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Fantastic Mistake?


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I was starting to get sick yesterday but did some of my best short bending before the bug kicked my butt and kept me home today.

I'd like some opinions on whether or not the Fantastic I bent (5 minutes) is at 2" or past. I've measured a lot of bars and bent a ton. It's been very rare (maybe 3 times ever) that I've actually done the offcenter measurement that's "allowed." Where you measure like there is no offcenteredness. Hard to explain but all you experienced benders know exactly what I mean by that description. I'll leave the YouTube link to the measurement at the end of my post.

The title will be obvious if I uploaded the video. I video the measurement of the bar, show my crush pads, and my double pads. I didn't video the wrapping because I don't have a ton of time on my camera and I like to prewrap and then just hammer on it after the introduction. I blew through the early stages of the bend fast enough that it soon became obvious to me that I had a really good chance of finishing off my first Fantastic in 5 minutes. So when I took off my outer Ironmind pads I unwrapped them and pulled them apart to show the camera. In fact I bet I wasted a solid 30+ seconds just screwing around with that stuff. When 5 minutes was up I was stuck at 2.25"...or was I? After shutting the video down I laid the bar down again and when I got my breath I looked at it closer. It is about 5/16" offcenter bent. And if I angle it just right, it seems to be 2" on the dot. That's my question then. Did I angle the bar too much just to hit the 2" measurement?

I know the point is moot with certification because there was no witness and I didn't show the final unwrapping. No problem there. It was just a workout bend anyway. Point is that I want to know for my real attempt on the 9th. I don't usually bend bars this much offcenter but I found a few times on the short stuff that I brace my left shoulder (the one that gets injured more easily) and the right arm does more pushing. So I guess that's why the Insane I did before the Fantastic was also about 3/16" offcenter. I'm not asking about the measurement on that one because it ended around 1 and 3/8". Crushed the hell out of it with my 3rd Gen Pads. :D

Thanks for the help!


The video is kind of blurry. Apparently the focus isn't working much these days...Looks like I was shooting a Bigfoot documentary instead of something as simple as checking a measurement. I also took some photos that I'll upload to my gallery.


That's a pretty clear shot of it. I think it's on the 2" mark, but again I'm not sure what the rules are when it's that degree of offcenter bent.

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Off center bends are hard to measure. But that one looks good to me. Congrats! :rock

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It looked to me like it was a little too angled, but I could be wrong. I would lean more towards good with that one then bad, but it's unclear to me. Either way it's amazing, and I don't mean to question you, just stating my opinion.

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Not that I'm an experienced bender, but from geometry, I'd split the angle between the ends to half, and have the ruler perpendicular to that line. Then measure the distance between the end of the shorter end and where the perpendicular line falls at the other end. To me the picture looks like a little too angled to the right, but given the right end is 1/8" less that 2 inches, I'd say it's good.

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Ben, I'll admit that I am the king of off-centeredness. I push more with my right hand; similar to what you were describing. So I have had a ton of experience measuring this kind of stuff! :blush But to me, although the bar is angled slightly to the right, it is still a good bit under the 2'' mark. That awesome bend looks good to me buddy, I say put that one in the books as dead. Was just wondering something though; have you tried measuring it with the long side hanging off the end of the tape? I find it easier to judge these kinds of bends that way. Anyway, congrats buddy!!!! :cool:rock :rock

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Thanks for the input guys! I really won't be upset or anything if you guys says it's not bent. That's why I'm asking for the feedback really. I just need to know because the next one might be bent offcenter like that too. And if that's the case I don't want to keep pushing on it if it's at the 2" mark.

I just uploaded the video to my YouTube page and it looks like I kept hitting it for 2 seconds after the 5 minute time limit anyway, lol.

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Ben, I'll admit that I am the king of off-centeredness. I push more with my right hand; similar to what you were describing. So I have had a ton of experience measuring this kind of stuff! :blush But to me, although the bar is angled slightly to the right, it is still a good bit under the 2'' mark. That awesome bend looks good to me buddy, I say put that one in the books as dead. Was just wondering something though; have you tried measuring it with the long side hanging off the end of the tape? I find it easier to judge these kinds of bends that way. Anyway, congrats buddy!!!! :cool:rock :rock

Thanks Fox! I just watched your Insane bend again and that's the most offcenter Insane I've ever seen. It looked to be about 3/4" or more offcenter! I don't know what you mean by hanging the long end off the tape though. Do you mean lay the tape measure down and then drape the bar on top of it so it's easier to see where both tips are?

