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What Is The Limit Anyways?


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So, there's a bunch of super-resistant grippers out now. The RB World's Toughest, the BB Super Galaxy and Universe, and now the Beast. If you were to train hard and consistant over a long period of time, what exactly do you guys think the limit is? Will most people reach somewhere between 400-500 pounds and then stop getting stronger after that? I've said that anything harder than a BB Galaxy is mostly a showpiece because it will never be closed but seriously what do you think we're capable of?

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Like the Bonecrushers question this one has been asked, discussed and so to death before. It's a very difficult question to guess the answer to. Every single time Hoffman and Weider et al tried this in their magazines over the years they got it wrong. It'll be the same here.

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First off he's playing with ya and second check the FAQ's in each section which save us from explaining every single thing.

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Grip Companies

IM = Ironmind (produces "Captains of Crush" grippers and other grip tools.)

RB = Robert Baraban (produces his own line of grippers in Austria.)

APT = APT Pro Wrist Straps (sells Heavy grips and Ivanko Super Grippers.)

FHS = Functional Hand Strength

WW = Weight Lifters Warehouse (sells grip tools made by Warren Tetting.)

BB = Beef Builder (made by Warren Tetting.)

FBBC = Fat Bastard Barbell Co.

HG = Heavy Grips

PDA = Peidmont Design Associates (No longer produces grippers, still has other grip tools.)


#G = Ironmind Guide (rated @ 60lbs.)

#S = Ironmind Sport (rated @ 80lbs.)

#T = Ironmind Trainer (rated @ 100lbs.)

#1 = Ironmind #1 (rated @ 140lbs. numbers 1-4 denotes strength level.)

#2 = Ironmind #2 (rated @ 195lbs.)

#3 = Ironmind #3 (rated @ 280lbs.)

#4 = Ironmind #4 (rated @ 365lbs.)

HG100 = Heavy Grips 100 (number denotes in/lbs measured at mid-handle)

HG150 = Heavy Grips 150

HG200 = Heavy Grips 200

HG250 = Heavy Grips 250

HG300 = Heavy Grips 300

HG400 = Heavy Grips 400 (limited edition, numbered of 400)

HG500 = Heavy Grips 500 (limited edition, numbered of 300)

BBB = Beef Builder Beginner

BBA = Beef Builder Advanced

BBSA = Beef Builder Super Advanced

BBM = Beef Builder Master

BBSM = Beef Builder Super Master

BBGM = Beef Builder Grand Master

BBE = Beef Builder Elite

BBSE = Beef Builder Super Elite

BBGE = Beef Builder Grand Elite

BBP = Beef Builder Pro

BBWC = Beef Builder World Class

BBG = Beef Builder Galaxy

MM1-5 = Mash Monster (1,2,3,4,5 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Gripboard for forum certification program. Made by Warren Tetting)

MM1-5dud = Mash Monster replica (Same strength but can be purchased thru Warren Tetting)

GM1-3 = (1,2,3 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Grippermania for forum certification program. Made by Warren Tetting)

GM4-5 = (4,5 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Grippermania for certification program. Made by Robert Baraban)

RBWT = Robert Baraban Worlds Toughest gripper (limited edition numbered of 50. rated @ 720lbs.)

RB70-RB365 = Robert Baraban (number denotes strength level)

RB240-RB330N =Robert Baraban (same as above except "N" denotes a narrow handle spread.)

PDA243 = Peidmont Design Associates (number on each gripper denotes wire size)

PDA262 = Peidmont Design Associates

PDA280 = Peidmont Design Associates

PDA295 = Peidmont Design Associates

PDA280HD = Peidmont Design Associates (Heavy Duty 280 due to spring set lower)

ISG = Ivanko Super Gripper (strength denoted by spring setting. ex; 7,10 = one spring at seven and the other at ten.)

TSG = Torsion Spring Gripper (all of the above are this type of gripper except the ISG.)

Grip Tools

RT = Rolling Thunder (made by Ironmind for thick bar one-hand deadlifts.)

TTK = Titan Telegraph Key (made by Ironmind for dynamic pinch grip training.)

BBPB = Block Buster Pinch Block (made by Ironmind for static pinch grip training.)

PH = Pinch Hub (made by Ironmind for training to lift 45lb plate by hub.)

OLL = Outer Limit Loops (made by Ironmind for extensor training.)

