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First Night Bending In A Couple Weeks.......


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Hey guys,

Well, I'm finally all moved in here in Jackson, OH. Seems like it took forever to get it all unpacked!!! :blink

Anyway, I finally made it to my garage(woohoo!) for a much needed bending session. I noticed one big thing right away; since it's been almost 2 weeks since I bent, I felt very awkward at first. By the end of my session, I was back to normal though. Enough jabber, here's what was bent:

Warmed up and went for the Grand brutal Hex. Felt awkward and not in the groove, so the kink took WAY too long. Still managed to squish it to 1 7/8'' though. A huge factor on this and all other bends done tonight was it being HOT and me sweating like a piggy. The chalk was turning to mud!! Made it real hard to crush because of my hands sliding around. This bend wasn't all that hard strength wise, but was almost impossible to lock into position due to the slickness. :blink

Then, I found an old Grand shiny I had stuck at 90. Just stuck it in the wraps and didn't re-wrap it. Crushed it to 2 1/2ish'' fairly easily. Didn't try to kill it because I wanted to try some more stuff.

Next, I tried a Mag KOAB just for iso purposes. Hit it about 10 times for like 5-7 sec. per hit. SURPRISE!!! IT MOVED!!! Not much, but it did move, and that's good enough for me!! Got about a 1-2 deg. kink. Very unexpected and pleasant surprise! Check out the pics!!

Mag KOAB mini kink pic

Woo hoo! MKOAB damage!

Just for fun, I hit a piece of 3/8'' steelworks CRS at 5.5'' that I had wobbled back in January. Took it to about 35 degrees!

The rest of the evening was spent just playing around with stuck bars, bending a DC-1, sledge levering, and some random kettlebell work. Just having fun basically. Felt good to be back at it. Look for some serious attempts real soon, as I can now get back in my normal training routine. Later guys! :cool

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Wow Fox, you never cease to amaze me!!! Great to have you back and great to hear you got moved in alright.

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Great stuff Jeremiah! Getting even the tiniest kink in a Grand KOAB is nuts.

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Great job moving the Mag KOAB! :rock

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Amazing stuff. Even moving that shows that it is possible for you at some point! Keep it up!

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Jackson is a 2 hour drive buddy - we need to get together some time soon.

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Great job Fox! :rock:rock

Moving a 5 inch KOAB...I quit! :D

BTW I'm about 3 and a half hours from you now if you are in the Jackson way far south in Ohio!

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yeah, I guess that's an OK bending session. I mean, if you'd done a full bend of the Mag King it might have been a good session :rolleyes

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I was wandering where you've been - hadn't seen and crazy vids in a while :laugh:laugh

great work Fox! :rock

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WOW Jeremiah awesome bending session!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Thanks guys!! Your support is very much appreciated!!! :cool

It's really amazing how much force you can lose when your hands are slipping all over the place! :blink I ended up ripping a couple big pieces of skin off my middle finger on my left hand. I think this was due to me having to squeeze so hard to get some kind of grip when I was crushing down. Oh well, it'll heal, and I'll hit it again. I am pretty excited that my crush strength seems to be up. I was never able to crush a grand shiny like that before. I'll have to give the Mag shiny another ride pretty soon, as I think I can crush it pretty good now. We'll see. I also have some more of that 3/8'' steelworks crs, and I wanna give it a shot at 6'' too. I'll keep you all posted. Later!

Chad, it is indeed the way south Jackson. We'll have to get together sometime. You going to GGC?

Chris, 2 hours ain't bad. we'll have to meet up sometime also.

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