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Training For Reps

Pancake Sprawl

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ok, i've pretty much got it down tns and ns my #3. i can overcrush it for like 2 minutes. the thing is, i can't rep it. it's like once i explode and crush it, that's it, there's no second time unless i readjust and take a little breather and do it again. is there a way i can improve my reps? the only way i've improved my reps with the 2 and 1 is just by training over and over and forcing myself to rep out one more to failure. the difference is that i could already rep those grippers out of the package, so i hadn't had to deal with overcoming an obstacle until the #3 which i could only get to parallel my first time.

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Overcrush for 2 min ? :blink :blink :blink:bow :bow :bow Ever try a coin hold? :ohmy Sounds like you've got really good static and negative strength, and should just work on the positive end. How far can you get it on the 2nd rep?

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ok, i've pretty much got it down tns and ns my #3. i can overcrush it for like 2 minutes. the thing is, i can't rep it. it's like once i explode and crush it, that's it, there's no second time unless i readjust and take a little breather and do it again. is there a way i can improve my reps? the only way i've improved my reps with the 2 and 1 is just by training over and over and forcing myself to rep out one more to failure. the difference is that i could already rep those grippers out of the package, so i hadn't had to deal with overcoming an obstacle until the #3 which i could only get to parallel my first time.

That's awesome! Get a vid...a TNS #3 is a feat if you can do it both hands, all the better. ;)

I think the only reason Paul Knights TNS seemed to "almost" fall on deaf ears, is just because it was SOOOO expected!

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I think the only reason Paul Knights TNS seemed to "almost" fall on deaf ears, is just because it was SOOOO expected!

Yep.. maybe Paul will try a little harder next time. Slouch. :D

Pancake, If that is your real name. To TNS a 3 is just awesome. Ill take that over reps anyday.. nice job.

Edited by Chris Mathison
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Why don't you hold it shut, open it for a mm or so, then close it again.

If that works, then open it for a little further (2mm) and then close it again.

Before you'll know it you'll be repping it MMS, CCS and eventually TNS ;)

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Yeah, start with clicks. Also the faster you do the reps the easier they are open to parallel quickly then close it again quickly. Just keep trying to add a rep every workout you do on it, you'll improve soon enough. I have been working on repping #3s lately so far i have done 13 parallel reps on my #3.

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You want to get MM0 status and start climbing the MM ladder, don't you? :) Show us, then tell us.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

A video is worth 1000 pictures.

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You want to get MM0 status and start climbing the MM ladder, don't you? :) Show us, then tell us.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

A video is worth 1000 pictures.

Well said Bob.

As for the question, sounds really strange to be able to OC (if that really is an OC, which wears me out on any gripper in under 10 seconds when I try to really destroy it) any gripper for 2 minutes and not to be able to rep it..well, if this is indeed true, I would not worry about it too much. Get yourself some harder grippers. :cool

Edited by Teemu I
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sorry, it's not an over crush, i was wrong. it's just a hold, i just hold it closed. and i can only tns it with my right hand. even though i'm left handed. i have trouble even closing it with my left hand. it's very weird. although i'm stronger in pinch and stuff with my left. i think it's because my thumb webbing was sliced open a few years ago almost to the bone and it makes my hand spread much wider then my left hand. i think i can get it deeper into my hand so i have like a deeper "pocket" to put the dogleg in then in my left. i think that's why i can do it, there's not other explanation because my right hand is not stronger in anything else besides that.

and sorry i did not get a video. i will get a video soon to show.

the same thing happens with the expand your hand bands. i can only rep the blue band like 5-6 times but i can hold the red open for 1 minute and can hold the blue open for longer, which i haven't timed yet.

Edited by Pancake Sprawl
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Overcrush for 2 min ? :blink :blink :blink:bow :bow :bow Ever try a coin hold? :ohmy Sounds like you've got really good static and negative strength, and should just work on the positive end. How far can you get it on the 2nd rep?

to about a a quarter inch. the sweep just kills me. i don't understand. the first rep feels so easy and i can hold it closed. but the 2nd one even if i don't hold on the first one is almost impossible for me.

You want to get MM0 status and start climbing the MM ladder, don't you? :) Show us, then tell us.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

A video is worth 1000 pictures.

Well said Bob.

As for the question, sounds really strange to be able to OC (if that really is an OC, which wears me out on any gripper in under 10 seconds when I try to really destroy it) any gripper for 2 minutes and not to be able to rep it..well, if this is indeed true, I would not worry about it too much. Get yourself some harder grippers. :cool

i'm sorry i was mistaken everyone i meant hold it closed for 2 minutes. not over crush. i got the #4 and can only move to a little before parallel. i don't think i will close it any time soon with any set. i thought maybe if i do negatives on #4 i can build strength to be able to rep #3.

I think the only reason Paul Knights TNS seemed to "almost" fall on deaf ears, is just because it was SOOOO expected!

Yep.. maybe Paul will try a little harder next time. Slouch. :D

Pancake, If that is your real name. To TNS a 3 is just awesome. Ill take that over reps anyday.. nice job.

ah, sorry, my name is Chris

Edited by Pancake Sprawl
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You want to get MM0 status and start climbing the MM ladder, don't you? :) Show us, then tell us.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

A video is worth 1000 pictures.

how do i become mm0 status? and what is it?

