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A Prophetic Dream About The Inch

The Natural

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So about a week ago I had a dream in which I toyed with the Inch and circus dumbbell. I cleaned them, pressed them, walked with them. It felt like I was flying. Total freedom, no barriers.

Today I went over to Aaron's, remembered my dream, and walked over to the Inch. I lifted the Inch three inches off the ground. This was a big PR, as before I was only cracking it off the ground 1/4" or so.

Then I got Aaron to witness me lift it. I again lifted it about three inches off the ground.

Then, once Aaron had left for a party, I picked it up again about five inches.

I'm certain that my dream, as superstitious as it may sound, had something to do with my performance. There is a mental component to any lift, and I think the dream helped me break through some mental barriers.

I predict that I will lift the Inch within six weeks. Possibly even at the GGC if I can get enough adrenaline in me. This is based on my experience with both the blob and the 45 pound hub, as I got a few inches of air underneath both of these the week before I actually lifted them.

Aaron also just welded a secret weapon for conquering the Inch. My forearms and hands are right now letting me know that it works.


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Nice lifting :rock

That's funny. I often dream about gripping, too, but sadly, in my case, it's never resulted in a PR :( I've had great dreams, like one when I was slamming a #3 shut for reps like nothing. Then I've had horrible dreams, like when I failed to close my hg150 in Teemu's presence. Then, I have average gripping dreams, like the one I had last night: I ordered a #3, but IM accidentally sent me a #1, so I compared it to my hg200 (which, in real life calibrated to 1.00). It's crazy how the mind can do things like that, and how it can replicate real-life circumstances.

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Nice lifting :rock

That's funny. I often dream about gripping, too, but sadly, in my case, it's never resulted in a PR :( I've had great dreams, like one when I was slamming a #3 shut for reps like nothing. Then I've had horrible dreams, like when I failed to close my hg150 in Teemu's presence. Then, I have average gripping dreams, like the one I had last night: I ordered a #3, but IM accidentally sent me a #1, so I compared it to my hg200 (which, in real life calibrated to 1.00). It's crazy how the mind can do things like that, and how it can replicate real-life circumstances.

Lol, yeah, I don't have quite that many dreams about gripping. That's some good stuff though. You're hardcore.

There's an empirical basis for the efficacy of visualization. It's the well known study about visualization practice improving free throw percentages. Presumably the more intense and lively the vision, the better, and dreams are about as intense as they get.

If anyone else wants to tell about similar experiences, I'd like to hear them.


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Heh no dreams about grip yet, but I've had dreams where I could power clean 500lbs like nothing and then throw it on my back and squat it like it was just the bar! Those are some good dreams. I'm sure you'll get the inch in no time, your more then capable its just going to take the right day and motivation.

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That is really interesting man, will to power eh?

I usually have really crazy dreams that don't easily relate to most of my everday life in a way that I can understand anyways.

I do find the bit about visualization interesting though. What do you suppose the underlying function of that could be? Just increased cns control to carry out your will more accurately? It certainly helps with motor unit recruitment for max lifts. But accuracy things like free throws or archery gets a bit more interesting I think.

Did you see the men's 48kg weighlifting? Man I could tell Ilya Ilin was gonna win at the end. With the crazy close up photography you can see the look on thier faces and in their eyes, I can only imagine how big a mental game it is at that point being in the olympics and training years to perform something for a few seconds in front of so many people. That guy had already completed those last 2 c&j's in his mind before he even touched the bar, he was just following through.

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That is really interesting man, will to power eh?

I usually have really crazy dreams that don't easily relate to most of my everday life in a way that I can understand anyways.

I do find the bit about visualization interesting though. What do you suppose the underlying function of that could be? Just increased cns control to carry out your will more accurately? It certainly helps with motor unit recruitment for max lifts. But accuracy things like free throws or archery gets a bit more interesting I think.

Did you see the men's 48kg weighlifting? Man I could tell Ilya Ilin was gonna win at the end. With the crazy close up photography you can see the look on thier faces and in their eyes, I can only imagine how big a mental game it is at that point being in the olympics and training years to perform something for a few seconds in front of so many people. That guy had already completed those last 2 c&j's in his mind before he even touched the bar, he was just following through.

I think a lot of it comes down to motivation, and REALLY wanting to achieve your goal. You have to become almost obsessed with it, always on your mind until you finally get it. You see this in sports a lot in the playoffs, where teams who have not won championships beat teams that are much better then them that have, because they are just not as motivated.

Grip is the same way, once you start to lose that motivation you won't achieve your goals. In this sport especially you have to be a little crazy and deal with the set backs and stay motivated even when it seems impossible.

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That is really interesting man, will to power eh?

I usually have really crazy dreams that don't easily relate to most of my everday life in a way that I can understand anyways.

I do find the bit about visualization interesting though. What do you suppose the underlying function of that could be? Just increased cns control to carry out your will more accurately? It certainly helps with motor unit recruitment for max lifts. But accuracy things like free throws or archery gets a bit more interesting I think.

Did you see the men's 48kg weighlifting? Man I could tell Ilya Ilin was gonna win at the end. With the crazy close up photography you can see the look on thier faces and in their eyes, I can only imagine how big a mental game it is at that point being in the olympics and training years to perform something for a few seconds in front of so many people. That guy had already completed those last 2 c&j's in his mind before he even touched the bar, he was just following through.

