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railroad spike bending?

It's amazing how these stories get started. From a 60 penny nail (truth) to a rail road spike ("slightly" over exaggerated claim).

I was looking at this stuff because at work today, a customer was telling me about an old guy who's dead now (convenient) who he swears could partially bend a railroad spike in his bare hands. He gave me the guy's name and where he lived - which wouldn't you know is in a deliverance type area - so I may try to research it.

I've heard these claims many times but it's just hard to swallow.


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i really wished some of these legendary strongmen posted vids or even just posted here, it would help to legitamize some claims. As far as im concerned alot of these guys are just myths no disrespect intended id just like to see it

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Well, straight from Slim's mouth we know that it was a 60 penny nail that Atom bent and Slim duplicated. Someone probably heard that and added the railroad part so there we all of a sudden have the railroad spike claim.

As for the guy at work, I specifically asked him about the diminsions of the spike and he described the actual square thick railroad spikes.

Sorry, but as much as I'd like to, I just can't believe it. It has to take several thousand pounds to bend such a spike. Maybe Eric can calibrate one :D .


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As for the guy at work, I specifically asked him about the diminsions of the spike and he described the actual square thick railroad spikes.

Absolutely not.

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It's not humanly possible and I think it will never be done. i'm all for no limits, but that's about where I draw the line. I don't think anyone could bend one of these with a 6"+ extender on each en much less a regular one. As was said, those were called "spikes" back then and someone probably just added the railroad to embellish the accomplishment or because they were clueless to the difference.

Edited by vikingsrule92
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I remember reading about someone bending a 'sixty-penny railroad spike' before as well. Huh? Which was it? I have a feeling some people just add 'railroad spike' when referring to big nails to make it sound cool.

I think I rememebr hearing that Charles Atlas could bend a railroad spike, and as a little kid I was in awe, wondering how it was possible. Well, having bent a fair amount of steel and watched videos of the best current benders in the world, I am no longer in awe. I am disappointed by the fraud and have trouble believing anything that is not extremely well documented.

Edited by The Writer
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  • 1 month later...

I don't think there are many people around ever that might be able to perform this feat. But did we not just see Gazza bend 2x 6" x 5/16" stainless bars, at least partly so far? It is true, I think most tales of people bending railroad spikes are just that. Tales. Does that mean it is impossible? I would say ask Gazza what is impossible.

You gotta remember the steel of the real old old oldtimers was not what it is today as well. That could have a substantial effect on whether or not old timers big claims on railroad spikes and other big steel are legit. The fact is we really will probably never know. I choose to believe it because, well if I'm never gonna know for sure I think it is allot more fun to think it is true.

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I am no longer in awe. I am disappointed by the fraud and have trouble believing anything that is not extremely well documented.

That is a bit harsh don't you think? I don't know about Atlas, but some of the old guys like the Atom and Zass, they did this stuff for DECADES. Isn't it a bit silly to presume that just because we have done this for a few years or so and those feats still seem so far off for us that means it is impossible? How about we all hit this stuff hard for like 20 more years and have this discussion again.


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The Mighty Atom's feats are well documented, and I am duly impressed by them. However, as far as I know he never claimed to have bent anything near as difficult as a railroad spike would be. I have never so much as seen a picture of a bent railroad spike.

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i really wished some of these legendary strongmen posted vids or even just posted here, it would help to legitamize some claims. As far as im concerned alot of these guys are just myths no disrespect intended id just like to see it

Check out some of these videos; http://www.sandowplus.co.uk/Videos/videos.htm

I especially recomment the Alexander Zass videos hehe

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Im not sure of what to believe in, but I think its intresting to hear about them!

The guy on my avatar is also said to be able bend these spikes. Believe it or not. :)

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i really wished some of these legendary strongmen posted vids or even just posted here, it would help to legitamize some claims. As far as im concerned alot of these guys are just myths no disrespect intended id just like to see it

Check out some of these videos; http://www.sandowplus.co.uk/Videos/videos.htm

I especially recomment the Alexander Zass videos hehe

but then u got vids like this of Thomas Inch and they are a complete fraud, i mean no other way to say it hes using fake weights. Plus these old time strongmen in the Zas vid for ex said he was bending an "iron" bar and as far as i know

Steel > Iron.

