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The Crushing Handshake


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I've got a quick question. If we have to take a standard, lets say the captains of crush.

Which one do you think a guy should close to have a crushing and pain inflecting :) handshake....

Just a thought

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I've got a quick question. If we have to take a standard, lets say the captains of crush.

Which one do you think a guy should close to have a crushing and pain inflecting :) handshake....

Just a thought

It's all about big hands. If you don't have them, you wont have that "I'm stronger than you and I want to hurt you and make you dislike me really quick" handshake. :)

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best part of crush training is the I'm stronger than you and I want to hurt you and make you dislike me really quick" handshake.

Damn, thats why im doing the crushing training , it wont help me with my lifts like thick holds...lol

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Isn't this in the FAQ? "If you want to hurt someone while shaking their hand, we recommend kicking them in the shin. It's just as rude and requires less training."

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Usually three or four times a week, I get complaints about the pain my handshake causes, and I am not consistent on even a #3. So something less than a #3 is fine.

You really want to get ahold of those meta-carpals. That's the best way to inflict pain.


P.S. I usually do this knowingly, to people that disgust me.

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lol, i just made my first gripper purchase(and a crazy gripper gear purchase spree from ironmind) i have no idea which Coc i can close, but i've got close to a 12.75" forearm and my deadlift is plus +220lb. I'll see what i can do...

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I like to shake hands as limp as possible. Dunno why I just do. I know i can put a hurtin on the handshake.. Lots of guys could.. Why do it.

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My team always loses at softball. We've won 1 game this year...

After each game, you shake hands with the opposing team. My only joy is snapping and cracking as many hands as possible.

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To get back to the question, I'd say if you can rep a #2, you can inflict pain.

My team always loses at softball. We've won 1 game this year...

After each game, you shake hands with the opposing team. My only joy is snapping and cracking as many hands as possible.

Perfect :rock:laugh

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that is probably one of my favorite things to do. not to just anyone, though. only people who don't squeeze at all (thats just disrespectful), or people who are obviously trying to outsqueeze me.

another question: has anyone broken a hand in this such a manner yet? :D

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that is probably one of my favorite things to do. not to just anyone, though. only people who don't squeeze at all (thats just disrespectful), or people who are obviously trying to outsqueeze me.

another question: has anyone broken a hand in this such a manner yet? :D

I have come close, I think, to breaking one.

I bounce at a club close to campus part-time. Usually three or four times per shift, some drunk frat boy who has been a problem case all night will come up, put one hand on my shoulder, extend his other hand to shake, and say "Hey chief, where's the bathroom?"

I really got ahold of the meta-carpals on one of the guys this past Friday. I could feel them bunch up and not "fit" together properly, creating spots of tension.

He went into one of those "Dude man, WTF, dude, DUDE" rants.


Edited by The Natural
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I like to shake hands as limp as possible. Dunno why I just do. I know i can put a hurtin on the handshake.. Lots of guys could.. Why do it.

Me too. Why hurt others? I hate it when some big guy tries to do that to me. For example there's a co-worker who probably squeezes as hard as he can when shaking hands. I also like to shake hands as limp as possible and that really bugged me. One day I handed a CoC#1 to him and he wasn't able to set it to parallel. I then closed it in front of him and from that point he never touched my hand again. By the way, his squeeze hurt so you don't have to be able to close a #1 to make hands hurt... just put pressure on the right points. Anyways that just sucks! Save your hate for the grippers < <

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I don't even think it's comparable, a gripper vs a strong handshake.

After all, during your handshake your hand is pretty wide open at a point where a gripper isn't that hard at all (beginning of CCS for example).

I think a strong thumb is one of the requirements for a strong handshake, so I would go for thick bar (2"-3") lifts, as main focus for getting stronger handshake.

Btw, I never set any pressure during handshakes, more because I'm afraid I might hurt someone. After all, in my business it's not really friendly to hurt someone during a handshake.

I do find it funny though, that some people do their best to have a strong shake while shaking my hand, and the thought has crossed my mind then to crush their hands, but still, it's more fun for me if they don't know......

Edited by White Scorpion
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The big hand thing helps a lot, if you have really strong hand your hand still be covered by a massive 8+inch hand. Hard to get a hold of a huge hand. I never give crushing handshakes, not limp though just semi firm not applying much pressure.

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When I was in high school I knew a kid who wanted me to shake his hand that way. I would shake his hand normal and then he would be like come on man.....and then I would proceed to put him to his knees.

Freakin' weird and I probably should have asked him why he kept wanting me to do that..... :erm

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Wouldn't you say blob lifting would do more for a handshake, that grippers? I think so.

