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First Bends 6 Inch Nails


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I got some 6 inch nails from wickes http://www.wickes.co.uk/Nails-Round-Wire/R...ils/invt/516022 . They were not too hard to bend (but it hurts a lot so I use a lot of padding and sometimes welding gloves. How hard do you guys think these nails are likely to be? I bend mostly double underhand until I get 1/3 of way into the sweep . The bending takes a fair bit of time. The second nail I did was much harder than the 1st or 3rd even though they are from the same packet.

I have tried a little braced bending which I enjoy more.


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actually they are 5inches and 9/10 just measured them.

measured them with a digital callipers 1/4 inch .

My name is Chris. I have been lifting weights for a 3 /4 years. weight 190 lb ish (a fair bit overweight). 5 foot 6 . I can deadlift towards 500lb , haven't maxed in a bit, close the Ironmind No.2 COC gripper with my right hand . I have been training grip occasionally since I started lift. Recently (last 10 months) I started to devote more time to grippers. Training to lift the my inch replica (can only do around 90lb) , I do axle deadlifts around 220lb(100kg) max. I use to do a lot of sledgehammer levering with a shortish 16lb (obviously ) not very strictly but my wrist strength is naturally fairly good, I can hook under on thick bar work like chins and one arm deadlifts without any problems.

I aim to bend some tough nails and close the no.3. and do some difficult brace bends.

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actually they are 5inches and 9/10 just measured them.

measured them with a digital callipers 1/4 inch .

My name is Chris. I have been lifting weights for a 3 /4 years. weight 190 lb ish (a fair bit overweight). 5 foot 6 . I can deadlift towards 500lb , haven't maxed in a bit, close the Ironmind No.2 COC gripper with my right hand . I have been training grip occasionally since I started lift. Recently (last 10 months) I started to devote more time to grippers. Training to lift the my inch replica (can only do around 90lb) , I do axle deadlifts around 220lb(100kg) max. I use to do a lot of sledgehammer levering with a shortish 16lb (obviously ) not very strictly but my wrist strength is naturally fairly good, I can hook under on thick bar work like chins and one arm deadlifts without any problems.

I aim to bend some tough nails and close the no.3. and do some difficult brace bends.

So that's like 1/4 inch thich and 6 inches long? That'd be about what a 60d nail is (depending on the quality of the steel, of course), so very nice first bend!

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Hello Chris, welcome to the addiction!! :D:rock

Not sure how "9/10" equates out to US std. measurement, but if it's about 6'' long then it sounds like you have something similar to what we call a 60d nail here. In that case, that is a very good first bend. Probably 250-300 on the lbs. to bend it. Everyone remembers their first 60d, as it's kind of a milestone in bending.

Just as a side note Chris, you probably want to post background type stuff in the intro section, and in the Goener forum.

Good luck and happy bending,

Fox <><

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Thanks Fox. Could I cut some the nail to make it harder? That's the worst part though the ends digging into your hands?

Could they be easier because they are round wire ? What would be the next step ? I did four of them yesterday , apart from one swine of nail they weren't that hard.

I went absolutely crazy to do it the first time and it was fairly quick for me. I was unaware the bends had to be done within 30s. But my hands were sore ( the left hand pad particularly) for a good part of last week.

this week I seem to have adapted better.

I have been doing iso with a stick at lunch for a few days in the week . I was shocked at the carryover . Shouldn't be really iso are great at specific positions , what bending is like. I have been thinking of using my bullworker too now. I have never liked using bullworkers . It looks good for the sweep while not beating up the hands too much.

Can I get harder nails in stores in the UK cheaply.

Edited by Tunagrip
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Thanks Fox. Could I cut some the nail to make it harder? That's the worst part though the ends digging into your hands?

Could they be easier because they are round wire ? What would be the next step ? I did four of them yesterday , apart from one swine of nail they weren't that hard.

I went absolutely crazy to do it the first time and it was fairly quick for me. I was unaware the bends had to be done within 30s. But my hands were sore ( the left hand pad particularly) for a good part of last week.

this week I seem to have adapted better.

I have been doing iso with a stick at lunch for a few days in the week . I was shocked at the carryover . Shouldn't be really iso are great at specific positions , what bending is like. I have been thinking of using my bullworker too now. I have never liked using bullworkers . It looks good for the sweep while not beating up the hands too much.

Can I get harder nails in stores in the UK cheaply.

Yes you can cut them to make them harder. Most people cut them 1/2" at a time. Roundwire is the standard type of nail so they should be 60ds equivalent. The next step would be cutting them down, the 1/4" CRS (or 6mm), 5/16" HRS (8mm), g5 bolts, 1/4" Square CRS (6mm square), G8 bolts, etc. The bends don't have to be done in 30 secs, unless you're doing an official Double underhand bend, only to 40 degrees. You have 5 mins for a full bend no matter what way you start it.

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Thanks Fox. Could I cut some the nail to make it harder? That's the worst part though the ends digging into your hands?