IDB = Inch Dumbell (172 lb. dumbell made famous by Thomas Inch.)

MDB = Millenium Dumbell (228lb. dumbell same construction as the Inch dumbell.)

HDB = Holle it Up Dumbell (made by Ironmind for training to lift Inch Dumbell.)

GM = Grip Machine (plate loaded, guillotine style grip machine.)

TYW = Twist Yo Wrist (yo-yo shaped wrist roller made by Ironmind.)

WS = Weaver Stick

V-Bar = Vertical Bar

HH1 - Heavy Hammer I Leverage Bar

HH2 - Heavy Hammer II Levarage Bar

Training Terminology

LH = Left Hand

RH = Right Hand

BH = Both Hands

PR = Personal Record

PB = Personal Best

WU = Warmup

BTR = Beyond the Range (filing the inside handle(s) of gripper to close beyond the normal range of closing.)

GG = Goal Gripper (the current gripper you are trying to close)

CC = Choker Close (works the close portion by using a washer or hose clamp to narrow the spread to desired width.)

BC = Braced Close (one method is using free hand to push dogleg handle into palm to help finish the close.)

NC = Negative Crush (using a gripper one level above your goal gripper close gripper with 2 hands or other form of assistance then with only one hand "try" to close grippers as hard as you can for 5-7 seconds.)

SON = Smooth Out Negative (using gripper one level above your goal gripper close gripper with 2 hands or other form of assistance then with only one hand "smoothly" let gripper open in 2-3 seconds.)

SH = Strap Holds (close gripper onto one end of a "strap" or other thin material while a weight is attached to other end of strap.)

OC = Overcrush (using a gripper you can close try to "crush" gripper as hard as you possibly can for 4-7 seconds.)

IC = Inverted Close (gripper is placed upside down in hand and closed.)

DS = Deep Set (free hand is used to set the gripper handles very close together before the close.)

NS = No Set (free hand can be used to position gripper in hand but cannot help with closing of gripper.)

TNS = Table No Set (gripper is picked up from table with one hand and closed. Free hand does not touch gripper at all.)

CCS = Credit Card Set (free hand can be used to position gripper in hand to a width no narrower than a credit card approx. 2". Ironmind's current standard for their certification program.)

PC = Plate Curl (bicep curl using a weight plate in a pinch grip.)

PWC = Plate Wrist Curl (wrist curl using a weight plate in a pinch grip.)

PP = Plate Pinch (lifting plate(s) in a pinch grip with thumb on one side and fingers on the opposite side.)

DL = Deadlift

FW = Farmers Walk

CRS = Cold Rolled Steel

HRS = Hot Rolled Steel

RND = Round Stock

SQR = Square Stock

DU = Double Underhand (style of bending steel with palms facing up.)

DO = Double Overhand (style of bending steel with palms facing down.)

Misc. Terminology

KTA = Kinney Training Adapted (successful gripper training e-book sold by Bill Piche, CEO of the Gripboard.)

SAG = Simplified Adjustable Gripper (make your current grippers harder by placing a hose clamp around the spring which prevents the "fanning" of the spring making the gripper harder to close.)

JAG = John's Adjustable Gripper

AW = Arm Wrestling

COC = Captains of Crush (list of certified closers of the Ironmind #3 and #4 grippers. also is the name of Ironmind's grippers.)

DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

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When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

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When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

The Galaxy is rated at 595lbs. I've never seen it before, does it have a ridiculous looking coil like a Super Galaxy or Universe?

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The Galaxy is rated at 595lbs. I've never seen it before, does it have a ridiculous looking coil like a Super Galaxy or Universe?

Nope, it's still stupid-huge, but is quite a bit smaller than a Universe.

I personally think the limit is at least a ways under a BBpro. Anything over that will NEVER be closed. Maybe somebody like Magnus or Dave could do something in the 200lb+ range.

Here are the spring sizes for BB's/Tettings(same exact thing):

.225 BB Beginner

.235 BB Advanced

.250 BB Super Advanced

.260 BB Master

.275 BB Super Master

.281 BB Grand Master

.293 BB Elite

.306 BB Super Elite

.312 BB Grand Elite

(????? spring size ?????) Pro

.331 BB World Class

.345 BB Galaxy

.362 BB Super Galaxy

.375 BB Grand Galaxy (not made anymore)

.502 Universe

When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

No way, no how. The WC will never be closed. Heck, a nobody has even closed a normal Pro yet, let alone the WC,

And for the HG500, a seasoned one can be closed, cuz they season down quite a bit, but out of the package they are a bit more stout than a #4, so very few can close an unseasoned...again, maybe Samuelsson or the like.

