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Small Setback, Hopefully.


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Well as I mentioned I hope this is just a minor setback. I did some bending this last week on Thur evening and have since then had major pain on the inside of both of my index fingers on the sides that face the thumbs. At the point where the bar is pressing on the finger when DO bending, and radiates pain through that large knuckle on the top of the hand where you make a fist. I assume I just overdid it when attempting to bend and was exerting way too much force on that area because of improper form.

Is this a normal injury for beginners? It is very painful during normal activities like grabbing a gallon of milk by the handle or anything that causes pressure to be on the index fingers that puts pressure on the main large knuckle of the index fingers. I attempted to bend a 60D at work and was just barely able to kink the thing before I had to give up because of the pain. Looks like I will probably need to take off for a couple of weeks or more until my finger joints heal. I was super excited about the bending E-Book that I bought last night but I think I need to just stop for a while to let whatever is going on have time to heal. That will give me a good amount of time to read, study, and absorb the info. Then I will hopefully be healed up enough to get back to bending ASAP!

Have many of you had this same issue before when you started bending or is this possibly something out of the norm that I caused myself that most people haven’t experienced before? I know it is kind of difficult to diagnose something over the internet, lol.

Thanks everyone.

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Well as I mentioned I hope this is just a minor setback. I did some bending this last week on Thur evening and have since then had major pain on the inside of both of my index fingers on the sides that face the thumbs. At the point where the bar is pressing on the finger when DO bending, and radiates pain through that large knuckle on the top of the hand where you make a fist. I assume I just overdid it when attempting to bend and was exerting way too much force on that area because of improper form.

Is this a normal injury for beginners? It is very painful during normal activities like grabbing a gallon of milk by the handle or anything that causes pressure to be on the index fingers that puts pressure on the main large knuckle of the index fingers. I attempted to bend a 60D at work and was just barely able to kink the thing before I had to give up because of the pain. Looks like I will probably need to take off for a couple of weeks or more until my finger joints heal. I was super excited about the bending E-Book that I bought last night but I think I need to just stop for a while to let whatever is going on have time to heal. That will give me a good amount of time to read, study, and absorb the info. Then I will hopefully be healed up enough to get back to bending ASAP!

Have many of you had this same issue before when you started bending or is this possibly something out of the norm that I caused myself that most people haven’t experienced before? I know it is kind of difficult to diagnose something over the internet, lol.

Thanks everyone.

I'm at work right now so short post.

VERY, common for beginners.


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I don't remember having a specific problem like that but when I started out I couldn't stop myself from bending every day and I was using too small padding. I had to soak my hands in ice buckets for a while to deal with the pain but it all went away eventually. I would also keep playing around with how your positioning it in your hands there's some positions that would probably alleviate the pain.

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Also short on time John. Sorry to hear about the pain issues. But like will be said a million times before, it's normal. There is nothing new in the bending world, lol.

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Also short on time John. Sorry to hear about the pain issues. But like will be said a million times before, it's normal. There is nothing new in the bending world, lol.

I will try to contrast baths on my hands to see how that helps. That of course along with rest.

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Also short on time John. Sorry to hear about the pain issues. But like will be said a million times before, it's normal. There is nothing new in the bending world, lol.

I will try to contrast baths on my hands to see how that helps. That of course along with rest.

How thick of pad's are your using John wrapped my big pad's are 1 1/2 and my small one's are 1 to 1 1/4'' when I use my small leather one's or my IM pad's alot I get the same thing. If you use some larger pad's this may help and work your way down to smaller one's after a few month's hope's this help's. :D

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Also short on time John. Sorry to hear about the pain issues. But like will be said a million times before, it's normal. There is nothing new in the bending world, lol.

I will try to contrast baths on my hands to see how that helps. That of course along with rest.

How thick of pad's are your using John wrapped my big pad's are 1 1/2 and my small one's are 1 to 1 1/4'' when I use my small leather one's or my IM pad's alot I get the same thing. If you use some larger pad's this may help and work your way down to smaller one's after a few month's hope's this help's. :D

I think around an inch to and inch and a half? I think my form as well as my wrapping are severly lacking. I am working on the wrapping and I just purchased the bending ebook from Jedd and will be bending in the next month or so with Ben when I get a chance to get out, and my fingers heal up. Hopefully between all of that I will be start to get this down. At least better than I currently have it!

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John are you trying to wrap them tight I use a heavy block weight to rest on my wrap's and I pull them as tight as I can to stretch the leather. And really concentrate on the corner's to the inside I have been working on this for month's and I am finnaly getting down pretty good. I still say you should get with Scott Harris the guru he could take you along way he taught me !!!! :D

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John are you trying to wrap them tight I use a heavy block weight to rest on my wrap's and I pull them as tight as I can to stretch the leather. And really concentrate on the corner's to the inside I have been working on this for month's and I am finnaly getting down pretty good. I still say you should get with Scott Harris the guru he could take you along way he taught me !!!! :D

Seems to be good advice, Ben gave me the same advice too. I did PM Scott here recently but I haven't heard back from him yet.

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Rest it till it heals

Use more palm, less fingers. I use to get this when I first started DO. I was pushing the bar straight into my hands, once I stopped, it stopped. You'll find your groove and will know what I'm talking about.

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Rest it till it heals

Use more palm, less fingers. I use to get this when I first started DO. I was pushing the bar straight into my hands, once I stopped, it stopped. You'll find your groove and will know what I'm talking about.

Thanks! I will give it a rest until it heals. Then I will start working at it again, and hopefully find that groove of which you speak! :D

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All great advice! Your hands will adapt some as well. The bones along with everything else will toughen up and eventually you won't have to have your pads as precise as you do in the begining.

Give it some rest, maybe thicken your pads and get some rest.


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All great advice! Your hands will adapt some as well. The bones along with everything else will toughen up and eventually you won't have to have your pads as precise as you do in the begining.

Give it some rest, maybe thicken your pads and get some rest.


Will do! Thanks. :)

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Take a few days off, ice it however you can, eat ho-ho's and cherry poptarts and ice it some more.

After reading this I might just start bending. Haven't had ho-ho's in a while :D

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