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Mag Bastard Bend


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First I have to say that this bend have eluded me for too long. I joined the mag race in januari and finaly finished! Although I could have done it earlier, in late febuary I decided to only use IM pads. Wich sent me back to bend easier stuff.

Well after a few horible misses on the mag with just IM pads, I realized that I only had one left (got a couple dark mags left though). So I used double pads to do it.

Using double pads after only using IM pads after so long felt a bit wierd technice wise. But I've brace bent with double pads and thoose weird long bars unbraced was with double pads. So I'm not that far off with them.

Well to sum up it made the kink really easy. I didn't have a chance to put any force into the bar before it bent. But after the easy kink and easy-ish sweep the crushdown was a different matter. Usually crushing mags isn't a problem for me anymore. But the bar was close to an 1" off center. So the mag almost got away from me this time aswell!

Here's a pic of the dead mag


Felt strong with the double pads so I attempted an insane with good results.

Insane bent past 90 in 48 seconds. A little offcenter aswell. But still good


Mag bastard bend video

I hate short bending

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Thank you guys. I was a bit worried when I saw how off center it was.

I might stick with the double pads for a while and get some bigger bends done before I switch back to IM pads

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Very well done :rock

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awsome job dave i thought you were gonna finish it in like 20 secs the way it was moving

Haha thanks, yeah at first I thought so too. But the combination of the off center bend and me being weak like a girl made it a little longer

Thank you alawadhi

Edited by David_wigren
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Congrats on the Mag bend David. You are a amazing bender man! :rock

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Great job on the way offcenter Mag and also on the Insane to 90! You're close now man. Glad to see you hammering out some big bends with double pads for a while. You know it won't really hurt your Ironmind pad stuff after you come back and get into the groove again. I almost tried an Insane in Ironmind pads again. I think I could have done it yesterday.

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Wow, that's wayyy off center. Great job! :rock

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Thanks for the support!

Ben, An insane in IM pads is truly insane. Sounds like a dorky qliche but it really is. Kinking is my specialty and I can only put a 10 or so degree kink on one with thoose pads.

Yeah Ben I don't think double pads will hurt my IM pads. Double pads are good to make strength gains and crushing through mental barriers. And that is exactly what I need right now. I need to mix it up and hunt down bigger steel for a while.

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Nice going David!

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Alright David!!!! :rock I knew you would slay that thing soon. I also thought you were gonna melt it in like 10 seconds there at the beginning! I wish I had that kind of kink/sweep speed!! :blink :blink :blink I say that the insane isn't far off now buddy.

As far off center as that mag was, it was probably closer to insane strength anyway. I look forward to reading about the impending insane bastard obituary coming from Sweden in the very near future my friend!! :D Congrats again on a killer bend!!

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Nice going David!

Thanks Matt! I was just thinking that concerning how offcenter that was I might have taken your place as the off center prince :D I wouldn't say king since they're not consistantly offcenter :D

Alright David!!!! :rock I knew you would slay that thing soon. I also thought you were gonna melt it in like 10 seconds there at the beginning! I wish I had that kind of kink/sweep speed!! :blink :blink :blink I say that the insane isn't far off now buddy.

As far off center as that mag was, it was probably closer to insane strength anyway. I look forward to reading about the impending insane bastard obituary coming from Sweden in the very near future my friend!! :D Congrats again on a killer bend!!

I would love to have some of that strength you have for the crushdown. I've got decent "final crush" when I can comfortable hold it like a gripper as I crush, but that regular fingers overlocking crush sucks for me. But it is improving so I'm not complaining :D

I hope I get the insane. Your inspiration should help me a little along the way. Thanks for your kind words!

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Race To The INSANE!!!! 1-2-3 GOOOOOO!!!!!

today is a rest day though...dammit! :D

IT'S ON!!!

I'm going to bend soon. I plan to try a huge shiny and after that I'll see if I can take the insane a bit further.

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Nice going David!

Thanks Matt! I was just thinking that concerning how offcenter that was I might have taken your place as the off center prince :D I wouldn't say king since they're not consistantly offcenter :D

Mine are consistently off-center...I'm just not the king because my bends aren't as impressive as Foxan's off-center bends :blush

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Nice going David!

Thanks Matt! I was just thinking that concerning how offcenter that was I might have taken your place as the off center prince :D I wouldn't say king since they're not consistantly offcenter :D

Mine are consistently off-center...I'm just not the king because my bends aren't as impressive as Foxan's off-center bends :blush

That sucks. I use to have that problem but it kind of faded away. But still 50% of my bends are offcenter.

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Awesome bending as usual David :rock

My bends were off center 50% of the time too until I started marking my bar on each side to make sure my wraps were on evenly. When I started doing that it cut down on the off center junk, some are still a little off but not nearly as much as they used to be ;) Try that if you aren't already and let me know if that helps :yikes

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Ladies and gentlemen the godfather!

This is his damn house, he sleeps 20 feet away!

sorry I'm watching Old School and I just had to write that in somebody's thread! :laugh

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That's a great idea Paul, and I noticed that you started doing that. I bent a few peices marked at the sides a few months ago but it didn't help. The kink goes to fast for me so I can't control it :cool and as I do the hybrid motion I paste alot making it more likely to go offcenter even if the pads are completely straight.

Ladies and gentlemen the godfather!

This is his damn house, he sleeps 20 feet away!

sorry I'm watching Old School and I just had to write that in somebody's thread! :laugh

I feel honored :laugh

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I wish I knew how to pull off the hybrid motion! :D

I built Speaker City from the ground up I can barely read. It's true! :tongue

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Great Bending David awesome work finally getting the Mag!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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