Could they be easier because they are round wire ? What would be the next step ? I did four of them yesterday , apart from one swine of nail they weren't that hard.

I went absolutely crazy to do it the first time and it was fairly quick for me. I was unaware the bends had to be done within 30s. But my hands were sore ( the left hand pad particularly) for a good part of last week.

this week I seem to have adapted better.

I have been doing iso with a stick at lunch for a few days in the week . I was shocked at the carryover . Shouldn't be really iso are great at specific positions , what bending is like. I have been thinking of using my bullworker too now. I have never liked using bullworkers . It looks good for the sweep while not beating up the hands too much.

Can I get harder nails in stores in the UK cheaply.

Yes you can cut them to make them harder. Most people cut them 1/2" at a time. Roundwire is the standard type of nail so they should be 60ds equivalent. The next step would be cutting them down, the 1/4" CRS (or 6mm), 5/16" HRS (8mm), g5 bolts, 1/4" Square CRS (6mm square), G8 bolts, etc. The bends don't have to be done in 30 secs, unless you're doing an official Double underhand bend, only to 40 degrees. You have 5 mins for a full bend no matter what way you start it.

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I did cut it down today to 5 1/2 inches with 1/4 inch , the heads and spikes were bothering e. I used a lot of cloth n(which I read on Hornes site may act as a lever). I went nuts double under hand , I couldn't believe it was moving (then after about 15 secs I got a sharp pain in my right wrist , I rest bout 30 sec and finished the bend . the crush was not that difficult . But then I got pain in my left wrist . I thought I had i.j.ured

my wrist . I am definitely not capable of bending anything harder my wrist woulld n

break for sure.

I tried two of the 6 inch nails together earlier without success and also some (the measurement betweena 1/4 an1/2 impossible (braced obviously) /I'll keep it as an isobar.


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I did cut it down today to 5 1/2 inches with 1/4 inch , the heads and spikes were bothering e. I used a lot of cloth n(which I read on Hornes site may act as a lever). I went nuts double under hand , I couldn't believe it was moving (then after about 15 secs I got a sharp pain in my right wrist , I rest bout 30 sec and finished the bend . the crush was not that difficult . But then I got pain in my left wrist . I thought I had i.j.ured

my wrist . I am definitely not capable of bending anything harder my wrist woulld n

break for sure.

I tried two of the 6 inch nails together earlier without success and also some (the measurement betweena 1/4 an1/2 impossible (braced obviously) /I'll keep it as an isobar.


2 6" nails taped together? No wonder you failed that's easily as hard as a Huge Bastard!! Haha. You're using cloth? WOAH NOO!!!!! Don't use cloth, no wonder the point was bothering you. You need to get some leather wraps, from Tandy or other leather places. Be careful about your wrists, amke sure your technique is good or else you're risking injury.

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Thanks I'll get some wraps soon;

No my wrist hurt doing the 5 1/2/ inch 1/4 inch I cut down. I took off the spike and and the head.

How hard would that nail be roughly? How do I stack up? I think may be I got some crap nails. I can't believe I could bend that.

How far do I have to go get the red nail?

I saw the other thread with two 6 inches together ( couldn't move it at all). I noticed later that some of them were joking.

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I am in the UK aswell so know the nails you meen from wickes, these are actually relatively soft and the ones which I have been practicing nail snapping with (which I am still rubbish at), I am pretty sure that with the nail properly wrapped you would kill it in seconds. You can get some a bit harder in B & Q which are made from bright drawn steel and may be a good next step. also in B & Q you can buy 3ft ish length of 1/4" crs 5/16 crs 5/16 hrs which you can cut up (bolts cutters are a good investment). On David Horne's world of grip website you can get some leather bending wraps that will last for ages and make things a lot easier for you.

If you decide you like the bending and want to get into it further you could possibly look at joining the BHSA Britsh hand strength association, there is a meet up and dinner on 8th November (I think) where I am sure you would find people happy to show you the correct way to wrap and bend, myself included although I really only do double underhand or reverse and a bit of braced as my size and lack of shoulder mobility makes the overhand technique a little difficult.

Somewhere on Youtube Foxman has a really good tutorial video for double overhand bending that would also help you no end I'm sure if you can find it or some posts the link.

To answer the question on the red, its currently a long way off, its not really a nail at all but a bit of 5/16 crs which if you manage to get hold of some you will find is a whole new ball game, Even though when people like Foxman do it they make it look easy there are not to many people who can actually bend reds double underhand.

With regard to the 2 nails, I believe David Horne's wife Elizabeth has bent two of those taped togther and there may even be a video on the website to show you its possible.

Edited by Stew
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I am in the UK aswell so know the nails you meen from wickes, these are actually relatively soft and the ones which I have been practicing nail snapping with (which I am still rubbish at), I am pretty sure that with the nail properly wrapped you would kill it in seconds. You can get some a bit harder in B & Q which are made from bright drawn steel and may be a good next step. also in B & Q you can buy 3ft ish length of 1/4" crs 5/16 crs 5/16 hrs which you can cut up (bolts cutters are a good investment). On David Horne's world of grip website you can get some leather bending wraps that will last for ages and make things a lot easier for you.

