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Hey! :D

guess what is in the box??


finally the captains of crush grippers had arrived! :rock :rock :rock


I could opened the trainer and the no.1

I could barely close the trainer and there is a half inch gap between the handels in the no.1

I wouldnt even open the no.2 now!


what do you think the best routine for me now?

cheers :)

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Hey! :D

guess what is in the box??


finally the captains of crush grippers had arrived! :rock :rock :rock


I could opened the trainer and the no.1

I could barely close the trainer and there is a half inch gap between the handels in the no.1

I wouldnt even open the no.2 now!


what do you think the best routine for me now?

cheers :)

sorry for the grammar mistakes

I was in a hurry


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Hey! :D

guess what is in the box??


finally the captains of crush grippers had arrived! :rock :rock :rock


I could opened the trainer and the no.1

I could barely close the trainer and there is a half inch gap between the handels in the no.1

I wouldnt even open the no.2 now!


what do you think the best routine for me now?

cheers :)

sorry for the grammar mistakes

I was in a hurry


any good routine for Beginners would be appreciated ;)

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that s a fine looking set of grippers right there

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warmup up on the trainer, then do negatives with the one, two 40 minute workouts a week should be more than enough to start with

1 always warm up your hands

2 do one set with the trainer as many reps as you can( both hands)

3 then singles with the one, try to close it then force it closed with your thigh and hold it there

soon youll be closing the number one COC !!!

also hot water then cold water baths after every training session 2 min hot , 2 min hold repeat,

this will get the blood flowing and help your recover really quick, tiger balm is also great when you overtrain


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Wow. Beautiful :D I've only experienced it twice so far, but there's just nothing like getting a little box filled with grippers ;)

I find overcrushes, forced negatives, and parallel reps work good for me.

Oh, and resist the temptation...DON'T OVERTRAIN!

Edited by Magnus
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did the knife come in the box too? :laugh

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Nice set! As others said, good warmups with the trainer, then heavy attempts with the #1. You'll get it soon. Good luck with training!

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Thank you knyaz for the routine :) it is very helpful but I am gonna make the training shorter so I can train three times :D

Thanks magnus I just kept the grippers in the box from yesterdays workout and I will try not to overtrain but its damn hard! :blink

paul knight lol I used the knife to get the grippers out of the box but forgot to take it out if the table :D

thanks tja, I will work hard when I am training to close the no.1 :rock

cheers! :rock :rock :rock

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I would'nt trian them more then 2 time's a week at the begining I would also look here on the board for vid's on how to set your gripper's. Good technique is key to good progress John Eaton has a good one good luck. :D

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I would'nt trian them more then 2 time's a week at the begining I would also look here on the board for vid's on how to set your gripper's. Good technique is key to good progress John Eaton has a good one good luck. :D

thanks man for your reply :)

I had learned how to set a gripper in the tutorials that are in youtube such as london kettlebell

Man I cant train only 2 times a week!

I can barley hold myself and only train 3 times

It is like telling me not to eat for a week! :D

cheers :rock :rock :rock

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Today after training for like 40 minutes with the trainer and the no.1 I hadnt noticed that my forearms got sore!

So does that mean that I can recover fast and I should workout like 4 times a week or take the KTA?

thanks for your help :)

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I really dont think you are going to be ready for KTA yet i would probably save KTA to go from the COC #2 to the COC #3. I Just did a singles program for a month and i raised 1 gripper but everyone is different.

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I really dont think you are going to be ready for KTA yet i would probably save KTA to go from the COC #2 to the COC #3. I Just did a singles program for a month and i raised 1 gripper but everyone is different.

this was my second training session and i closed the trainer like 4 times and the no.1 but with the spring facing downwards.

Do you think I should train 4 times a week ? because there is no soreness in my forearms right after training!

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I'd just build up the reps on the trainer and try the #1 every other workout.

When you can get two solid closes on the #1 then work it in.

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I'd just build up the reps on the trainer and try the #1 every other workout.

When you can get two solid closes on the #1 then work it in.

yeah I think I am going to train 4 times a week with the trainer to achive 12 full reps and then start with the no.1. :cool

thank you for the reply

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I really dont think you are going to be ready for KTA yet i would probably save KTA to go from the COC #2 to the COC #3. I Just did a singles program for a month and i raised 1 gripper but everyone is different.

this was my second training session and i closed the trainer like 4 times and the no.1 but with the spring facing downwards.

Do you think I should train 4 times a week ? because there is no soreness in my forearms right after training!

In my expierience soreness is not a good indication of overtraining. I have overworked the hands and not felt a bit of soreness.

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I really dont think you are going to be ready for KTA yet i would probably save KTA to go from the COC #2 to the COC #3. I Just did a singles program for a month and i raised 1 gripper but everyone is different.

this was my second training session and i closed the trainer like 4 times and the no.1 but with the spring facing downwards.

Do you think I should train 4 times a week ? because there is no soreness in my forearms right after training!

In my expierience soreness is not a good indication of overtraining. I have overworked the hands and not felt a bit of soreness.

That explains it! :blink

anyway I am gonna train with the trainer 4 times a week until I can rep it for 12 times or so then I am going to train for three days

thanks for the reply :D

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