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10mm X 7" Hrs Round Unbraced


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As the title says, it's not really a PR and I'm pretty sure I can go shorter, but it sure looks nice once bent:

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As the title says, it's not really a PR and I'm pretty sure I can go shorter, but it sure looks nice once bent:

Solid bend Mark! I like how that looks. What would you equate it with at that length? It sure looked harder than a Shiny by a good deal.

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WOW! That thick HRS really has a tough crush on it! I thought 3/8 was hard but 10MM? And it's not a PR? Wow man, just wow :rock :rock :rock

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Well, that's the "funny" thing of HRS. If you are strong enough and fast enough in the kink, it will have a reasonable sharp kink. If you're slow, it will have a wide bend.

Logically with a wide bend the crushdown is much harder.

It's hard to say, since I've gotten quite a bit stronger lately and haven't bend shiny's in a while, so I guess the crushdown on this thing would be similar to the huge shiny except less painful since it's thicker steel.

The initial kink is pretty hard (easier then a G5 though), but once it's moving it's easier then a shiny. ;)

Edited by White Scorpion
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that bar looked crazy :rock

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Great bend! :rock That thing looks fat. I've done 9mm HRS a few times but I don't know how it compares to common stock like bastards/reds. It looks cool and it's fun though.

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Finally saw the video...tghat was some bend :mosher

Edited by The Writer
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I like that one alot! I can't speak for the round but that 10mm square you sent me was quite a bit tougher than the 3/8 square in this country.

Nice bend!


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Thanks guys!

Tim, I wouldn't know either :D

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