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Take a video of yourself MMS (parallel) closing your #3 and send it to Wannagrip for certification. Make sure you show the bottom of the handle for verification and give it hell!

The "MM" (Mash Monster) ladder is along the same lines of certs as the Captains of Crush, but has more "rungs". A MM0 cert is closing any #3...then after that it is MM1...not sure on the specs on the gripper but it is sent to you to close...that's about all I can help you with...


Edited by TravisRush
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Take a video of yourself MMS (parallel) closing your #3 and send it to Wannagrip for certification. Make sure you show the bottom of the handle for verification and give it hell!

The "MM" (Mash Monster) ladder is along the same lines of certs as the Captains of Crush, but has more "rungs". A MM0 cert is closing any #3...then after that it is MM1...not sure on the specs on the gripper but it is sent to you to close...that's about all I can help you with...


do i have to use parallel set or i can use no set? i'm very clumsy trying to parallel set, i've tried it a few times before when i was training to close #3

btw, guys again i'm very sorry for the lie i posted earlier, i feel very embarrassed to make such a mistake.

Edited by Pancake Sprawl
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Take a video of yourself MMS (parallel) closing your #3 and send it to Wannagrip for certification. Make sure you show the bottom of the handle for verification and give it hell!

The "MM" (Mash Monster) ladder is along the same lines of certs as the Captains of Crush, but has more "rungs". A MM0 cert is closing any #3...then after that it is MM1...not sure on the specs on the gripper but it is sent to you to close...that's about all I can help you with...


do i have to use parallel set or i can use no set? i'm very clumsy trying to parallel set, i've tried it a few times before when i was training to close #3

btw, guys again i'm very sorry for the lie i posted earlier, i feel very embarrassed to make such a mistake.

You can close it however you please as long as it is a parallel set OR wider.

What's the difference between holding it closed and overcrushing it? Unless I'm missing something those are both the exact same thing. Is it actually 2 mins? Because that seems like a gross exaggeration, either that or you have some SUPERIOR strength my friend.

As per the MM ladder, a gripper is sent to you (they must be done in order) of MM1-MM6 and you must close it on camera (read the MM rules in the MM forum if you want to get involved), again with a MM set OR wider. They get harder as they go up obviously, the MM1 is a bit harder then a #3 (3.2ish rated by most) up to a MM6 which is easily in the realm of a #4. Let me know if you want more info, but reading the rules would be of great help. Oh and here's the site for those certed http://www.mashmonster.com/

Edited by vikingsrule92
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I always thought overcrush is like what you could do to a gripper that is a lower then your best gripper close. Like I can obliterate a #1 using the force I would on a #3 but eventually lose that power after a few seconds-yet its still closed just not with the same force- Keeping it closed might not be actually touching, but like until it pops out of your hand and an estimate of 2 min might be closer to a min which seems likely if he can TNS it.

Anyways if he can close a #3 anyway that in itself is a great strength feat, can't wait to see a video if you could get one up :rock

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i know i kept it closed longer than a minute, i will time exactly next time, and i mean the handles touching. to me it doesn't feel like i'm super strong like how you describe, i think i'd know if i was just beastly. it's like my hand can lock it in place shut for a long time. it's not like a over crush where i exert a ton of force, it's like i'm just freezing my hand in that position. my muscles don't get tired, it's just a matter of how long can i stand the burning sensation in my fingers and hands. it's very odd. this is why i ask about the reps so i can try to become stronger, if i was truly strong i think i'd be able to rep it.

btw, i can only do this with my right hand which isn't my dominant hand or stronger hand in any other lifts besides the grippers. and if you've gotten confused, my right hand is the hand that had the thumb webbing cut open and is quite a bit wider then my left hand now.

Edited by Pancake Sprawl
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What's the difference between holding it closed and overcrushing it? Unless I'm missing something those are both the exact same thing.
You are certainly missing something big if you think so. :cool OC means that you do not settle for just holding the gripper closed, but you try to increase the effort to the absolute max while the handles are touching. Imagine trying to close it so hard, that the gripper will break and/or the handles start to melt while they are touching and you are on the right tracks. :)
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It's because the ironmind grippers are designed for the right hand, so thats probably why your left hand is weaker.

i understand that part, but it's just very hard to explain, i will put a picture of my hand spread compared to my left hand and you will see, well maybe you will see, how this effects my crushing strength. i think it makes it for a deeper set.

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Are you saying you can hold a #3 closed for over a minute?

at least i think i can

That's pretty amazing then. I've never heard of anyone hitting a minute.

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A minute plus #3 hold would be pretty incredible - I'd need to see it to believe it. " At least I think I can" is not exactly a definitive answer.

I can't think of anyone who has approached that either in a contest or on vid etc - can anyone else?

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A minute plus #3 hold would be pretty incredible - I'd need to see it to believe it. " At least I think I can" is not exactly a definitive answer.

I can't think of anyone who has approached that either in a contest or on vid etc - can anyone else?

I can't think of anyone offhand. But I guess it'd depend on the #3 in question. Even a super easy #3 at 140lbs would be pretty damn impressive if held for a minute.

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