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G G C Medley

Jedd Johnson

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Just want to make a quick announcement so everyone knows. I want the Pick-Your-Poison loading medley to be truly something special at GGC this year. So, I want you to bring up to 3 items each.

Please remember however - the three you choose, you must load first. If you get hung up up on one of your items, you won't be able to move on to the rest.

If you can not bring something due to flying or driving arrangements, then you can use something of mine. First come, first served! If one person chooses something and someone else wants it, then the 2nd person will be out of luck.

If you have a request for a certain item, let me know and i will tell you if I have it.

For starters, we have 3 50-lb blob replicas, 2 half 110 hexes, 3 half 115 hexes, 2 half 120 hexes, various 45-lb hub plates, I have different loadable handles, v-bars, etc. For more info, just ask.

OK guys, that's it, I guess. Happy training.

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Jedd, I'm flying. The medley sounds really cool. I'd like to take my 28 lb. shotput, but doubt they'll let me take it on the plane (they might think it's a bomb and hate to deal with baggage-guess I could ship it out. Maybe they'd let me take a RT handle on the plane.

Where are the correct predetermined weights listed for the Axle? There is still a jump from 315-365 listed. Don't know if I'm ready that big of a jump just yet and thought you mentioned you were going to change the #s.

Edited by odin
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Can the lift that we choose involve two objects lifted simultaneously, one in each hand?



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Hmm... I just don't know what to bring for this. I have a homemade RT handle thats pretty cool, and maybe my fake bomb. I dunno. I'll look around for other stuff.

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I have to say, though I wont be competing, I REALLY like the idea of a "byoo" medley Jedd. If you were to make that a permanent addition to the GGC, the medley would surely be one of the most interesting parts of the competition every year.

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Jedd, this is one one the coolest ideas for a medley. Very deserving for the national championships. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

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Can the lift that we choose involve two objects lifted simultaneously, one in each hand?



I think it's okay as long as you don't need to use of my implements that I am already using. Know what I mean? I'd hate to have the same implement used more than once and have to keep pulling the same piece down multiple times. I.E. If you wanted to load two blobs and I wanted to use one of them for my feat, it might get hairy, administratively. Can you give me more detail as to what you are thinking?

I'd also like to note that if your feat involves props, you have to bring the props with you. So if you are going to lift an inch dumbbell with a rattle snake hanging off it, you have to provide the rattle snake. I don't have time to run up on barklay mountain and trap a bunch of rattlers. :D:cool

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Jedd, this is one one the coolest ideas for a medley. Very deserving for the national championships. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Thanks Bob. It came to me in a dream. I was sitting in this red room. It was 25 years in the future. In walked a height challenged man dressed in a red suit, who started dancing. And then he said the following:

"I've got good news.

That gum you like


going to

come back in style.

Pick your poison medley

at GGC Jedd.

Pick your poison medley

at GGC Jedd. "

Major cool points awarded to anyone who figures out what that is a reference to.

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Very cool idea! Strategy plays a bigger role now! Grip sport for the masterminds :cool

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Major cool points awarded to anyone who figures out what that is a reference to.
Twin Peaks

I was going to say Clockwork Orange just for the weirdness factor, not any recollection...

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Do the medley feats have to be loading or could they be things like at gripmas. floor lever, lockout on a loading pin with a rt or pintch plate, Kb bottoms up press stuff like that. I just want to know where the boundaries are of what we can bring for it. If it's all loading on a set hight table that's cool. I just need clarification to help me pick what I will bring.

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Sorry Nick, I didn't see your question until now.

All the medley items must be loaded to the vbar platform. That's about 3 feet high, so make sure anything you have on a loading pin you can either high pull or swing up onto that platform.

If you want to lever something, like say a slim vertical lever, that is fine. I will just say this though. Lever it to vertical, keep it vertical without touching it with your off hand, and then set it onto the vbar platform.

If you want to load two things at once, that is fine too, but you must tell everyone at the beginning that both things must be loaded at the same time. And Smitty and I will be holding you to it. Smitty and I will be tight with the rules. We're both judges and if one of us sees something that looks fishy, then we're going to call it. No bracing of v-bars in your crotch. No leaning fat dumbbell weights against your wrist. No nudging things with your hip to get it onto the platform.

Hopefully this is all clear. If any more questions,please ask here or PM me.

6 days away.

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Sorry Nick, I didn't see your question until now.

All the medley items must be loaded to the vbar platform. That's about 3 feet high, so make sure anything you have on a loading pin you can either high pull or swing up onto that platform.

If you want to lever something, like say a slim vertical lever, that is fine. I will just say this though. Lever it to vertical, keep it vertical without touching it with your off hand, and then set it onto the vbar platform.

If you want to load two things at once, that is fine too, but you must tell everyone at the beginning that both things must be loaded at the same time. And Smitty and I will be holding you to it. Smitty and I will be tight with the rules. We're both judges and if one of us sees something that looks fishy, then we're going to call it. No bracing of v-bars in your crotch. No leaning fat dumbbell weights against your wrist. No nudging things with your hip to get it onto the platform.

Hopefully this is all clear. If any more questions,please ask here or PM me.

6 days away.

please! :(:laugh that was my plan on Zach's dumbell

Edited by Paul Knight
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Jedd - I'm having trouble finding a rattlesnake here in Ohio - any chance you have a copperhead laying around? I have a good supply of wasps and bees to super glue to the handles for each contestant but a snake or two would add some interest I think :D :D :D

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Major cool points awarded to anyone who figures out what that is a reference to.
Twin Peaks

You got it dude.

Chris, I have a few snake comments that I will leave out of this discussion.

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