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A Show Of Hands


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I thought this might be a cool topic to start. Lets see pics of the benders hands in here. From the blisters to the callouses that form over the palms, whatever! :D

Lets see who has the ugliest hands of the bunch!

chads hand

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Mark's Hand.

Mind the "kink" in my index finger, it's from driving my finger through the nails ;)

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haha not bad!

I was sitting here thinking if I would have even one person put a pic of their hand up! :D

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haha not bad!

I was sitting here thinking if I would have even one person put a pic of their hand up! :D

Well, I didn't made a picture of my hand because of this thread, I used an existing one in my gallery, so then it's worth the trouble :D

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Damn! My hands aren't that ugly since it's been a while since I've bent. I'll have to ugly them up and post here :D

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hell yeah man!!

I wanna see you go after the mag bastard again!

Alright Chad, I'll give it a run once I'm back to 100%. But I still want to see that pink painted Insane :laugh:D

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I'll take the most gayest video known to man with the pink insane around my neck. BWHAHA!! :D

I'll wear it to a Pittsburgh Pirates game... :blink

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Damn Zach!!! :blink

Mine looked something similar before but now from all the crushdown stuff I've been doing my palm skin feels like the leather my crushdown pads are made of :D

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Damn Zach!!! :blink

Mine looked something similar before but now from all the crushdown stuff I've been doing my palm skin feels like the leather my crushdown pads are made of :D

Haha, I hear ya. I was so wrapped up in attempting my next goal shoe at the time that I just ended up saying damn to hell the condition of my hands and go for it. I bent a SCF Regular #2 rim and an SCF Lite 3 plain back to back with that sore on my hand :pinch My hands had never been put through that kind of punishment before and it showed. They've toughened up a tad more now and I haven't had a big blister like that since. Of course, I haven't really bent shoes since then :laugh

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I always rip huge pieces of skin off my middle/fore fingers during the crush. I guess my chalk has more traction than my skin!!! :D:blink :blink

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I always rip huge pieces of skin off my middle/fore fingers during the crush. I guess my chalk has more traction than my skin!!! :D:blink :blink

That's exactly why I chalk so much during big bends. Almost every finger is missing skin after a big bend ;)

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