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First Close Of #3 On Camera


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Hello all,

I finally closed my #3 on Saturday night and had my first gripper workout since then, determined to get a close on video. I only had time for a short session but I squeezed it in and got to within 3/4 mm of a ccs close with the right and half an inch with the left.

I would really appreciate any technique advice you could give, as it has really helped in the past. The last time I posted a video in early June I got it to 1mm but I never progressed from there and began to concentrate on my olympic weightlifting a lot more. It was very strange that in only my second workout in a month or so I got my first close and it was without chalk and putting the gripper not at the front of the palm like I was told by many, but at the back of my hand. It really was quite bizarre. Anyway, I want to get my ccs close but only certify when I can do the same with my left which usually takes a while to catch up with my right hand.

Here is my close from today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwvfBTs5Q_g

Here is my attempt from June: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q97pDhhN_M0

Any help you can give me will be very beneficial, so please feel free,

Barry Kinsella

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A solid close!! Great job. If you are planning to MMO maybe show the set a little better but I could tell it was good. Work on getting a really nice vid and you got it.

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A solid close!! Great job. If you are planning to MMO maybe show the set a little better but I could tell it was good. Work on getting a really nice vid and you got it.

I did not even think about the MMO. My camera is broken at the moment so I had to use a mate's camera phone which is only 2 megapixels. I will definitely get a better video with a clearer picture quality and a clearer set. How do you go about getting the MMO? Thanks for the advice.

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Nice job! The video was a bit blurry, but it looked like an easy close :mosher

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A solid close!! Great job. If you are planning to MMO maybe show the set a little better but I could tell it was good. Work on getting a really nice vid and you got it.

I did not even think about the MMO. My camera is broken at the moment so I had to use a mate's camera phone which is only 2 megapixels. I will definitely get a better video with a clearer picture quality and a clearer set. How do you go about getting the MMO? Thanks for the advice.

Read the Mash Monster rules on this board and follow them closely. You are strong enough.

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very nice! well done mate.

everyone is different one of my mates is like that he can only close grippers with them further back in the hand and with minimal set whereas i have to have it quite high up (close to the base of the fingers).

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very nice! well done mate.

everyone is different one of my mates is like that he can only close grippers with them further back in the hand and with minimal set whereas i have to have it quite high up (close to the base of the fingers).

Thank you Sam and the rest of you guys. In my next gripper workout I will have a better camera and I will ensure I have a better video. I will also include a ccs attempt so that my technique can be taken to the cleaners in order for me to improve. With this video I will go after the MMO after I read the rules inside out of course.

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Great job, looked like you had that no problem

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You could even hear the handles touch. great job!

That's funny Mats, I didn't even realise that until you said it. I watched the video again and the click comes a lot earlier than I realised. It felt like the handles touched later.

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Well done, despite the video beeing what it is. ;)

Teemu I was going to do a new video on my session on Monday but now I will have to make it extra special because you are riling up my competitive juices! There will be zero doubt as to my ability to close this bad boy and I will get my best camera available :D

Thank god for the competitive spirit. It definitely drives me to higher heights, even if I am competing with myself.

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Hi. Witch is harder, the ccs or the no set? I see you have no set closed the 3 but ccs the 2,5. I thought the no set was the hardest close?

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Hi. Witch is harder, the ccs or the no set? I see you have no set closed the 3 but ccs the 2,5. I thought the no set was the hardest close?

Sorry for the late response, I was away for the weekend and just got back. As Pancake Sprawl says, a table no set is the hardest. In this, you use the same hand to grab the gripper and close it without any assistance at all from the other hand. With a no set you can use the non-closing hand to place the gripper in your hand. Now here is where I am unsure myself. Some people say that a no set allows you to use your other hand to help 'set' the gripper in your sweet spot, but other people say that the other hand must not assist in the set at all. Can anyone clear the confusion?

Depending on what you count as a no set, in my video I use my left hand to help set the gripper and because there is less of a pause than the ccs set, I find that easier.

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Nice Close that was a solid close!!!Like others said just show the set better and you have MM0 covered!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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