If your hands are short, you wont wrap your fingers enough on most people's hands, specially if they have wide hands.

If your hands are thin, then others can wrap their fingers better, specially if they have long hands.

I'm screwed in every possible way :rock:D

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There are a few guys at work who will shake my hand just to shake my hand. I have no idea what's up with that. They'll just be standing around shooting the shit, and when I walk up, they'll stick their hand out. No crushing, just a good "Man's Handshake". And not a word said.

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I try to give every man a firm handshake as a sign of respect and I appreciate the same. I never try to put the hurt on anyone. That said, I am the father of 3 girls, so when I'm introduced to a potential suitor, I have to admit my handshake does become a little firmer, as does my gaze.

The way I got interested in improving my grip was because of the handshake of a colleague. Thick, powerful forearms and rather large, thick, obviously very powerful hands. He developed this from his youth as a construction laborer. I once asked hm try my gripper and he could barely get one close on the COC#1. I was pretty surprised. (I'm ready to buy my next, but for now, the #1 is the hardest gripper I own. My current workout includes 12x4 sets of basically ccs closes.)

Still, when I do see him in the office, I shake his hand and I know that he could put me on my knees in 1 second if he wanted to. He simply returns my "firm" handshake. Good guy. I wish I could get him into grippers.

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I try to give every man a firm handshake as a sign of respect and I appreciate the same. I never try to put the hurt on anyone. That said, I am the father of 3 girls, so when I'm introduced to a potential suitor, I have to admit my handshake does become a little firmer, as does my gaze.

The way I got interested in improving my grip was because of the handshake of a colleague. Thick, powerful forearms and rather large, thick, obviously very powerful hands. He developed this from his youth as a construction laborer. I once asked hm try my gripper and he could barely get one close on the COC#1. I was pretty surprised. (I'm ready to buy my next, but for now, the #1 is the hardest gripper I own. My current workout includes 12x4 sets of basically ccs closes.)

Still, when I do see him in the office, I shake his hand and I know that he could put me on my knees in 1 second if he wanted to. He simply returns my "firm" handshake. Good guy. I wish I could get him into grippers.

So u can out-close the gripper and still he can crush ur hand :blink doesn't make sense to me , should be the other way round.....

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I try to give every man a firm handshake as a sign of respect and I appreciate the same. I never try to put the hurt on anyone. That said, I am the father of 3 girls, so when I'm introduced to a potential suitor, I have to admit my handshake does become a little firmer, as does my gaze.

The way I got interested in improving my grip was because of the handshake of a colleague. Thick, powerful forearms and rather large, thick, obviously very powerful hands. He developed this from his youth as a construction laborer. I once asked hm try my gripper and he could barely get one close on the COC#1. I was pretty surprised. (I'm ready to buy my next, but for now, the #1 is the hardest gripper I own. My current workout includes 12x4 sets of basically ccs closes.)

Still, when I do see him in the office, I shake his hand and I know that he could put me on my knees in 1 second if he wanted to. He simply returns my "firm" handshake. Good guy. I wish I could get him into grippers.

So u can out-close the gripper and still he can crush ur hand :blink doesn't make sense to me , should be the other way round.....

Have you been paying attention to anything said in this thread? Grippers do NOT equal handshake strength. For a firm handshake you need big hands and a strong thumb, not to be god at grippers.

I agree with most people here, I don't find the neede to outpower people on handshakes except these two cocky trumpet players at my school who are always prodding me on for more, I proceed to obliterate their hands then beat he crap out of them at armwrestling and they shut up. Otherwise I think only cocky people who try to pretend they're better then me are always trying to "outsqueeze" me, there's no need for it.

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All the strength in closing a gripper is in the last 1/4 inch. For a crushing handshake you need strength in the "sweep" (to use the gripper analogy) which is a far more normal action for the hand.

Having said that, to want to hurt people with a handshake, in my opinion, makes someone either a sociopath or an idiot, so don't do it.

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I just give everybody a firm handshake unless they want to challenge me, then I start squeezing really hard. ;)

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I just give everybody a firm handshake unless they want to challenge me, then I start squeezing really hard. ;)

I just brace my hand and laugh at them until they give up. Then I say something like "That was so cute! Can I buy you a drink, sweetie?"

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why do some people here think that training the crush strength is to hurt people !

Having strength and making some jokes of crushing HAND strength doesn't mean i am going to hurt people i know or dont... LIGHTEN UP !!!!!!!!

and yeah i still think gripper strength if not the main reason, does has allot to do with it, it is training for CRUSHING strength after , other wise why call it crush training....

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