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Pacific Grip Off Results

Number Ten Ox

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First of a HUGE thanks to FBBC and Pro Wrist Straps. They totally hooked us up with awesome prizes. Everyone walked away with big smiles on their faces and pockets full of gear. You guys rock!

Also big thanks to Jesse Ward at Locals Gym. This guy let us have the run of the place and was supportive of everything we did. He not only let us use his gym and his gear, but afterwards showed us how to do a bunch of the strongman lifts (tires, atlas stones, etc.) We really couldn't have done it without his support.

Okay results.


1st-myself with a 147 #3 close

2nd-Robbie 141.8 HG300

3rd-tie Robert and Dan 133.2 BBSM

4th-tie Travis and Jesse 126 HG300

5th-Ryan 117.4 BBM

6th-Mike 95.8 Trainer

2 Hands Pinch

1st-Dan 140

2nd-Robert 135

3rd-Jesse 125

4th-Robbie 120

5th-Travis 115

6th-Ryan 105

7th-tie Joe and Mike 100

Rolling Thunder

1st-Robbie 145

2nd-Robert 140

3rd-tie Dan and Jesse 130

4th-tie Joe and Mike 120

5th-tie Travis and Ryan 100


1st-Robert 6.5 x 1/4 Square

2nd- Joe 5.5 G5

3rd-Travis 6 G5

4th-Dan Yellow Nail (DU)

5th-tie Robbie and Jesse (DU) Green Nail

Ryan and Mike Gave up at this point in the comp.


1st-Robbie 26 items

2nd- Joe 25 items

3rd-tie Jesse and Robert 22 items

4th-Dan 19 items

5th-Travis 17 items

Final Placing


2nd Robbie

3rd Joe

4th Dan

5th Jesse

6th Travis

Ryan and Mike DNF

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I could not figure out what your real name was and also it would be interesting to read whose who, as you wrote only the first names and I guess there were other gripboard members too. I understand if people would want to keep it anonymous, but now there's just no way to tell who did what. :) Just asking for the interest, no problem if everybody involved prefers it the way that nicknames, first names and full names can't be linked.

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Atleast it would be cool if the first names could be linked to nicknames. :)

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Oops! Sorry about that.

I (Number Ten Ox) am Joe Barker.

Robert is "Lone Wolf."

Travis is "Travis Rush"

Robbie is a GB member but doesn't post. He is registered as "Alfred E Neuman"

Dan and Jesse train for Strongman but are not on the board that I know of.

I don't know much about Ryan and Mike other than they showed up at the gym. I think they are crossfit guys.

So there were 4 GB members and 4 non members.

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Cool! Congrats to "Lone Wolf" then for taking the victory and to others for the job well done! :)

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Well done to all :rock

Was the pinch on a Euro?


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It looks like a great contest.

Curious - are the top 3 interested in competing at GGC? I am counting this as a qualifier - please let me know and I will get you added to the next newsletter!


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No we couldn't afford one this year. "We'll smart small and grow every year" is Travis's plan.

The 2HP was used with 2 35# plates and a loading pin. Plates were added evenly to both sides in 5# increments. The plates were slick and sharp, never having been used you a pinch before. Not ideal, but what we had to work with and effective for judging pinch strength. We lifted to full DL.

The RT was also to full dead lift. We used a handle bought in December, fairly new. We used a FBBC loading pin.

The medley was 30 objects that we brought. No one lifted my blob 50, Travis's slick 40# hex or my 45#cap by the hub. Other fun objects were, shallow ivanko plates by the hub, FBBC bomb DL, a couple of V-bars, farmers walk loaded to 400#'s DL and about 8 rocks that I brought from home (fat pinch). It was kind of an endurance event.

All in all a super day. Really impressive display by Robert of all around hand strength. Robbie was the suprise as he doesn't train specifis hand strength, he just does crossfit and Oly lifts. Travis impressed everyone with the prizes and securing a venue.

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Great job guys! Sounds like you had a fun time which is just as important as placings in the final tally.

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Nice job guys!!! Sounds like it was a great comp Travis! See if you can stick with the same venue for next year, I'm sure the owner would appreciate the business it might bring in ;)

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Congratulations to Robert for winning and to all who were brave enough to compete. It's nice to see that the RT was one of the events.

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Congratulations to Robert for winning and to all who were brave enough to compete. It's nice to see that the RT was one of the events.

Yeah the RT has been left out alot recently in favour of the axle prob....I dont think it will ever get to the stage the one inch vbar has sunk to.

Did you guys get a quote from Mads on his euro replica, alot nicer on shipping charges, even for me!

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Congrats to all the competitors and a big Well Done to Travis for putting on his first contest as a promoter - it's a ton of work and it sounds like he did a great job!

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Congrats guys! Travis, I am impressed you managed to get something like that together so quickly and have it come off so well. Great job. If I was closer I would have liked to be there.

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Thank you all! I could not have done it without the help of you all, especially Joe (Number Ten Ox)...I hope to make it even better next year!

Also, I want to share my thanks to Ben Edwards for guiding me through the steps of each and every facet of the contest. Also, for calibrating mine and Joe's grippers so quickly and efficiently! That was HUGE!

Again, I appreciate all of the help we received (sponsors/tips/examples) and truly CAN'T WAIT for next year to come...

I love you guys!

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Sounds like I missed out on a good time :(. Congrats to everybody though! I hope to make it to the next one! :rock

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Thank you all! I could not have done it without the help of you all, especially Joe (Number Ten Ox)...I hope to make it even better next year!

Also, I want to share my thanks to Ben Edwards for guiding me through the steps of each and every facet of the contest. Also, for calibrating mine and Joe's grippers so quickly and efficiently! That was HUGE!

Again, I appreciate all of the help we received (sponsors/tips/examples) and truly CAN'T WAIT for next year to come...

I love you guys!

Thanks Travis! It was a lot of fun. You're a sharp guy too so that made it even faster.

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Congrats Guys :rock Wow!!! What a finish Robert :rock

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Just got home about 11:00 p.m. last night had a great time

Travis & Joe really did a great job of putting this together my hat is off to

the both of them !! Got a couple pr's the rolling thunder & grippers and had alot

of fun in the process. Thanks everyone

Looking foward to the next one Travis

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Once I learn how to grip, maybe I can actually put up a challenge to you Robert!

Glad to hear you made it home safely!

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Casey, you're EXPECTED to come next year and show everyone up at tearing! I have a whole bin-full of books waitin for ya!

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