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8 Inch Fbbc Spike

Bossie 308

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This was a warmup before a 22 1/2" 5/8 attempt which i failed at !!!

Edited by Bossie308
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Awsome! You got that one down far! I see the 8" keystone being bent soon! :rock:rock:rock

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Nice bend! I still don't get how you guys can kink short stuff like that over your thigh :blush

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Nice bend! I still don't get how you guys can kink short stuff like that over your thigh :blush

I still kink over my knee and feel that it is extra importaint with short bends. Guys doing short stuff over the thigh baffles me too :D

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Nice work Jim! ......... how far did you get w/the 5/8 stuff?

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Friggin' WOW MAN!!!!! :blink :blink :blink You make that look WAY too easy!!! I'm envious of that one for sure. Keep it up buddy, you're on a roll!! :rock

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Awsome! You got that one down far! I see the 8" keystone being bent soon! :rock:rock:rock

Well, I guess the time has come. Can I assume from this comment that John has now switched from the keystones in the 80d as well? I knew he was having trouble finding the keystones and has been using the shiny griprites in the 10 inchers for a while but it didn't know it had hit the 80ds yet.

Great bend!! To get an 8 inch spike in anything is a great bend.

Keep it up.


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Thanks alot guys !! I swore Jonhn gave me a 8 inch dull spike in my kit but i cant find the damn thing anywhere !!!

Matt I started off bracing 60ds over my thighs with shoprags so 8 inches is easy lol !!! Plus my injuries limits my strength training in back exercises so im weak rowing over the knee.

Paul i got the 5/8 to 60-70 degrees?? Lack of endurance i think been to busy playing around with the mustang getting ready for a photoshoot.Thats what happens when you havent had a serious workout in over a month i guess? It will definetly go down soon !!!

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I did and still do the same thing with 60ds to condition. I think it helps.


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I did and still do the same thing with 60ds to condition. I think it helps.


Thanks Stew !!! Tim bracing a 60d over your thigh definetly lets you appreciate the strength of one over doing it DO with thick leather pads.It unbelievable the difference isnt it ??..........

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Definately! Bracing with thinner pads is a whole other challenge because you not only use different angles but you have that point to contend with.

I never post my braced bends below 8 inches because not wanting to cross the two catagories but I have experimented with alot of stuff all the way to bracing a 6 inch by 5/16 inch lawson bolt as we've been calling them. Gives your hands a good workout.


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Wow. :blink:blink Thats a tough bend. Very strong display of strength. :rock

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