Ok i just watched another video on that site, and it has Thomas Inch but its a diferent person this time. Anyways hes lifting a girl "Resista" and he lifts her easily, then she uses her super power and makes herself weigh double and he lifts her but its harder, then she makes herself weigh 14 stones like 3 times as much and he barely lifts her, THEN resista raises her weight to 35 stones, then 40!!!!. am i supposed to respect this con artist? After watching these i feel alot worse about these old "strongmen feats"

Edited by TKtheGreek
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Watching thse other ones Zass vid was really cool, cant fake getting run over by a car

I love the end of the oldest Zass video where a guy smacks Zass in the back of the head with a box. I love Zass' reaction hahaha. Like "wtf??"

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i really wished some of these legendary strongmen posted vids or even just posted here, it would help to legitamize some claims. As far as im concerned alot of these guys are just myths no disrespect intended id just like to see it

Check out some of these videos; http://www.sandowplus.co.uk/Videos/videos.htm

I especially recomment the Alexander Zass videos hehe

Awesome link Mats! Thanks.

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In the video where Zass bends the long bar; why does he pad the end and then bend the unpadded part over his forearm?

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To pad the end of bar on the corners. Bending over the flat side of flat stock doesn't hurt or need much padding, there is a much larger area to dissipate the load. The corners still suck on your hands though. I like the forehead assist on that maneuver as well, all about the bracing baby.

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We all know that a story grow's as it goes threw the grape vine some people do feat's of strength legit and with trickery. Should I believe it when I Chris Angel pick's up the frontend of a cab and hold it for 10 sec's at 165lb's AAAAAHHHHHH I think not. I personally think that a railroad spike bend not happening but we are on a site here with some of the most talented and gifted people on earth that do some incredible feat's hang out. I love wathing people push the envelope and making me push myself it's fun being on a site with a bunch of 1 percenter's proof is in the pudding. I get guy's talking to me about number's all the time but you invite them over for a workout and all you get is excuses of why that can't come buy show it or shut up !!!!! :D

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Should I believe it when I Chris Angel pick's up the frontend of a cab and hold it for 10 sec's at 165lb's AAAAAHHHHHH I think not.

Well the day I believe in ANY of the stuff Angel does, is the day I ... uhm.. no won't happen :D

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This is possible. I am sure of it. Not by me, not for a while anyways. But by guys on here doing it braced and some unbraced I would suspect.

They are 6" x 1/2" square

picture 1

I grabbed some old sorta rusted rail spikes today. They aren't rusted too bad but that certainly could be a contributing factor in weakening them. They are actually very soft steel. I used a piece of pipe and a box end wrench for leverage. Surprisingly I did not have to grip very far out to bend it. Maybe 10-12". I certainly cannot bend 1/2" square hrs at this length. There was NO spring and the pipe and wrench bit into the spike like it was butter. No marks on the pipe or wrench, but you can see the marks on the spike I bent. I did bend the wrench right at the head between the spike and my hand on the first go though, after I bent it back and stacked a second wrench to backup the first I was good to go. I would say this is somewhere north of 3/8 crs or 7/16" hrs level. So at 6" it is a crazy crazy bend, but it is certainly not impossible. I am very confident that Gazza's 6" x 3/8" stainless bend was probably harder than a railroad spike.

bent spike

Newer spikes may have a much higher carbon content than older ones like the ones I have so it is likely that a brand new spike will be much much more difficult at these dimensions. But as far as recreating an old feat, I have some if anyone wants to give it a shot just let me know. I think this is also useful to this discussion speculating whether or not tales of this feat could be true. I don't think many could have done it, but I do certainly believe some of the stories are true now.

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This looks THICK :blink

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That's pretty crazy, but I won't say that's impossible. I think regular railroad spikes are 5/8" square, though.

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A railroad employee informed me the other day that yes some are very soft steel and a pocket knife would actually "bite" into the steel.

May have to try one after all. The one I have though is 5/8 square.


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