see how I go.

I must say that normaly I close grippers everyday, I know that many wouldn't recomend this but hy strength seems to grow with this and my hands recover very quickly. When I first started my hands, wrists, fingers would all be killing me for days after closing grippers but now I can hit them hard almost no-stop. I was wondering if because my hands my be used to the non stop punishment that they may have gone a stale while I was away?

I'll let you all know how I go today and I'll keep all of you advice in mind :rock

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i believe its mental , i probably didnt warm up properly for this attempt of u put tremendous pressure on u wich means you failed the target(the best advice: do it with passion not with to much adrenaline). impossible to loose strenght.

i believe to much time off will makes u loose the technique wich is the most important thing.

Wes probably didnt noticed it because he's to good(lol) to close using one wider distance.

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Hi Guys,

I did a gripper sesion last night to see how things would go. Well the good news is I did get the handles touching on the #3 again but I still think I'm only at 80% of my strength that I was 2 weeks ago. The #3 close was from a deep set and I had to bust my ass to close it, so its still feeling harder than it was.

I think I just need to get back in the groove and I hope in a week or two I'll be back to peak. I'm one of those people that NEED to grip everyday....to me that's a good thing though as long as I don't get injured :)

Thanks for you advice fellas

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my advice: take it easy. U will get there this year.

I injured myself couple of times during the days i decided to give teh mm0 cert a try ...

Everytime the level of my adrenaline was HUGE (not good) i was literally obcessed... i injured my shoulder doing dome dip work before my grippers workout(never happend before), few days later ... had to cut some tape from my #3 because it was in a choker , i cut my finger badly because i was nervous(i dont blame the knife). other day the battery (i spend all night charge it) didnt work during my attempt. Its related with the Murphy theory ...when u want something badly to work , its very possible u will get a surprise.

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What can also happen is that you remember being stronger than you were. You can convince yourself that you were more consistent and stronger on the close than you were and that you managed to get the feat/close with room to spare, when in reality you got it convincingly a few times when you were firing on all cylinders and managed a few closes but mostly near misses with all out efforts the rest of the time. ;)

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