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2nd Bend Session - G8

Chris Mathison

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Well I have a few strains in my back so I took the week off from lifting but had to do something. So I bent the two bolts I had here at the house given to me by Cannon. This is my 2nd ever bending session the first being at Cannons place a few months back.

blob50 + 5lb and G5 video


G8 bend


The G8 is the brighten best variety with the triangle and I show it at the end. From another thread I learned these are the tough ones.

Im pretty damn happy to set this PR this week as I planned on doing nothing and like i said its my 2nd bending session ever so that makes it sweeter. Sorry about the length of the G8 vid... I just couldnt crank it down quicker. next time I should burn through it because thats about the same time length it took me to get G5 on my first session and today it took me less than a minute to do.

I would also greatly appreciate technique tips.. I hear theres alot of technique in bending and as the more experienced guys can probably tell from my video im not a technique wizard on bending.

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Man that is some fast progress! I've read your threads in the grip section so I know you've got the power to crank some serious bends.

Keep at it, that's a tough bolt.


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I think you are a Bending Master in the rough :rock Very impressive Chris :)

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I think you have big hands getting in the way there Chris :laugh Maybe put more of the steel in the wraps? That might help your kink. Great 2nd bend!!!

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I think you have big hands getting in the way there Chris :laugh Maybe put more of the steel in the wraps? That might help your kink. Great 2nd bend!!!

Your right! I was gonna ask about that. I kept running into my hands. I was putting about 1-1 1/2" in the wraps. Ill wrap more up next time thanks!

Thanks to everyone for the positive replies. Its very motivating.

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Nice job Chris. Those G8s are tough. You have the strength to bend monster stuff. Keep at it. :rock As for the wrapps. . . I like about 1.5 inches of bar in the wrapps also.

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Nice job Chris. Those G8s are tough. You have the strength to bend monster stuff. Keep at it. :rock As for the wrapps. . . I like about 1.5 inches of bar in the wrapps also.

I concur :sleep

Nice to see a heavy hitter start bending :rock I can tell your gonna get real good real fast! Congrats Chris!! :D

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Thanks alot guys. I am also anxious to see what kind of bends I can make given enough practice. I just placed an order for the 25-pack of red nails today. Im probably in for a rude awakening :dry

Edited by Chris Mathison
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Thanks alot guys. I am also anxious to see what kind of bends I can make given enough practice. I just placed an order for the 25-pack of red nails today. Im probably in for a rude awakening :dry

I bet you could bend one now in leather - the IM pads will take a little work though :)

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I first got into bending while dealing with another herniated disc in my back. It definately gives you something to get your mind into while you heal up. Helped me keep my motivation. As far as technique I think you have to discover it for yourself. Keep playing around with different hand positions and eventually will discover how to get the best leverage. Pushing it deep into your throat helps. Flexibility might be an issue it was for me. Nice bending!!

Edited by rniel
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Your flexibility is impressive for a big guy. It took me several weeks before I could even get 6" bolts in place under my chin.


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Thanks for the advice and comments guys. Flexibiltiy has never been an issue in anything I do. Im not out doing back bends or anything but im flexible enough for what I do. I do have to lean way back though to get leverage for some reason. Ill figure it out. Now I just need an animated .gif bending avatar like rniel.

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I know you are strong, but that is amazing! I'd be really glad to be doing that after a year or more. :rock :rock :rock

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I predict you can do a red nail right now. Maybe even a shiny bastard with your strength.

Keep at it.


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Man you guys are motivating. I wish I had my red nails already.

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you will get alot better very quickly once you start out. I agree try putting more of the bar into the wraps, i like to put 2.5 inchs about thats what works for me and i have kinda big hands. Very tough bend for a beginner right there :bow

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Dude, if you bent more than once every six months, you'd be killing the KOAB by now :D

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Great 2nd bend! I second what some of the others are saying. You're going to be a bending freak in the making with a 2nd bend of a G8. Along with your huge overall body strength it'll all coalesce into some huge bends in the near future.

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Great bend in general, let alone for the 2nd session!!! Like a few guys already said, keep playing with different positions of the hands and body and you'll find spot that clicks for you. And when you do find that spot some big steel is gonna bend. :D

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Great bending for someone just starting out! :rock You might be another prodigy like Paul.

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Chris, I don't know how you have the strength you do with your buggywhip forearms buddy, lol! Those are massive man.

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Chris, I don't know how you have the strength you do with your buggywhip forearms buddy, lol! Those are massive man.

HAHA.. buggywhip.. I am abit afraid they might snap like twigs but Im hoping they will hold up.

Great bending for someone just starting out! :rock You might be another prodigy like Paul.

Thanks. I would be tickled pink to bend like Paul one day.

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I wanted to get some 7" bends in before my reds arrive in a few days. Did the equivalent to a yellow and blue and then a 3/8" x 7" aluminum. All pretty easy. unless the jump to red is very significant I gotta real good feeling its going down.

I really worked on "punching" the metal hard instead of a slow and steady pressure like I was doing. made a big difference. felt good.


Edited by Chris Mathison
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