I'm not sure what the physiological mechanism is, but yeah, you make a good point. It could be CNS control.

I'm reminded of a story I heard about John McCain. According to the story, when he returned to the US after being a POW for nearly six years in North Vietnam, the Pesident asked him what he would like to do for recreation. The President was prepared to pretty much grant him whatever he wished. McCain said he wanted to go play some golf. The President took him immediately to a golf course and played with him. Despite being so weakened from the imprisonment that he needed to use crutches to move about, he was able to shoot very close to par (two over par, if I remember correctly). The President asked him how he was able to shoot such a good game of golf after being in a living hell for six years, unable to practice.

"The whole time I was in prison, I'd play golf in my head. I'd play several courses a day."


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i think it's very true. it's the same with me and fighting. nearly every day, i go through fights in my head. fighting against different types of fighters, fast, slow, tall, short, thin, thick, in fighters, counter fighters, outside fighters, brawlers etc., i'm basically fighting against my own brain. i'll go over scenarios, over and over fighting dizzy after spinning in circles. i'll do this after a tiring day, fighting as if i'm tired, fighting if i couldn't see out of one eye. it consumes me.

a lot of my friends thought it was weird and told me "nothing makes up for real experience". of course i had some of that too. but i think the thousands of hours i've put in mentally helped me win a lot of my fights. you can't possibly fight that many opponents and still stay healthy, just like you can't possibly lift that much weight that many times in your head, but it really makes you know what your capable of.

i think all that shadow boxing and sparring with myself made me a lot more coordinated with my hands and my entire body. for a fairly big fellow, i'm very agile and nimble.

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Got a picture of the secret weapon for the inch?

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Yes, I saw his pull on the inch. He is very close to getting a full pull. Prolly will get it at GGC I would think. I told him last night before he did it, if he got a full pull I was gonna kick him in the Satchel bag. Maybe thats why he missed. ;):D

- Aaron

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Yes, I saw his pull on the inch. He is very close to getting a full pull. Prolly will get it at GGC I would think. I told him last night before he did it, if he got a full pull I was gonna kick him in the Satchel bag. Maybe thats why he missed. ;):D

- Aaron

This did play a factor, especially given that in the event of an attack, there is nowhere to run inside Aaron's dungeon. :D


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Cool topic Rex, I figured you'd lift the Inch the first time you tried it and Aaron was just hiding it from you. You've made quick progress and I'm sure you'll get it fully DL soon.

I've had some Inch-related dreams myself. Here's one from last October that I posted in my training log:

I had a dream the other night that everyone else had no problem knowing when it was their turn and what the rules were, etc, at Gripmas, and I didn't know what was going on. There were all sorts of weird devices in the medley, including one that was full of water and had to be lifted without losing any water to count, and my hands got all wet and I couldn't lift anything else. I was upset because i didn't know that setting the Inch on a phone book would allow you to bypass that part of the medley, and I said "like this!) and after drying my hands I fully DLd the Inch and slammed it down on the top of the other medley items in frustration. I was laughing when I woke up.
I use visualization and meditation to help my training. Lucid dreams are the best (and usually rare); you become aware you are dreaming and can manipulate the events somewhat-but if you direct them too much you will usually wake up.
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Yes, I saw his pull on the inch. He is very close to getting a full pull. Prolly will get it at GGC I would think. I told him last night before he did it, if he got a full pull I was gonna kick him in the Satchel bag. Maybe thats why he missed. ;):D

- Aaron

:laugh:laugh:laugh Rex watch out cause I will too! :laugh

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Cool topic Rex, I figured you'd lift the Inch the first time you tried it and Aaron was just hiding it from you. You've made quick progress and I'm sure you'll get it fully DL soon.

I've had some Inch-related dreams myself. Here's one from last October that I posted in my training log:

I had a dream the other night that everyone else had no problem knowing when it was their turn and what the rules were, etc, at Gripmas, and I didn't know what was going on. There were all sorts of weird devices in the medley, including one that was full of water and had to be lifted without losing any water to count, and my hands got all wet and I couldn't lift anything else. I was upset because i didn't know that setting the Inch on a phone book would allow you to bypass that part of the medley, and I said "like this!) and after drying my hands I fully DLd the Inch and slammed it down on the top of the other medley items in frustration. I was laughing when I woke up.
I use visualization and meditation to help my training. Lucid dreams are the best (and usually rare); you become aware you are dreaming and can manipulate the events somewhat-but if you direct them too much you will usually wake up.

Thanks for sharing that, Bob. The dreams, I think, are just as much an effect of intense motivation as a cause, as your post suggests.

Yes, I saw his pull on the inch. He is very close to getting a full pull. Prolly will get it at GGC I would think. I told him last night before he did it, if he got a full pull I was gonna kick him in the Satchel bag. Maybe thats why he missed. ;):D

- Aaron

:laugh:laugh:laugh Rex watch out cause I will too! :laugh

I think I might wear a cup over my jeans at the GGC, as it will provide not only protection but a means of breaking your concentration. :laugh

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Aaron also just welded a secret weapon for conquering the Inch. My forearms and hands are right now letting me know that it works.

Ask Aaron if he'd post a pic of that SW; like Jedd, I'd like to see a pic of it too! :happy

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