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Bare Handed Bending


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This might have been brought up before but what have any of you done bare handed

and what style?

I'm working on a 60D spiral with a paper towel now. I dull the point for obvious reasons.

I've done it DU and Reverse.


Mighty Joe

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I stay away from the bare-handed unbraced bending, but I have done similiar to you. I did a 60d nail in a cheap hanky completely away from my body. I started it reverse out in front then finished it Slim style.

Makes it a tough bend.


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I've done an IM yellow. Kink started with DU up to 40-50 degrees or so then DO. I filed down the sharp edges otherwise the ends just cuts the skin between my thumb and index finger, wich it does anyway but not as much. I don't fancy bare handed stuff. Feels like it has to be at least 7.5-8" long for my hands to be safe from getting cut up.

I've moved a DC1 from 170 to 180 barehanded. But that was a very stupid move. I could defenatly feel the nerves taking damage on that one. BAD PAIN.

I've also crushed alot of bastards and reds from 2.5" and down. Not so bad on this area

I would say that the smartest thing is to avoid barehanded stuff. Bending with 2x2 leather pads is dangorous enough and barehand stuff just has to much of a risk involved

Edited by David_wigren
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I might be able to do a coathanger :tongue

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Got a HKOAB barehanded but kept in on the "down low". I didn't want to steal Paul's spotlight when he got the BKOAB, so let's just keep this news between the two of us, ok! :whistel

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This is a very old gallery post I did but it fits this topic so here it is.

For those interested in the subject that pops up ever now and then "Bare Hand Bending"


Mind you this is not a 60 penny nail so don't grab one and hurt yourself. This is an alloy nail that you can start with to hone your technique and toughen the specific areas of the hand where the nail will be distributing the pressure you apply to it.

I may start working on this little feat in the future but slowly:

I bent the first and only Timber Tie I ever held which was brought to Alaska by Titan and his family while they were on vacation. We met, had a nice dinner and went to the parking lot for a little impromptu bend, ripping, tearing and gripping session. I coached Titan in the art of bending and as I promised he bent his first Yellow nail with much less than a max effort and the blue went way down but not a full bend.

I have also bent a sack of ¼”x6” Grade 2 Carriage bolts bare handed - not painless but not all that hard either.



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I've done a yellow nail. I started it Reverse and finished it DO. It... hurt... A LOT!!!!!

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i have bent a IM yellow aswell.. a mix of DU reverse and DO.

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I can barely wobble 1/4 " x 7 crs reverse barehanded.

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WOOOO WEE that is a phenomenal feat of strength and mental fortitude !!! :rock

Man I love the crazy stuff you can find on that www.strongmanfeats.com site! :tongue

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Ive done some 60d nails reverse style, but Gazza's vid is really the last word in bare handed bending. As much as I'd like to meet him I would be scared to shake his hand.

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I stay away from the bare-handed bending, but except happened

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I've done a yellow and some 60d's. The nails suck, I would stick with filled down bar stock. I start reverse. But I have started DU as well. I've been working on 5/16" hrs, the thicker stuff helps distribute the load more, so working up like g5 g8 is tough because the diameter is still as small as 1/4" crs but the force is much higher. Some thicker aluminum might be good to train with as well.

I have no idea how Gazza does that, I can't even bend that in IM pads.

Speaking of IM pads another method I use is to use them folded over less and less to work towards eliminating them entirely with a tougher stock. Just having callused and tough hands from lifting and physical labor in general I think helps the most with this. You can have all the bending strength from working with pads but it doesn't help you at all if your skin is soft.

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I'm just gonna continue to use my nice soft flexible double wraps from now on... :tongue

my hands can't afford anymore missing skin

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