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Back To Do Good Bending Tonight


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I finally have healed up enough to try out the DO bending tonight. I had and AWESOME time tonight with the bending session. I started out my warm up with some squats and wall push ups then started my bending session. My little boy was with me and kept telling me "YOUR STRONG PAPI". I think that was my motivation tonight.

this was all in about 50minutes. I started off bending really light and bent five 3/16 x 7" drill rod from FBBC, then one 6" IM white nail. Then I proceeded to bend an IM (7") yellow nail. That went down fairly easy. So I brought out the FBBC 5" Square and that was quite a bit more of a challenge, especially on the kink.Then I started to feel brave, confident, or possibly disillusioned or something to that effect because I brought out the FBBC 7" Hex and gave it a shot. It didn't quite go as I had hoped it would. If I was attempting to bend it in a timed effort I seriously failed, but it was one hell of a battle. So far I haven't given that much effort on a bar for so long a period of time. I tried to bend the 7" hex for almost 30 minutes about 21min of actual bending. I only took a couple of short brakes, one lasting about 5 minutes which isn't very good for not letting the metal cool down. I was able to kink it and then give it a couple more bends throughout that long period of time. I had to finally give up because I had started to get these large swollen bumps on the inside of my knuckles. After this difficult attempt without getting it to bend very far I had to cool down with a 6" Grade 2 bolt so that I could quit on a positive note. I will try to get the videos uploaded to youtube and posted tomorrow. But for now here is a pic of what I bent tonight.

Man I am exhausted and need to hit the sack.


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Nice workout John. Nice work up to an over max bend and then a small cool down. Very nice!!!

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Sounds like a fun workout. Was that hex 3/16" or 1/4"? You said you did a 5" square so I'm assuming that was 3/16" and the hex was 1/4". Anyway, keep at it and you'll continue making fast progress.

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