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Braced Bending For Promoters


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I've been thinking about it and still want to get some input from the other promoters but what I've come up with for braced bending at the AZ comp is 4 bends just like unbraced.

But you will need 1 bend <36" and 1 bend > 36" with a max length of 48". so you could do 1 long and 1 short or 1 long and 3 short if you wanted for example. Prolly do 2" increments in shorter and 4" increments in longer. the increments are mostly for time reasons so I dont spend an hour cutting one off steel in the middle of the comp. Of course that is still up for discussion. Points to be awarded by the combined placing. Tiebreakers for placing in braced will be time. I plan on having 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", and maybe even 7/8" if its not too pricey. As far as I know there hasnt been braced bending in an American comp so there could be some American Records set if the other promoters agree on this being a reasonable format.

Let me know what you guys think.

- Aaron

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I like that Idea Aaron, you just have to figure out a points format for if one person wins short and another wins long. Will there be square, like 5/8 square for people like Me who can do well in 5/8 but not 3/4? I think that would be better then 7/8 since no one has yet to do that. Maybe other sizes of square too.

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I'm obviously not a promoter, so just slap me if I'm out of line...how do bends of different diameters compare? Say someone bends 14"x1/2" what would that compare to for 5/8"? Also (and I only ask becase I've never tried 3/4") is it likely someone who could bend sub-30" 5/8" stock couldn't bend 48"x3/4"? Would you be stuck with 36"x5/8" as a long bend?

Just curious. I really like the idea of having braced bending in a comp. If I was rich I'd fly out just to be a part of it :D

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I like that Idea Aaron, you just have to figure out a points format for if one person wins short and another wins long. Will there be square, like 5/8 square for people like Me who can do well in 5/8 but not 3/4? I think that would be better then 7/8 since no one has yet to do that. Maybe other sizes of square too.

No square unless you want to bring it for everyone. It would surprise me if you could not do 3/4 considering your best 5/8 bend is better than mine. If one wins short and the other long it would be a tiebreaker of combined total time for their 2 best bends.

I'm obviously not a promoter, so just slap me if I'm out of line...how do bends of different diameters compare? Say someone bends 14"x1/2" what would that compare to for 5/8"? Also (and I only ask becase I've never tried 3/4") is it likely someone who could bend sub-30" 5/8" stock couldn't bend 48"x3/4"? Would you be stuck with 36"x5/8" as a long bend?

Just curious. I really like the idea of having braced bending in a comp. If I was rich I'd fly out just to be a part of it :D

Its hard to compare stuff that far apart directly due to technique and leverage differences. I think thats why Mr. Horne broke his lists up into 3 groups. Its possible yes, and they would be stuck with that 36"x5/8. It would be possible to move the breakpoint down from 36" to say 30 or 32" if there was concensus for that though. Hurry up and win the lottery then so you can come out.

- Aaron

Edited by acorn
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Glad to see you including that. There's many ways the braced bending can be incorporated so whatever you come up with I'm sure will be fine.

Nice job!


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My only advice is that time is shitty as a tiebreaker. Degree bent of toughest stock is best. I didn't do things perfect MGC 5, but I think with a little effort you can come up with something better.

If it were me, I would stick with spike length, 8-14 inches, to make the comp simpler. As far as records, I will DEFINITELTY start a 8-14" record list with your comp, and consider more depending on popularity.

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This sounds like a great comp, really wish I was bit nearer as I would love to compete.

I would say that the 7/8 probably isn't worth doing as I could be wrong but I dont think anyone has moved it off straight more than an inch or so. I would love to see someone do it but the difference between that and even the 20.4mm stuff we call 3/4 is frightening.

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Great input guys, thanks. Bob you bring up an interesting point I had not thought of quite like that. I guess I didnt want to do the 8-14"bends because they arent nearly as fun for me. I figured I would be able to cover steel costs even on the bigger diameters with entry fees though. I think I will make some adjustments.

- Aaron

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I was/am hoping to have a braced bend in my medley at Gripmas = nothing for sure at this point but it is a possible part of the plan. Price is an object of course - 48" of 3/4" isn't like a Bastard Bar or the like in dollars. If 20 guys do that, 3/4", 5/8", 1/2" etc, it's 80' of steel. Something I'll have to factor in of course. We'll see how yours works out before I decide.

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I for one would be willing to pony up a little extra in an entry fee to have the chance to bend some long bars at a competition.

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don't worry bout the $$ cause you can holler at me and I can help ;)

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