Edited by Magnus
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The Galaxy is rated at 595lbs. I've never seen it before, does it have a ridiculous looking coil like a Super Galaxy or Universe?

Nope, it's still stupid-huge, but is quite a bit smaller than a Universe.

I personally think the limit is at least a ways under a BBpro. Anything over that will NEVER be closed. Maybe somebody like Magnus or Dave could do something in the 200lb+ range.

Here are the spring sizes for BB's/Tettings(same exact thing):

.225 BB Beginner

.235 BB Advanced

.250 BB Super Advanced

.260 BB Master

.275 BB Super Master

.281 BB Grand Master

.293 BB Elite

.306 BB Super Elite

.312 BB Grand Elite

(????? spring size ?????) Pro

.331 BB World Class

.345 BB Galaxy

.362 BB Super Galaxy

.375 BB Grand Galaxy (not made anymore)

.502 Universe

When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

No way, no how. The WC will never be closed. Heck, a nobody has even closed a normal Pro yet, let alone the WC,

And for the HG500, a seasoned one can be closed, cuz they season down quite a bit, but out of the package they are a bit more stout than a #4, so very few can close an unseasoned...again, maybe Samuelsson or the like.

I dont know that the HG500 is all that. After the AZCGS comp I got a new HG500 out of the package under to under 1/8 from what I remember and I was smoked

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The Galaxy is rated at 595lbs. I've never seen it before, does it have a ridiculous looking coil like a Super Galaxy or Universe?

Nope, it's still stupid-huge, but is quite a bit smaller than a Universe.

I personally think the limit is at least a ways under a BBpro. Anything over that will NEVER be closed. Maybe somebody like Magnus or Dave could do something in the 200lb+ range.

Here are the spring sizes for BB's/Tettings(same exact thing):

.225 BB Beginner

.235 BB Advanced

.250 BB Super Advanced

.260 BB Master

.275 BB Super Master

.281 BB Grand Master

.293 BB Elite

.306 BB Super Elite

.312 BB Grand Elite

(????? spring size ?????) Pro

.331 BB World Class

.345 BB Galaxy

.362 BB Super Galaxy

.375 BB Grand Galaxy (not made anymore)

.502 Universe

When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

No way, no how. The WC will never be closed. Heck, a nobody has even closed a normal Pro yet, let alone the WC,

And for the HG500, a seasoned one can be closed, cuz they season down quite a bit, but out of the package they are a bit more stout than a #4, so very few can close an unseasoned...again, maybe Samuelsson or the like.

What did they advertise the Grand Galaxy as in inch pounds? I've never heard of a Grand Galaxy, I thought at first it might have been another name for the Universe.

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The Galaxy is rated at 595lbs. I've never seen it before, does it have a ridiculous looking coil like a Super Galaxy or Universe?

Nope, it's still stupid-huge, but is quite a bit smaller than a Universe.

I personally think the limit is at least a ways under a BBpro. Anything over that will NEVER be closed. Maybe somebody like Magnus or Dave could do something in the 200lb+ range.

Here are the spring sizes for BB's/Tettings(same exact thing):

.225 BB Beginner

.235 BB Advanced

.250 BB Super Advanced

.260 BB Master

.275 BB Super Master

.281 BB Grand Master

.293 BB Elite

.306 BB Super Elite

.312 BB Grand Elite

(????? spring size ?????) Pro

.331 BB World Class

.345 BB Galaxy

.362 BB Super Galaxy

.375 BB Grand Galaxy (not made anymore)

.502 Universe

When looking at grippers one I think can imagine some one closing one of the 500 grippers, as in HG500 or BC500, (anyone done this yet?) etc....

I also imagine that someday we will see some one close the BBWC, I think any gripper stronger than these will not be closed, at least not in my lifetime, the Galaxy looks incredibly harder than the World Class.

No way, no how. The WC will never be closed. Heck, a nobody has even closed a normal Pro yet, let alone the WC,

And for the HG500, a seasoned one can be closed, cuz they season down quite a bit, but out of the package they are a bit more stout than a #4, so very few can close an unseasoned...again, maybe Samuelsson or the like.