Edit: Just saw this picture of David's Mag. http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?autocom...si&img=7694 Great job David!!! Very offcenter buddy. You earned the crushdown on that Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity.er.

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Man thats really close. I would call it good, and if the judges dont, no big deal your are still making great progress. The fantastic will soon fall at your knees and call you master.

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As has been said, it looks a little over angled clockwise but there looks to be enough to spare to allow you to rotate it enough anti-clockwise to have the bend dead centre and still have it sub 2".

I'd say it's bent. :rock

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First of all, terrific bend!!!! :rock

You've asked us to be honest, so here goes:

I just loaded the image in photoshop and set the measurement in to the (to me) correct angle.

In that case the ends of the bar are equal with the outer side of the stripes used to show the measurement.

So the left side of the stripe of the 0 and the right side of the stripe of the 2 both touch the bar.

Assuming that the exact measurement of 2" will be from both centers of the stripes, then it would be wider then 2".

Granted, it's only about 1/2 a mm, but still, could be sufficient for the judges to not approve your bend.

So in this case I would definitely hit it one last time just to be on the safe side.

What I don't understand, why on earth are we discussing this anyway??

You are more then strong enough to crush that thing way past the 2" border,

so don't worry about it and take it down, or better yet, completely destroy it, next time!!!!! :rock

Like I said, awesome bend, but I hate to see it being denied just because you didn't hit it one last time ;)

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Great bend but I think we should stick with measuring from end to end re of how off center it is. Doesnt really matter to me but that is my opinion. Good work Ben you amaze me....Brett

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Thanks again guys! Looks like the consensus is that it's at 2". Of course I'll try to make the next one well inside 2" so there's no doubt at all.

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I would ay good as well Ben and awesome work on the offset that is a super strong bend!!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher:mosher


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I will give it to you Ben just because I like you and you gave a HAND MASSAGE when I came and see a couple of Saturday's ago. Seriously though look's good Ben you will drill it next time no question's under time !!!! :D

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Looks good to me. It's tilted a little toward the long side. But the photo is leaning a bit and creates an optical illusion of it being more tilted than it is. Still looks good though.

Great job man! You killed that "Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity."er :laugh

Edited by David_wigren
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Jeremiah might be the King of off-centered bending, but I've got to at least be a Prince :D Tough call on one picture, but I have to say it does look good, and it does look to me like you have it measured correctly according to the rules.

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Powerfull bending BEN thats good enough for me :rock:bow

Thanks! :D Needs to be way closer together, but that's doable too.

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Geez that's incredible bending!!! I'd definately say it's good even though I agree it's angles more clockwise but you can tell it's still got room to spare.

As for the time I can't say because I can't watch the videos very good.

Great job Buddy!


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I just came on in here to say that I've watched the Fantastic bend video about 35 times by now...that is all! :rock

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Looks good to me. It's tilted a little toward the long side. But the photo is leaning a bit and creates an optical illusion of it being more tilted than it is. Still looks good though.

Great job man! You killed that "Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity."er :laugh

HaHa :laugh

Looks good! like a few have said, angled a little, but then like Tim said you've got enough room to spare to make up for the angle! Its good! and I'm a stickler about crap like that :rolleyes

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Appreciate it guys! Failed on an Insane in Ironmind pads last night. Got to 2.75" and my fingers were hurting so I shut it down. Had a few minutes left though so before the year is out I'll get bored again and take it out right. Did a Big Shiny in Ironmind pads after that in about 2 minutes. My last workout of any kind will be Monday so that'll leave me 5 days before the cert attempt to rest up. Tried the Fantastic in Ironmind pads at the end of the workout and got 13 degrees, haha!

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Appreciate it guys! Failed on an Insane in Ironmind pads last night. Got to 2.75" and my fingers were hurting so I shut it down. Had a few minutes left though so before the year is out I'll get bored again and take it out right. Did a Big Shiny in Ironmind pads after that in about 2 minutes. My last workout of any kind will be Monday so that'll leave me 5 days before the cert attempt to rest up. Tried the Fantastic in Ironmind pads at the end of the workout and got 13 degrees, haha!

Good lord man a BIG SHINY in IM pads in 2 mins. Thats just bad A$$ :bow:bow and scary strong :whacked:whacked. Rest up and Kill the FANTASTIC SHINY in your next workout.

You make me want to bend big steel.

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