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Finally Did Some More Unbraced Tonight


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I've had to lay off hard-core unbraced bending as an injury on my vacation killed my arm. I couldn't hardly crush a G5 and that's no joke so I've had to give it a rest which has been torturing me since I've gotten the unbraced fever again.

Anyway, did some 60ds earlier today and I could feel my shoulder and arm wasn't 100% but it wasn't too bad so tonight I decided to try some good bends. First hard bend was 8mm by 7 inch CRS that is probably like a really tough bastard or the older hexes. Tough to say for sure since I'm not for certain how healed my arm is. Then I got a 7mm square CRS that is a cool looking bend for me. I tried a 6 incher of it but that was a no go. Did another 7 inch piece with single wraps to end the night out.

Arm is sore but hopefully I'm on the up swing. Here's the pics:

Unbraced bends

Man this stuff is still addictive.


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Great work Tim! I'm starting to know how you feel w/the injuries ;) Glad to see your playing w/the unbraced again! :rock

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Great work Tim! I'm starting to know how you feel w/the injuries ;) Glad to see your playing w/the unbraced again! :rock

Great job Tim!! I know how both of you feel too! Today 60ds were giving me bicep pain. Keep it up Tim!

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Nice bending Tim! 8mm is stout stuff!

Suprised me how much difference it made. I'd guess it to be a 450 + bar but like I said, I can't say for certain right now. This piece of steel is very shiny too so I really thought it might be like the easy bastards but afraid not.

Thanks guys!


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Great job Tim! You give me hope, coming back from an injury myself...

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Nice bending Tim.! You certainly have a nich for bending. :rock

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Nice bending Tim! The square stuff does make for a cool bend.


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Welcome back Tim. Those are some really good bends :rock

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