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My First Ever Bend

Benedikt Farsmann

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First of all I honestly have to say that I don't know anything about bending so feel free to lough at me :happy

I also posted this in my training log so please don't be confused :)

Today I sighted some pieces of brass at work and joked around with my co-workers about bending it. One of them tried to bend one piece and gave up really fast as he couldn't bend it very wide. Concerning this I have to mention that he's quite a skinny guy. I then picked it up and bend it. They were impressed but talking about this on the gripboard may be embarrassing :happy Anyways it was my first ever bend and I really liked it! I took one of the bars with me to bend it sometime as it was so much fun! When I arrived home I then quickly read over a bending article here on the gripboard to look up what I was doing :happy so here is some information on my first bend:

Bar Length: ~21cm

Bar Diameter: 0,59cm

Bar Shape: round

Bar Material: brass

bend to 2,91cm

double overhand, unbraced

picture of the bar : http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/121727969...79_971_7559.jpg

picture of the bar close-up: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/121727969..._971_243754.jpg

picture of my hand afterwards: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/121727969..._971_151897.jpg

I started bare handed as I didn't know anything about bending. As I was halfway through I cut both my hands and saw that I was bleeding so I filed down the ends of the bar a bit as they were very sharp and wrapped a towel around the ends of the bar and finally bend it to 2,91cm. My hands hurt a bit but I liked it.

I know it's nothing special but how's such a bar compared to an IM white nail?

Thank you!


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Good job. Keep it up. You need to get some leather wrapps.

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Good job. Keep it up. You need to get some leather wrapps.

Yes..welcome to the addiction and get some leather wraps.

My guess is that your nearly 6mm brass is a somewhat harder than the White nail, perhaps harder than the Green nail, and much easier than a Yellow nail.

.. neilkaz ..

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Thanks guys :) I'll read a few articles about bending to delve into the subject before I add it to my training routine.

These fatal addictions will bring me about ruin :dry< <:happy:D

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Bending will be one off the most rewarding and frustrating addiction. And once you bend that first bar, there is no way back :D

That bend is very good for a first. Bending that peice barehand is even better. I would say that with it's dimensions of 210mm x 59mm and brass being a bit easier than CRS, that it one would land around the strength of a white nail. But with pads you will probably be able to bend much bigger stuff.

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Diesel Crew has some really good free bending training articles. SSGLASS has written some for Dragon Door and Straight to The Bar I think. He is top notch. Dave Morton and Gamidon wrote one of the best articles. Bender has a great website that I used to visit quite often and has articles on how to train for bending. And you can visit any of the workout logs.

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Great first bend!

Bare handed too!

You'll be Gazza's hero.

Seriously, Nice work!

Mighty Joe

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Congrats on your first bend! Get some wraps and save your hands. It is addicting isn't it? :D

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Welcome to the addiction and nice first bend. Yeah, I'd say around white nail but since you started it bare handed I'm sure you could go better.

FBBC beginner's bag is a great place to start if you can swing it. I think it has 3/16 inch square CRS which would probably be your next step plus I think it has 3/16 round also which may be your more immediate step to get your hands used to it.

Don't rush it at first. Give your muscles a chance to adjust because you're working muscle and especially tendons in different ways. One of the first mistakes I made was I got excited about my first 60d so I bend probably 20 more back to back. Next day the pain in the back of my hands was extreme. Tendonitis I guess but anyway, warm up good and work into it slowly.

It's great fun and welcome!


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Welcome to the addiction/obsession, whatever you want to call it :cool

That's about the toughness of a white i'd say, but like was said before with pads you could take down bigger stuff with Training. Get a FBBC beginner bag, and some pads from FBBC and you'll be set to start going.

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Thanks guys! Yes, it's really addicting ;) and I'll definitely keep up with bending as I can get round brass pretty cheap. Thanks also for the tips! I'll read that articles!

Edited by Klesen
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Also, you might want to purchase " Maximized Bending " by Eric Milfeld. Eric is a top level bender and can guid you thru your technique. It's also a great way to support the Grip Board. Good luck.

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Also, you might want to purchase " Maximized Bending " by Eric Milfeld. Eric is a top level bender and can guid you thru your technique. It's also a great way to support the Grip Board. Good luck.