If you decide you like the bending and want to get into it further you could possibly look at joining the BHSA Britsh hand strength association, there is a meet up and dinner on 8th November (I think) where I am sure you would find people happy to show you the correct way to wrap and bend, myself included although I really only do double underhand or reverse and a bit of braced as my size and lack of shoulder mobility makes the overhand technique a little difficult.

Somewhere on Youtube Foxman has a really good tutorial video for double overhand bending that would also help you no end I'm sure if you can find it or some posts the link.

To answer the question on the red, its currently a long way off, its not really a nail at all but a bit of 5/16 crs which if you manage to get hold of some you will find is a whole new ball game, Even though when people like Foxman do it they make it look easy there are not to many people who can actually bend reds double underhand.

With regard to the 2 nails, I believe David Horne's wife Elizabeth has bent two of those taped togther and there may even be a video on the website to show you its possible.

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Cheers Stew , so where would you rate the nails( in terms of pounds) The 6 inches were fairly easy, at 5 1/2 inches it was quite hard. I guess I am ultra crap here.

How much does the steel cost in B&Q for the 3 foot sections?

Edited by Tunagrip
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Cheers Stew , so where would you rate the nails( in terms of pounds) The 6 inches were fairly easy, at 5 1/2 inches it was quite hard. I guess I am ultra crap here.

How much does the steel cost in B&Q for the 3 foot sections?

To be honest I dont have a clue on all the poundage calibrations that some guys are into so I couldn't help you on that one, but your not ultra cr@p as bending is a lot harder without the nail wrapped properly. I would say 2 of those nails taped may be the equivelant of a g5 bolt so if you can find the poundage for one of those then its probably similar. the steel in B & Q is a few pounds a piece, the 5/16 hot rolled (hrs) is probably a good equivelant inch for inch to the G5 bolt and the 1/4 crs is a good progression up from the nails.

This is a link to Elizabeth Horne's promo dvd on which she bends 2 of the wickes type nails together amongst other things.


What area are you in mate?

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Cheers Stew , so where would you rate the nails( in terms of pounds) The 6 inches were fairly easy, at 5 1/2 inches it was quite hard. I guess I am ultra crap here.

How much does the steel cost in B&Q for the 3 foot sections?

To be honest I dont have a clue on all the poundage calibrations that some guys are into so I couldn't help you on that one, but your not ultra cr@p as bending is a lot harder without the nail wrapped properly. I would say 2 of those nails taped may be the equivelant of a g5 bolt so if you can find the poundage for one of those then its probably similar. the steel in B & Q is a few pounds a piece, the 5/16 hot rolled (hrs) is probably a good equivelant inch for inch to the G5 bolt and the 1/4 crs is a good progression up from the nails.

This is a link to Elizabeth Horne's promo dvd on which she bends 2 of the wickes type nails together amongst other things.


What area are you in mate?

Wales , I'll give the two together a proper go in my next session. Sounds like good stuff from B&Q.

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Cheers Stew , so where would you rate the nails( in terms of pounds) The 6 inches were fairly easy, at 5 1/2 inches it was quite hard. I guess I am ultra crap here.

How much does the steel cost in B&Q for the 3 foot sections?

To be honest I dont have a clue on all the poundage calibrations that some guys are into so I couldn't help you on that one, but your not ultra cr@p as bending is a lot harder without the nail wrapped properly. I would say 2 of those nails taped may be the equivelant of a g5 bolt so if you can find the poundage for one of those then its probably similar. the steel in B & Q is a few pounds a piece, the 5/16 hot rolled (hrs) is probably a good equivelant inch for inch to the G5 bolt and the 1/4 crs is a good progression up from the nails.

This is a link to Elizabeth Horne's promo dvd on which she bends 2 of the wickes type nails together amongst other things.


What area are you in mate?

Wales , I'll give the two together a proper go in my next session. Sounds like good stuff from B&Q.

Yeah B & Q is not the best but at least its an easy option to get a few bits to get started with until you know its something you want to pursue, then after that one of the "benders bags" from fbbc in the states will pretty much give you everything you need to get into it properly.

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thanks Stew,

Wouldn't that cost you a small fortune with the postage etc? Where can I get a 60D equivalent that type of thing?

most of the things you see bent on this board are only available in the states so most of us just swallow the postage and order from fbbc, John case fit a lot of stuff in a fixed price postage box so although its a bit of an outlay it will last you ages

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you sound like me about a year and a half ago! :)

those nails are a tad under 1/4" cos here in the uk everything is in mm's, so they are in fact easier than a US 60d nail.

if you want to know where you're at, pm me your address and i'll send you a few bits of steel.

and listen to the advice, buy some leather wraps (ebay is good for this).

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