I dont know that the HG500 is all that. After the AZCGS comp I got a new HG500 out of the package under to under 1/8 from what I remember and I was smoked

Yup, what Aaron said. Brand New out of package BC500 (same thing) to about a 1/16", I "judged" it on my dad's gripper. It hasn't been any more seasoned then about 2-3 closes (chest crushes) and Aaron's attempt so I'll have my dad bring it to the comp and see what Aaron and Paul can do with it.

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

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Yup, what Aaron said. Brand New out of package BC500 (same thing) to about a 1/16", I "judged" it on my dad's gripper. It hasn't been any more seasoned then about 2-3 closes (chest crushes) and Aaron's attempt so I'll have my dad bring it to the comp and see what Aaron and Paul can do with it.

Well, we are discussing HG's, here...it's not like any two are the same :D:trout

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

that difference is that you can take your car to a track and run it to 250 mph or take it out in the salt flats in utah. but the super grippers, you will never close it unless you use a machine or use a calibrator.

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

that difference is that you can take your car to a track and run it to 250 mph or take it out in the salt flats in utah. but the super grippers, you will never close it unless you use a machine or use a calibrator.

Well, you could run electric current through your forearm and then it would close. Dangerous though, just like taking your Mclaren to a track to top it out. :rock

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

that difference is that you can take your car to a track and run it to 250 mph or take it out in the salt flats in utah. but the super grippers, you will never close it unless you use a machine or use a calibrator.

Well, you could run electric current through your forearm and then it would close. Dangerous though, just like taking your Mclaren to a track to top it out. :rock

it wouldn't close, also racing on the track especially when no one is on it is hardly dangerous at all. Or especially taking it down a straightaway.

those grippers are nothing more then a paperweight they should not be called grippers.

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

that difference is that you can take your car to a track and run it to 250 mph or take it out in the salt flats in utah. but the super grippers, you will never close it unless you use a machine or use a calibrator.

Well, you could run electric current through your forearm and then it would close. Dangerous though, just like taking your Mclaren to a track to top it out. :rock

it wouldn't close, also racing on the track especially when no one is on it is hardly dangerous at all. Or especially taking it down a straightaway.

those grippers are nothing more then a paperweight they should not be called grippers.

I agree it's hardly dangerous to top out the car as long as you've had some exposure to reasonably high speeds before (maybe 200km/h?) but still, if you get a tire puncture, an animal comes into your path, or the car skids for whatever reason you're into some trouble. I've seen it happen. And if science is right, electric current would force you to close the gripper. Your muscle tissue is extremely powerful when given high voltage.

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Whats all this fascination with these super grippers, don't you realize they are just fancy paperweights? Its like me handing you a brick and calling it a gripper, and saying crush it into dust. Thats exactly how the super grippers are, I wish they never were made so all this discussion about them would not exist.

Why do they make cars that can go 250mph for the road? You'll never go that fast on the road, so what's it for? People love to have things with limits higher than their own, it's just human nature.

that difference is that you can take your car to a track and run it to 250 mph or take it out in the salt flats in utah. but the super grippers, you will never close it unless you use a machine or use a calibrator.

Well, you could run electric current through your forearm and then it would close. Dangerous though, just like taking your Mclaren to a track to top it out. :rock

wait wait, so i can possibly increase my strength just by shocking myself?

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In controlled amounts, yes. Though you aren't really increasing your strength, just tapping into power you don't normally access. Haven't you ever seen what happens when someone gets electrocuted? They go flying across the room, not because of the energy from the electric shock, but because their muscles are being forced to contract abnormally hard by the high voltage. I do not recommend trying this to close your coc #4. lol

Edited by Grippster
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Come on...I might be an idiot, but I did take some college level science classes. if you held the gripper in you hand and an electrical current caused the muscle to contract suddenly and forcefully, you wouldn't get a hydraulic gripper close, you'd get a gripper flying out of your hand.

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Come on...I might be an idiot, but I did take some college level science classes. if you held the gripper in you hand and an electrical current caused the muscle to contract suddenly and forcefully, you wouldn't get a hydraulic gripper close, you'd get a gripper flying out of your hand.

How about the right amount of nerve gas. I've heard that could set of some pretty powerful contractions. :laugh

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