Oh dang, I can't believe I forgot Eric's program! Eric is one of the "grandfathers of bending." I had his name plastered over my wall in so many places that the Unabomber would've shivered if he had walked in my house and garage and seen all the mentions of Eric. Eric's been bending big steel for a long time now...well, long in terms of me and most of the other benders here.

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I'm thankful for every tip I get! :rock

Ok then here's a few more:

1. Brass ISN'T cheap. CRS, and HRS are WAYYYY cheaper. Find some OR preferrably buy the FBBC beginners bag like was previously recommended.

2. Watch EVERY bending video from a serious bender that you have enough time in your day for and analyze their technique thoroughly in every manner.

3. Read as much material as you can find free or can afford. The Diesel Crew Bending E Book is amazing from what I've heard, as is Eric's. At the top of this forum are some stickies with various E Books including Greg Amidon and Dave Morton, two of THE best benders from the pre-2005 era before they both quit and it's free. The pay E Books obviously have much more info so if you can afford it, go for it, otherwise this is a decent substitute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riJJ1nhwjvA Here's a video by Jeremiah, an amazing bender, explaining the DO technique. Watch it, learn it, live it :D

Can't think of anything else for now, but this should help you out.

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Also, don't give up.

If you get frustrated, back off a few days

or even a week.

It will come. I promise!

One month after I nearly called it quits my

bending went through the roof.

Some of the guys on this board know of the trying times I went through

at bending. Staying with it payed off.

I wish you well.

Mighty Joe

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Also, don't give up.

If you get frustrated, back off a few days

or even a week.

It will come. I promise!

One month after I nearly called it quits my

bending went through the roof.

Some of the guys on this board know of the trying times I went through

at bending. Staying with it payed off.

I wish you well.

Mighty Joe

Great advice Joe! I was planning on giving up on learning DO because it took me from January of 2006 to August to finally really "click." Luckily I kept at it and kept learning and refining my technique.

Ben, I realize you probably don't know me but I'll understate things by saying that I was a VERY slow learner and progresser with bending. Did a few bends in 2000. A little more in 2001. More in 2002. Ramped it up to almost a normal level of frequency in 2003. Then in 2004 I bent my first Yellow Nail. All my bends were DU until January of 2006, otherwise I'm sure it would've been faster. First 6" G5 in 2005. First Bastard (7") in 2006. First Fantastic (4") in 2008. Not the fastest progress here by a long shot. But it did pick up tremendously from 2006 to 2008. And to make things harder, I had to start over from a lower level again in early 2006 when I began my DO training. It took me 4 or 5 months to work up to my previous best DU bend (6" G8) and a few months past that to really feel like I was finally really getting the form just right for my body.

Keep hammering away! It actually becomes even more fun as you get stronger.

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Also, don't give up.

If you get frustrated, back off a few days

or even a week.

It will come. I promise!

One month after I nearly called it quits my

bending went through the roof.

Some of the guys on this board know of the trying times I went through

at bending. Staying with it payed off.

I wish you well.

Mighty Joe

Great advice Joe! I was planning on giving up on learning DO because it took me from January of 2006 to August to finally really "click." Luckily I kept at it and kept learning and refining my technique.

Ben, I realize you probably don't know me but I'll understate things by saying that I was a VERY slow learner and progresser with bending. Did a few bends in 2000. A little more in 2001. More in 2002. Ramped it up to almost a normal level of frequency in 2003. Then in 2004 I bent my first Yellow Nail. All my bends were DU until January of 2006, otherwise I'm sure it would've been faster. First 6" G5 in 2005. First Bastard (7") in 2006. First Fantastic (4") in 2008. Not the fastest progress here by a long shot. But it did pick up tremendously from 2006 to 2008. And to make things harder, I had to start over from a lower level again in early 2006 when I began my DO training. It took me 4 or 5 months to work up to my previous best DU bend (6" G8) and a few months past that to really feel like I was finally really getting the form just right for my body.

Keep hammering away! It actually becomes even more fun as you get stronger.

Seems like you're an bending veteran but I'm still not into bending so I'm not familar with the names and numbers of different "bastards". As I said in my PM I won't be afraid of asking for help If I need some advice.

I downloaded some articles about bending that you guys mentioned and I'm about to read them later on today. Thanks a lot! :)

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