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A Lot Of Bending Day Today


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I am still letting my index fingers heal for DO bending so I am only working on DU and reverse. I want to take it easy and start slowly so I just spend time today bending white and green nails with the thinnest wraps I have. In all I bent 3 whites DU style the rest were all reverse style. In total 12 white, 6 greens, 1 60D polebarn nail. Nothing earth shattering or even close to a PR but still fun none the less. I just kept having that urge to bend.

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Still a good job John! Volume even with easier stuff, in a style that you're not used to training is very helpful. You'll dial that form in and get the tendons and muscles used to the unique pulls and then in a month or two you'll start hitting big PRs in all styles from getting stronger in DU and reverse. Just don't neglect your DO when your fingers heal!

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It's good just to bend to have fun too. Sometimes I'll just bend something like a few 40ds or something like that just for enjoyment. Not earthshaking like you say but you don't want to make it a job either.

Great job!


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Still a good job John! Volume even with easier stuff, in a style that you're not used to training is very helpful. You'll dial that form in and get the tendons and muscles used to the unique pulls and then in a month or two you'll start hitting big PRs in all styles from getting stronger in DU and reverse. Just don't neglect your DO when your fingers heal!

Oh don't worry, DO was my first love. lol

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It's good just to bend to have fun too. Sometimes I'll just bend something like a few 40ds or something like that just for enjoyment. Not earthshaking like you say but you don't want to make it a job either.

Great job!


You're right, there is just something fun about bending metal.

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Sounds like a good workout. Keep at it and you'll be doing 60ds as warm-ups soon. I second the suggestion to keep a log. After a while you'll have a hard time remembering what you last bent and what to shoot for in the next PR bend. Once I started bending square stock and HRS it got confusing and I went back to check my log several times to see what I should attempt the next bending session.

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Still a good job John! Volume even with easier stuff, in a style that you're not used to training is very helpful. You'll dial that form in and get the tendons and muscles used to the unique pulls and then in a month or two you'll start hitting big PRs in all styles from getting stronger in DU and reverse. Just don't neglect your DO when your fingers heal!

Nice bending John! I agree with Ben, if there is one thing he has taught me it is that form is everything. :D

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Keep up the good work John those 60d's will be melting in your hand's in know time !!!! :D

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